Inventory of Jones Harris

Franklin County
December Term AD 1850
Page 531
Appraisement bill of the estate of Jones Harris, deceased, late of Franklin County, Indiana made this 22nd day of February 1847. A List of Goods and Chattels

2 mares 75.00
1 falling leaf table 3.00
2 beds and bedding 18.00
1 table stand 1.25
1 barrel of sundries 3.62
2 skillets .87½
1 pair of hand irons .80
1 chest of cloths 1.75
1 half doz. Windsor chairs 3.00
1 fancy bedstead 3.00
1 note of hand dated October 15th 1846 against George Salmon supposed to be worth 4.37
the interest on 1 note of hand against Clements Conn supposed to be worth 96.00

given under our hands and seals this 5th day of April AD 1847. And also certify the above list to be a true appraisement to the best of our knowledge
Thomas Craft
David Hedrick [appraisers]
John Shultz, administrator

Last Updated on 7/25/00