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Forest Grove / Pioneer Cemetery

Abstracted from George R. Wilson’s Historical Notes on Dubois County
Volume 14 pages 26, 27 and 28

“Forest Grove Cemetery was never owned by St. Joseph’s Parish, hence was but a private burial plot for the Catholic settlers, until a cemetery could be established. The area of “Forest Grove Cemetery” probably was not cleared, nor its boundaries well defined and marked. It was not located on a public
roadway, but was situated in a very secluded spot. The original settlers of Jasper were very poor. They were unable to set gravestones for their departed ones and the simple wooden crosses soon fell into decay. Every burial in St. Joseph’s Cemetery directed attention to the new “God’s Acre” whose location was so accessible, and detracted from the interest in this old burial ground. The action of the elements of time, wind, rain and frost all combined to obliterate all traces of the interments in “Forest Grove”. The cemetery site is now on a public road, which if it were entirely opened throughout would be an extension of West 15th Street.”