Selected City Directories

If you have any to add, please let me know.

Brotherton, Eugene (Emma M), wks Indiana Bridge Co, h 825 Wheeling, Neely Ad
Brotherton, James (Jennie), lab, h 1740 W 9th, Forest Park
Brotherton, John (Pearl), driver Delaware Coal & Fuel Co, h  717 S Ebright
Brotherton, Margaret, coremaker, Whitely Malleable Castings Co, h 1740 W 9th, Forest Park
Brotherton, Martha, wid of William,  h 606 E  Adams
Brotherton, Mary, h 606 E Adams
Brotherton, Roy G (Julia), telegraph operator, h 300 E North
Brotherton, William R , Attorney-at-Law, suite 3, Senate Block, 200-1/2 S Walnut, h 606 E Adams
Brown, Albert, stamp works Ball Bros, h 800 S Madison
Brown, James (Ella), wka Indiana Bridge Co, h 921 s Ebright
Brown, James W, lab, h n e cor G and 4th, Whitely   (*denotes colored)
Circle John (Lana), h 1115 w 13th
CITY BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, Geo E Dungan Pres, Oliver Carmichael, Frank J Lafferty, John A Jackson Secy, office 1st floor Court House
City Bottling Works, M F Maner propr, mineral water and pop, 200 w Willard
CITY BUILDING, n w cor Jackson and Mulberry
CITY CAFE, J W Farrell Propr, 118 e Main
CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, John A Jackson City Clerk, of-fice 1st floor Court House
CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER, 1st floor Court House
CITY COURT, Frank L Gass Judge, City Building, n w cor Jackson and Jefferson
CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE, John 0 Potter Engineer, office 1st floor Court House
City Garbage Furnace, 5 Hackley bet 17th and 18th
CITY ICE & COLD STORAGE CO, Clay Whiteley Pres,
Geo Whiteley Secy and Treas, Manufacturers of Pure
Distilled Water Ice, office and factory cor Phim and L E & W Ry
CITY LAUNDRY & TOILET SUPPLY CO, Frank E Hen-derson Propr, 509-511 e Main
CITY LOAN CO, Lewis L Perdiue Agent, Mortgage and Chattle Loans, suites 310-311 Wysor BIk
CITY LOAN CO STORE (Lewis L Perdine, Alvin Dearth), New and Second Hand Stoves, Furniture and Furnishings and Storage, 111 n High
CITY SCHOOLS SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, Benj F Moore Supt, 443-445-447-449
Claibourn Hazel, saleslady "The Fair," h 812 Riverside ave, Riverside
Clapper Shelby (Ellen), lab, h 1925 s Elliott
Clapton John (Luella S), screen door mnfr, h cor Broadway and Boulevard, Whitely
Clark Ada, wid of Charles, h 1191/2 e Washington
Clark Albert F (Pearl L), bolt heater Republic Iron & Steel Co, h 2324 s Jefferson
Clark Alonzo (Eliza), wks Muncie Glass Co ,h 2105 s Franklin
Clark A M (Mary A), traveling salesman, h 804 n Elm
Clark A Smith (Carrie), wks R Meeks & Sons, h 118 e Wysor
Clark Augustus R (Maude S), wks Warner Gear Co, h 1625 s Elm
Clark Artilla, wks Muncie Glass Co, h 1919 w 9th
Clark Charles A, lab Muncie Glass Co, h 1846 w 9th, Forest Park
Clark Charles D (Ida), driver Ice and Cold Storage Co, h 916 s Plum
Clark Chester C (Zella V), machinist Inter-State Automobile Co, h 417 e 7th
Clark Claude C (Leona), foreman Miller's Florist, h 264 Kilgore ave
Clark Dayton, student Indiana Business College, h Muncie R F D 10
Clark Edith, h 916 s Plum
Clark Edward, lab, bds 1303 w 6th
