Inventory of Caleb H. Allen

Franklin County
July Term A.D. 1859
Pages 372-373

An inventory of the personal estate of Caleb H. Allen deceased taken by Josiah Allen administrator and appraised by William McClure and David H. Gavin

No. Description of the Property Value
1 13 head of hogs @$5 $65.00
2 18 head pigs 20.00
3 5 head of hogs @ $8 40.00
4 1 calf 8.00
5 1 sorrel mare 140.00
6 1 brown mare 40.00
7 1 bay mare 100.00
8 1 bay colt 30.00
9 1 brown colt 40.00
10 1 farm waggon 30.00
11 2 sett wagon harness 12.00
12 plow gears 2.00
13 1 shovel plow 12.00
amount carried over 575.00
[Page 372]
14 1 shovel plow & shovel 4.00
15 1 cutting box 2.00
16 1 cultivator 2.00
17 1 grain scoop shovel & weeding hoe 1.00
18 1 mowing scythe and cradle 1.00
19 1 falling axe & iron wedge 1.50
20 1 steel square 1.00
21 1 double & 2 single trees 1.00
22 1 lot old iron .50
23 1 wooden bucket .35
24 1 feed basket .50
25 94 1/3 Bush wheat @$1.00 14.33
26 15 bushels Barley @ .80 12.00
27 6 bushels Oats @ .20 1.20
28 1 bushel green apples @.35 .35
29 lot of boxes & barrels 1.00
30 20 doz oats & barley @.25 50.00
31 9 bags 1.00
32 lot hay 25.00
33 6½ acres corn on the ground @$8 52.00
34 12 acres Wheat on the ground 50.00
35 lot crocks 5.00
36 hay ladders 2.00
37 1 man's saddle & riding bridle 2.00
38 1 hand saw, drawing knife & auger 1.00
39 1 hay fork .50
40 ½ of fanning mill 6.00
41 1 fancy bed sted 3.00
42 1 desk 2.00
43 saddle bags 4.00
44 lot books 4.00
45 13½ bush potatoes @.30 4.05
46 Account on James Butler 6.25
47 Account on John W. Smith 20.50
48 Money on Hand 510.00
Total $1447.58

Signed by us this 15th day of Feb. 1855
Wm McClure
David H. Gavin, appraisers
Josiah Allen, administrator

Last modified 10 May 2005