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Other Columbia Twp Burial Sites

The following cemeteries are included here so that they do not get lost with time. Locations are based on oral history. These burial grounds were probably used by the early owners of the land for their immediate family members, usually children or those that died suddenly. The subsequent landowners may not
have known of these burial grounds or refuse to acknowledge their existence and may have obliterated them. Usually these grave sites were marked using a stone from a creek bed or those removed from fields and known as fieldstones. Sometimes the stones were marked by scratching or chiseling the initials and/
or date onto the stone. The names assigned to some of these cemeteries are those of the landowners of
around 1930.

Lottes Cemetery
T1N R3W Section 31 NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 38°28’20”N

From the town of Dubois and the junction of East Main Street and Fourth Street, turn left at Fourth Street and proceed to Vine Street, turn right and proceed to intersection with Dubois-Cuzco Road, turn left onto Dubois Road Northeast and proceed for 2 miles to Crystal Station Bridge at Patoka River. Burial ground was on Southeast side of river on bluff overlooking PatokaRiver.

George Brosmer Farm Cemetery
T1S R3W Section 09 E1/2

The land patents for this property were held by George Schuster 16 October 1854 and by Samuel Parsons who paid on 03 February 1870

Henry Heeke Farm Cemetery
T1S R3W Section 10 SE /4 and SW 1/4 of NE 1/4

The land patents for the SE 1/4 was held by James King on 07 October 1854 and the SW 1/4 by David Beaty on 28 January 1857.

Katie Thompson Farm Cemetery

This property could not be located at this time. There were two Thompson properties in 1930, one in Section 11; the W 1/2 of SE 1/4, and the other inSection 12; the SW 1/4 of SE 1/4.