Clark Elias N (Anah), second miller Hibbits Mill Co, h 1901 w 9th
Clark Fred M (Kate), salesman, h 627 w 8th
Clark Gertrude M, librarian High School, h 746 n Elm
Clark Guy A (Mabel J), h 815 s Mulberry
Clark Henry, retired, h 1405 w 10th
Clark Herbert A, student, h 1310 e Main
Clark Jacob (Nora), saloon 424 w 12th, h same
Clark James (Clara), restaurant, 502 Hoyt ave, h 504 Hoyt ave
Clark James H (Elvira), lab, h 1919 w 9th, Forest Park
Clark John, groundman D & M Telephone Co, h 504 Hoyt ave
Clark John C (Lenora L), printer Wesley C Pierce, h 746 n Elm
Clark John N (Martha A), harness maker Eikenberry Bros, h 820 n Walnut
Clark John T (Edna P), pres Home Planing Mill Co, h 410 e 9th
Clark John W (Adeline), wks Republic Iron & Steel Co, h 609 s Brady
Clark Laura, wid Rufus, h 417 w Jackson
Clark Lewis A, Gen Mgr Muncie & Western Ry, h 1310 e Main
Clark Lewis W (Mary M), wks Hemingray Glass Co, h Muncie R F D 7
Clark Matthew (Mary J), lab, h 1846 w 9th, Forest Park Clark Maud, h 814 s Madison
Clark Merrell R, electrician, h 400 e Wysor
Clark Nellie E, deputy trustee Centre Township, h 707 Sutton, Riverside
Clark Pearl L, kindergarten teacher, h 1310 e Main
Clark Ralph H (Savannah M), Treasurer Delaware County, office 2nd floor Court House ,h 705 n Elm
Clark Ray W, student, h 705 n Elm
Clark DR Robert J (Aveline & Clark), h 710 B, Whitely
Clark Rosetta, teacher High School, h 417 w Jackson
Clark Sam, wks Muncie Glass Co
Clark Samuel L (Martha R), retired farmer, h 707 Sutton, Riverside
Clark Sylvester W (Minnie S), janitor Garfield School, h 1701 s Madison
Clark Thos J (Grace E), traveling salesman Jos A Goddard Co, h 400 e Wysor
Clark Thomas J, glass worker, h 1122 e 7th
CLARK Walter B  (Elizabeth), Women's Shoes and Hosiery, 125 w Charles, h 420 s Mound
Clark Warner M (Mary H), mgr Favorite Washer Co, h 119 e 8th
Clark Wick, rms 725 e Jackson
Clark Willetta, wks Muncie Glass Co, h 1919 w 9th, Forest Park
*Clark William B Jr, barber, h 912 s Penn
*Clark Wm H (Laticia), wks American Lawn Mower Co, h 912 s Penn
Clarke Catherine, h 1122 e 7th
Clarke Chas R, machinist Kitselman Bros, rms 223 e Seymour
Clarke Cornelius R, glass worker, h 1122 e 7th
Clarke Edward G, Pres Ontario Silver Co, h n s w Jackson. 1 w bridge, N C
Cromer, Earl, lab, h 909 W 1st
Cromer, Fred (Sarah A), retired, h 412 S Franklin
Cromer, Geo W (Frances J), Attorney-at-Law, suite 201 Vatet Bldg,=20 h  117-1/2 E. Charles
Cromer, William (Carrie B), cement contractor, h 909 W 1st
Davis, J Parker (Armela C), agt Standard Oil Co, h 1709 e Jackson
Davis, John (Minerva), wks moving van, h 911 s Center
Davis, John E (Mary E), wks Levy & Co, h 2024 s Mulberry
Davis, John E (Elizabeth), wks Ball Bros, h 1518 s Madison
Davis, John F (Grace E), wks Ontario Silver Co, h 274 Kilgore ave
Davis, John M, retired, h 602 w North, Riverside
Davis, John W. (Cassie), h 516 s Madison
Davis, John W. (Emma), carpenter, h 714 w Powers
Davis, John W, lab, h 1446 w 15th
Deterling,  Frank (Katheryn M.), piano tuner Ph A. Deterling, h 706 n Mulberry
Deterling, Philip A. (Edna), dealer in Pianos, Organs and Player Pianos, Talking Machines, Musical Merchandise, etc., 205 E Main,  h 412 S Elm (See adv bottom edge.)
