Jay County Newspaper Articles



Clipping is hand dated 9/26/59

Former Redkey Man Missing in Tampa Bay

 Donald Hobbs

Redkey, Ind - Mrs. Jessie Hobbs has received a telegram that her son, Donald, 35, and his friend, Bob Long, are missing in Tampa Bay where they went fishing last Saturday afternoon.  The message came from her daughter, Mrs. Betty Merrill of St. Petersburg.  Hobbs and Long were in a rented small motor boat when a storm struck the area.  Five other persons in a cabin cruiser also are missing. 


Hobbs was employed at Sears Roebuck until about four years ago and he was organist at the Christian Science Church. He was also connected with the Indiana Piano Co. at one time.


Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Conger, the latter a sister of Hobbs, have come from Traverse City, Mich., to be with Mrs. Hobbs while awaiting word from searching parties.

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