Inventory of Hezekiah Larue

Franklin County
December Term A.D. 1850
Pages 479-482
Inventory of the personal estate of Hezekiah Larue, deceased late of Franklin County Indiana taken November the first A.D. 1849
Names of Articles appraised value
feed box and a lot of old iron .25
neck yoke and 2 spokes .75
flax brake .50
bedstead .25
wood saw & axe 1.25
old bureau .50
grain cradle and 4 old sythes 1.00
hay rigging & ladders .50
slead 2.00
grindstone 1.50
bunch of old shingles .25
waggon 20.00
1 pair of sled runners .50
tea kettle, skillet, frying pan and griddle 1.48
small pot damaged .06x
small pot good old .30
hatchet, auger, plane and drawing knife 1.10x
the smallest old sow 2.50x
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sow & 5 pigs 6.25
4 shoats 7.00
4 fattening hogs 12.00
grub hoe and lot of old iron 1.00
6 barrells, old churn and ½ barrell 1.90
old packing box & barrell .50x
2 boxes and onions .40
3 barrells of potatoes 2.50
2 wood bowls .10
3 high crocks and 3 milk crocks .48x
brought forward 63.92
small brass kettle .25
2 crocks and beans .20
11 old crocks, stone jug and 2 small jars .40
3 wash tubs .15
churn .25x
meat tub and barrell .90x
butter bowl and ladle .30x
small lot of carpenter tools .50
iron wedge and hatchet .15
cupbord 1.25
lantern .25
wheel and reel 2.00
10 plate stove and pipe 4.00
large iron kettle .50x
loom and all its aparatus 2.00
the old mare 35.00x
yearling colt 35.00
young mare 60.00
dun heifer 10.00
red heifer 8.00
dark red cow 12.00
white back cow 14.00
brindle cow 13.00
No. 3 plow 6.00
No. 5 plow 2.50
double tree and single tree .75
stable fork .75
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2 rakes and pitchfork .30
2 sett of gears and breast chains 8.50x
½ bushel and 2 chains .30
6 acres of wheat on the ground No. 1 27.00x
6 acres of wheat on the ground No. 2 24.00
2 calves 5.00
wheelbarrow 1.50
amount brought forward 341.72
handsaw, square and auger and shovel 1.10
grass scythe and grain shovel 1.50
4 hives of bees and 2 empty hives 3.00
windmill 20.00
3 baskets .25x
8 old bags 1.00
4 new bags and 1 old one 1.60x
1 wooden and 2 tin buckets, 3 tin pans, 1 tin cup 1.00
1 shovel and tongs 1.00x
box of iron, 2 gimlets and whetstone .25
steelyards and 2 smoothing irons .60x
2 buckets and sieve .45x
table, cookstove and cupboard 16.00
brass kettle, 2 tin pans and lot of small ware 2.00x
15 sheep 15.00
stack of hay 20.00
corn in the field 40.00x
½ of wheat stack 6.00
1 stack of oats No. 1 20.00
1 stack of oats No. 2 16.00x
broad hoe .25
clock 1.00x
bureau 6.00x
dining table and oil cloth 3.50x
looking glass .75
bedstead and bedding 22.00x
dresser ware 2.40x
dishes, second rate Brittiana tea pot 1.65
6 splint bottom and 3 windsor chairs 3.00x
rocking chair 1.50
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rifle gun 6.00
bedstead and bedding No. 1 7.00
bedstead and bedding No. 2 2.50
amount brought forward 566.42
bedstead and cord 2.00x
bedclothes No. 1 13.00
bed clothes No. 2 13.00
small wheel and stand .50
½ side saddle 2.00x
box and small chair .50
carpet 3.25
knives and box and coffee pot .50x
nurse cradle .50
washboard and bake kettle .25x
butcher's knife and hog hook .25
wash basin and tin pan .30
1 linen sheet .50x
1 quilt calico one .50
violin 1.25
sheets, pillow case, towels 1.65
diaper table cloth cotton .25x
3 pair pillow cases .30x
split bottom rocking chair .37
specie 2.20
cash in bank bill 15.00
note on Thos Rees for $60 dated Nov 1, 1848 due six months after date 61.80
due bill on James G. Larue dated Oct 1 1840 for $1.25 doubtful where anything of worth 1.25

James L. Snow
Allison Larue, appraisers

Those that are marked with a cross was taken by the widow of said deceased at the appraisement, $189.09
attest R. Larue, admin

last modified 3/22/2001