Edgington, Cornelia A., wid of Wm,  1607 w Jackson, N C
Edgington Earl, polo player, h 1607 w Jackson, N C
Edgington Mae (Kelly & Edgington), h 1607 w Jackson, N C
Edgington Maxwell, wks Glascock Bros Mfg Co, h 1607 w Jackson, N C
Edgington, Otis (Viola), secy Western Flint Glass Co, Eaton
Freel, Asa S (josie M), printer, Muncie Morning Star, h 649 n Jefferson
Hamel, John R. (Mary E.), G.V. Griffith & Son, Albany
Harry, Glen G.,  propr Harry's Livery and Sale Barn, 210  Seymour, rms same
Harry, Orva, student Indiana Business College, h 503 W Adams
Hinty, Charles T. (Sarah G.), farmer, h n s Bethel, 6 w Wheeling ave.
Hinty, John D., wks Muncie Glove and Garment Co., h n s Bethel, 7 w Wheeling ave.
Hinty, Ulysses T.,(Laura B.),Vice Pres Muncie Glove and Garment Co, h n s Bethel, 7w Wheeling ave.
Holman, Charles (Azalia), trucker L E &  W Ry, h 325 n Monroe
King, George (Margaret), wks C I Ry, h 1514 w 14th
Leaky, Mary, wid of Aaron, h 175 Kilgore ave
Losh, Albert, h 1101 E 5th
Losh, Charles M (Emma), lab, h 513 Highland Ave
Losh, Elizabeth, wid of Thomas, h 1101 E 5th
Losh, Frances, bkpr, h 1101 E 5th
Losh, Frank (Susan), wks Bryan & Shaw, h 309 S Proud
Losh, Isaac, wks Ball Bros., h  1101 E 5th
Losh, Mary, student, h 1101 E 5th
Losh, Perry, h 513 Highland Ave
McDowell, Don G., wks L M McDowell, h 408 s Franklin
McDowell, Edna A., bkpr W A McNaughton Co., h 923 w Main
McDowell, Harry P, clk McDowell & DeViney, h 610 w Main
McDowell, Ida, wid of Alexander, h 515 w Adams
McDowell L Merle, (Lula M), propr Mack's Shoe Hospital, Repairing of Boots and Shoes, 121 e Adams, h 832 n Jefferson
McDowell, Loring R (Coresa R), wks Warner Gear Co, h 715 n Mulberry
McDowell, Mahlon F (Carrie), (McDowell & DeViney), h 610 w Main
McDowell, Mary, wid of John W., h 408 s Franklin
McDowell, R Guy, with McDowell & DeViney, h 610 w Main
McDowell, Robert N (Veta), salesman Samuel Schwartz, h 829 n Jefferson
McDowell, Walter W (Leolina), shoe repairer, 104 w Adams, h 517 s Wolfe
McDowell, William, machinist Kitselman Bros. bds Erie Hotel
McDowell, William A. (Martha J), h 923 w Main
McDowell, William O. wks I U T Co, h 923 w Main
McDowell & DeViney (M F McDowell and Charles DeViney), dealers in Furniture, Stoves, Carpet,
Furnishing and Mattings, 313 s Walnut, Annex 308 s High (see adv.  bottom lines)
Mowery,Chas W, wks Warner Gear Co, h 1409 E 6th, Whitely
Mowery, Isaac G (Mary), carpenter, h 1409 E 6th,  Whitely
Mowery, J. Earl, wks Warner Gear Co, h 1409 E 6th, Whitely
Mowery, Ralph W, pattern maker Whiteley Malleable Castings Co, h 1409 E 6th, Whitely
Murphy, Bert A (Rose), carpenter, h 1024 D, Whitely
Newbold, Geo. W. (Ida), wks Warner Gear Co. h 908 S Grant
Newbold, Geo. (Ida), mach. Kemp Machine Works, h 802 E 5th
Nield, Chas. (Josie), wks Muncie Electric Light Co., h 509 w 9th
Nield, Herbert, wks. Muncie Electric Light Co., h 509 w 9th
Oliver, Frank, (Dora D), teamster Grouleff & Mauck Lumber Co.,  h 513 N Madison
Oliver, Frank, (Dora D),  yard foreman Grouleff & Mauck Lumber Co., h 609 W Powers
Orr,Harry H (Harrye B)(Orr & Orr), Attorney The Western Reserve Life Insurance Co,h 112 s Monroe
Orr, James A (evelyn P), secy Amos Whitely, h 418 Pauline ave, Riverside
Orr, Margaret L, h 609 e Main
Orr, Wm Walter (Mary L) (orr & Orr), h 609 e Main
Orr, Wm W Jr, h 609 e Main
Orr & Orr (Wm Walter and Harry H Orr), Lawyers, 614-617 Wysor Blk
Peacock, Chas, lab Kitselman Bros.
