Inventory of Raymond Clark

Franklin County
July Term AD 1857
Pages 404-405
We, D. F. Cooley and Giles Gant swear that we will honestly appraise the personal and real estate of Raymond Clark, deceased, which may be exhibited to us, so help us God. D. F. Cooley, Giles Gant, appraisers. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of October 1853. James Roseburry, J.P.
An inventory of the personal estate of Raymond Clark, deceased, taken by Hannah Clark, administratrix and appraised by David F. Cooley and Giles Gant

No. Description of the Property Value
1 Fanning mill 4.00x
2 Shovel plough .20x
3 14 chairs 5.87x
4 mantle clock 3.50x
Page 404
5 looking glass large 4.00x
6 card table & oil cloth 2.50x
7 stand table & cover 1.00x
8 work box & thread .25x
9 cupboard 3.00x
10 breakfast table 1.25x
11 small looking glass .75x
12 3 window blinds .87x
13 waiter .12x
14 bed & bedding 18.25x
15 2 bedsteds & cords 2.00x
16 10 lbs carpet chain 2.00x
17 20 bbs carpet rags 1.20x
18 72½ yds calico 6.58x
19 lot of buttons .75x
20 lot of beeds .10x
21 10 cuts stocking yarn 1.37x
22 cupboard ware 5.00x
23 5 crocks, 1 jar, 1 jug .50x
24 kitchen ware 2.84x
25 cooking stove & apparatus 6.00x
26 3 bbls, 2 wash tubs &c 1.00x
27 broom & basket .25x
28 cow & calf 20.00x
29 5 braid or leghorn bonnets 1.00x
30 work basket & wheel head .25x
31 edging, gimp & cap stuff 1.37x
32 10 bed sheets 1.50x
33 7 table cloths 4.50x
34 2 set bed vallains, 11 pillow slips .50x
35 5 lbs cotton yarn & 1 steelyard 1.00x
36 beauro cover .30x
37 8 gallon kettle & 2 smoothing irons .90x
38 scythe & cradle & rake .75x
39 meal seive .10x
40 wood saw, chest, & gimblet .30x
41 2 bbls & soap .50x
42 Hay & 12 chickens 3.50x
43 small stove & some pipe 2.00x
44 another bedsted & cord 1.75x
45 an afs against Jno Knecht 21.55x
46 an afs against Peter Somel 9.00x
47 bed curtains, shovel &c .40x
48 padding & 2 blankets .35x
49 cradle, 2 pillows & goods box .62x
50 2 razors, strops, box &c 30x
Page 405

This transcription is incomplete
widow's selection = x

Last modified 11 September 2002