Franklin County Inventories
Book 1, pages 118-119

A bill of the property of Robert M. Sealy, dec'd appraised by
Israel Davis & William Ramy   May the 19th 1815

4 tubs & salt                                         2.50
3 small tubs                                           .25
1 bag                                                 1.25
1 keg                                                  .50
1 basket & shoes                                       .37½
1 piece of leather                                    1.50
1 mans saddle                                         1.25
1 small bag                                            .25
1 plow line                                            .37½
2 tubs                                                 .50
2 chests                                              1.00
1 tin & old irons                                      .25
1 oven & hooks                                        2.50
1 pot & trammel                                       2.00
1 tea kettle                                          1.25
1 spider                                              1.00
1 set smoothen irons                                  1.00
1 gridiron                                            1.00
all the earthenware                                   1.00
all the pewter                                        3.00
all the tin ware                                      2.00
all the tea ware                                      2.00
bottles, viols & glafs & server                       1.00
all the books                                         2.00
all the maps                                          1.00
1 sifter                                              1.00
1 brush & dish tray                                   1.75
1 lookinglafs                                         5.50
horse shoes                                           1.50
3 trunks                                              8.00
3 chairs                                              1.25
total                                                53.25

James Ramy adms of the estate of Robert M. Sely & Elizabeth Sely

Bed laths & Bedstid                                  20.00
womans sadle & bridle                                21.00
sadle bags                                            5.00
3 tubs & bucket                                        .50
waiter & bowls                                         .50
1 churn                                               1.00
1 mans saddle bridle & whip                          15.75

pg 119
3 set of geers, line & whip                          25.00
2 pare hames, traces & blind bridle                   1.00
2 wedges                                              1.75
1 log chain                                           3.75
curry comb & ropes                                     .25
1 plow                                                7.00
1 axe                                                 1.75
1 crooked axe                                         1.75
2 horses                                            160.00
1 mare                                               50.00
1 waggon                                             60.00
cutting box, Knife & steel                            2.00
3 bags                                                 .75
part of a double tree                                  .25
table                                                 1.50
watch & case                                         15.00
clothes                                              50.00
hone, razors & box                                    2.00
boots & hat                                           5.00
hogs                                                  8.00
cow & bell                                           17.00
fowls                                                  .75
tea spoons                                            1.50
treechers & hoe                                       1.25
note on Brackenridge                                 35.00
note on Edwards                                       7.00
total                                              $509.00

By William Ramy & Israel Davis