Jay County Newspaper Articles


Newspaper Clipping hand printed date 1938

 Couple Married 50 Years

 Mr. and Mrs. George Ashley

    George and Mary Ashley of 512 South High street Winchester, were married fifty years ago October 27, 1888.  Both were born in Jay county but have spent all their married life in Randolph county.   To this union were born two sons, Alva and Ralph.  The elder son, Alva, is deceased, and the other son, Ralph, resides in Winchester.  There are seven grandchildren.

    To celebrate their golden wedding anniversary they will hold open house from 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday, October 30.  All friends and acquaintances are invited to call during these hours.   Mr. Ashley is now 72 years of age and Mrs. Ashley is 69 and both enjoy fairly good health.   For forty-nine of the fifty years of his married life Mr. Ashley had been very active in the construction and building trade.


Submitted by Mary Lou Hudson


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