Inventory of Archelaus H. Barnum

Franklin County
October Term A.D. 1859
Pages 429-432
An inventory of the goods chattels moneys and effects which were Achilles H. Barnum late of Franklin County in the State of Indiana dec'd taken by John Crist and James Quick freeholders of the vicinity appraisers (being first duly sworn for that purpose) on the 17th day of September A. D. 1852 at the late residence of said deceased.
[Page 429]

Description of the Property Value
box and potatoes .25
barrels .20
mall and wedge .75
boxes .50
hogshs .20
howe and fr[oe] .20
1 plow 2.00
1 plow .50
1 shaving horse .25
1 shovel .50
1 grubing hoe .25
1 scoop shovel .60
1 hay fork .50
1 half bushel .37
rake and basket .10
4 bags .60
1 barrel .10
1 saddle 3.00x
1 ladder .20
single tree & irons .30
double tree & irons .30
2 benches .10
1 mowing scythe .75
1 wheat cradle 2.00
1 bench screw .25
1 fr[oe] .50
[carried forward] $15.27
1 fr[oe] .75
1 broad ax 1.75
1 hand saw 1.25
1 hand saw 1.00
1 wood saw .50
4 mallets .50
1 set of match planes 1.50
1 set of bench planes 2.50
1 set of chissels 3.00
1 box and sundries .50
1 lot of augers 2.00
1 square .50
2 whetstones .25
½ of a crofs cut saw 1.00
1 lot of seasoned lumber 8.00
shingles and lime 1.00
1 two horse wagon 60.00
[Page 430]
2 set of geares 6.00
2 bridles 1.00
1 three year old colt 10.00
1 bay mare 75.00
1 gray mare 80.00x
1 sow and 8 piggs 12.00
7 head of hogs 35.00
1 cow 14.00
1 heifer 12.00
wheat in the stack 12.00
oats in the sheaf 12.60
hay in the barn 8.00
corn in the crib 12.50
wheat in the bushel 20.50
1 lott of potatoes 4.00x
corn in the field 8.00
[carried forward] $423.87
cupboard ware 1.00x
table .50x
stove and trimmings 5.00x
2 chests 1.00x
1 sett of chairs 2.00x
1 clock and glafs 2.00x
1 bedstead and bed 8.00x
1 bedstead and bed 7.00x
smoothing irons and sundries .25x
basket and sundries .50x
1 watch 4.00x
tube & sundaries .50x
1 iron kettle 1.00
1 adze 1.50
timothy seed and sundaries .40
sundaries .25
4 dozen chickens 4.00
money on hand 1.65
January 7, 1847 Chancy Stevens note 26.12
interest on the above 8.90
February 11th 1848 David Griffis note 9.40
interest on the above 2.52
Nov 4th 1848 Asa H. Cone and G. S. Clarks not 26.50
May 18th 1852 deposited in Citizens Bank of Cincinnati 204.80
interest on the above 4.09
March 1st 1848 D. D. Barnum note $128 [Page 432] Due January the first 1849. First endorsement March 5, 1849 $50.00. Second endorsement March 21st 1852 $59.00 Principal remaining 19.00
interest on the above 16.22
Nov 7th 1846. James Hannahs note $13.75. First endorsement January 4th 1848, $4. Principal remaining 9.75
interest this doubtful 3.88
June 1st 1850. Hueston Brooks, book account to a lot of wood (this doubtful) 3.50
[total] $806.47

John Crist
James Quick

x = widow's selection

I Caleb S. Barnum administrator of the estate of Archelaus H. Barnam swear that the foregoing is a true and complete inventory of all the personal estate of said decedent which has come to my knowledge and also the property taken by the widow on the 17th day of September 1852. So help me God.
Caleb L. Barnum
John M. Johnston, Clk C. Franklin County

Last modified 11 May 2005