This Indenture Witnesseth, That the RIVERVIEW CEMETERY COMPANY, a Corporation duly established by law and having its place of business in the city of Seymour, in the County of Jackson and State of Indiana, Conveys and Warrants, for the purpose of sepulture only and subject to the rules and regulation of Corporation, to: Michael Heiwig of Jackson County, in the State of Indiana, in consideration, of the sum of Thiry one[dollars] and 21[cents] Lot No. East half 57, in Section No. 6, as designated upon the plat of said RIVERVIEW CEMETERY, being a part of the north-east quarter of Section Number Seven (7), inTownship Number Six(6), East; in Redding Township, in Jackson County in the State of Indiana. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said RIVERVIEW CEMETERY COMPANY by the Treasurer, thereunto duly authorized has hereunto set its hand and Corporate Seal this 12th day of September 1898 River View Cemetery Company, By Josiah H. Andrews, Treasurer.