William Bussey located in Scott County, Ind., probably as early as 1835. I have been told that he was a native of New York, but know nothing definite of his early history. He had an older brother, Amos, who was a Methodist preacher in this vicinity for many years. William at first belonged to that denomination, and was, I think, a local preacher.

   About 1848 or '50 he left that connection and united with the Liberty Baptist Church, where he was ordained in 1854. He heartily enlisted in ministerial duties, and for many years did regular pastoral work, preaching at times for many of the churches in the southern part of the Association, and some in the bounds of Brownstown. His services were well received, and in some cases were quite successful. His last pastorates were at Kimberlin Creek and Hebron in 1867, not long after which he left the ministry. He died in the early part of 1881, leaving a wife, but I do not know whether there were any children.

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