The Republic Columbus, Indiana Wednesday, April 17, 1928 Page 4 THREE ESTATES ARE APPRAISED Assessor Submis Reports For Inheritance Tax Purposes. Work of appraising three estates for inheritance tax purposes has been completed by Alonzo B. Coons, county assessor, who has submitted his report to Judge Julian Sharpnack. The Rev. David T. Newsom left an estate condsisting of personal property valued at $3,497.72 and real estate appraised at $10,000. The new value of the estates, after certain deductions had been made, was placed at $11,497.72 and on this Mr. Coons has recommended that a tax of $47.04 be assessed. Old Will Probated. The estate of Mrs. Ruth Newsom, widow of the Rev. David T. Nesom concicted only of personal property, real estates having been disposed of according to the terms of his will. The personal property of her estate was appraised at $8,198.30, deductions making the net value of this $7,581.35. Mr. Coons has recommended at tax of $35.82 in this estate.