Peacock Henry S. (Lena), teacher High School, h 414 S. Jefferson
Peacock Mrs. Lena D., teacher Washington School, h 414 S. Jefferson
Peacock Mrs. Pearl, h 1718 S. Birch
Pugh, Anna, stenographer and notary public Harv M. Koontz, h 1603 w Jackson, N C
Pugh, Elizabeth, wid of Thomas, h. 1603 w Jackson, N C
Pugh, Milton, h 150 Ohio ave
Pugh, Will E (Hattie M), dairyman Jos A Goddard Co, h 615 n Dill, N C
Artie E. (wife of Edgar E. Long) 33-1/4 acres----RFD Patrons Outside Muncie
Edwin R. (Carrie), lab---In Eaton -
Reno, Wm. H., (Addie), driver United States Express Co. h  412 S Council
Runyon, Edward (Anna E), carpenter, h 1320 Centennial Ave, Whitely
Runyon, John B ( Lydia M), lab, h 920 W  8th
Runyon, Orphaus A, wks United Coal Yards Co, h 1320 Centennial Ave, Whitely
Runyon William R (Louie E), lab, h 1600 E 9th Ave, Whitely
Runyon, Winifred M, h 1320 Centennial Ave, Whitely
Sailors Albert L. (Amanda J), carpenter, h 2809 s Jefferson
Sailors Eva M., house 2809 s. Jefferson
Sailors Nellie, wks The Hinde-Dauch Paper Co., h 2809 s Jefferson
Sharp, Frank C (Anna), wks Muncie Glass Co, h 224 Ohio ave
Sharp, Geo, lab, bds 707 S Walnut
*Sharp, James, wks Ball Bros, h 819 H, Whitely
Sharp, Jesse (Nellie), wks A Feinberg, h 3119 S Monroe
Sharp, John T (Sallie), carpenter, h 435 S Proud
Sharp, J N, wks Warner Gear Co
Sharp, Michael, wks city streets, bds 1117 W 13th
Sharp, Wm (Ella), wks Meeks' Handle Factory, h 501 E 2nd
Shirey, Bertha A, h n s Neely, 3 w Ohio, Neely add
Shirey, Harry E (Lucy), teamster, h n s Neely, 3 w Ohio, Neely add
Shirey, James W, wks Leslie Brand, h  1623 S Jefferson
Shirey, John M, wks Hickman Bros, h 1623 S Jefferson
Shirey, Stanley Ray, teamster, h n s Neely, 3 w Ohio, Neely addition
Stradling, Arthur R (Ella P), wks Ball Bros, h 218 N McKinley, N C
Stradling, Charles L (Ethel), driver W W Trullender, h 907 E Washington
Stradling, Kyle G, machinist G A Carpenter, rms 218 McKinley, N C
Stradling, Lizzie M, h 211 S Franklin
Stradling, Mary E, h 2003 W Jarret, N C
Whitney, Claude, student IU, h 201 e 6th
Whitney, Elizabeth A., wid of Mordecai, h 1225 Kirby ave
Whitney, Elwood, wks Muncie Wheel & Jobbing Co., h 1225 Kirby ave
Whitney, Dr. Emmer A., Matron Muncie Hosp., 515 S Council, h same
Whitney, Frank (Emma M), farmer, h 708 n Jefferson
Whitney, Harry (Hattie), wks Ball Bros, h 1224 e 1st
Whitney, John L. (Clara B), retired farmer, h 201 e 6th
Whitney, John L (Maggie), h 107 n Franklin
Whitney, Lincoln (Clara), wks JT Tuthill, h s e cor 6th and Mulberry
Whitney, Mary M., wid of Lafayette, h 510 Windsor
Whitney, Nellie A., Teacher Whitley School, h 107 n Franklin
Whitney, William, h 221 e 1st
Whitney, Dr. William D., (Emmer A), Supt Muncie Hospital, 515 s Council, h same
