Jay County Newspaper Articles


Clipping hand dated Sun, Oct 31, 1943

To Celebrate Golden Wedding

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Grady


Dunkirk, Ind., Oct 29 - Mr. and Mrs. William F. Grady, of northeast of Dunkirk, will observe their Golden Wedding anniversary with a family dinner and open house at their home Sunday afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock.  They were married a the Immaculate Conception Church in Portland and have spent their entire married life in this community. 

Mrs. Grady is the daughter of William J. and Mary (Haynes) Rook, and was born in Pennville.  She was one of a family of seven children, 5 daughters and 2 sons.  Mr. Grady was born in Union City.  His parents were Patrick and Bridge (Mannix) Grady.  This family consisted of seven children.  He was a farmer and road superintendant several years, before his retirement five years ago.  Politically Mr. Grady is a Democrat.  They are members of the Saint Mary's parish in Dunkirk. 

The Grady family consisted of seven children, namely: Francis S., William J., and Mrs. Samuel A. Smith, all of Indianapolis; Patrick L. of Redkey and Mrs. Edward Chandler of Dunkirk, Joseph, at home, and one son, Michael, deceased.  Two grandsons, Richard B. Grady in the U.S. Army Air Corps and stationed at University of Tennessee, and Patrick L. Grady, U.S. Navy Seabees, Purdue University at Lafayette.

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