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These are in no particular date order as I just add them as I do research at the Library so it depends upon what date I happen to be working with. I am trying to get as much from each paper that mentions local people as I can. The name and date of the newspaper will be listed at the beginning then items from that issue. There were a number of different newspapers in Jennings County some were publishing at the same time so you may see a comment listed in two different papers. Few actual obituaries were written but many times in the local news sections a death was mentioned. Marriage and birth information is the same sometimes just a mention in local news. Many of the old communities were not actually towns but people called where they lived things like "Over the Rhine" or "Deer Creek" and wrote in to the paper with what was going on in their neighborhood. If you have questions about what you see feel free to contact me and I can try and help. I will also be adding things like Obituaries or death notices when I see them even if I do not have time to copy all the information from that paper.

If the search engine brings you here use control F to bring up a search box and enter the name you are looking for then hit enter, it will go to each time the name is mentioned every time you hit enter, or will tell you it can find no more. Sheila Kell


Alex Shepherd is able to be out again.
Dr. Fall returned last Friday morning from a business trip to California.
Miss Kittie Jones has returned from an extended visit with friends at St. Louis.
Sam Elliott, Assessor-elect of Sand Creek township, was in the city Monday.
Albert Kaltenbach, of Geneva township, visited relatives in the city yesterday.
Mrs. C. E. Wilkerson, who has been quite sick for the past week, is reported better.
For a couple of weeks past Mrs. Vawter Feagler has been seriously ill. She is now somewhat better.
Sam T. Read, assessor of Vernon township, was in the city Saturday doing business with our merchants
F. M. Coryell, one of the leading farmers of Sand Creek township, was among our many pleasant callers on Thursday.
Mrs. Dr. Robinson, after a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. A. Tripp, has returned to her home in Crestline, O.
Rev. W. T. McGowan has accepted a call from the Christian church at Charlestown, and will remove his family there this week.
Miss Minnie Stahluth, of Columbus, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. John Suhr.
Lost--Hat and veil on Saturday morning. Finder will please leave with James Penniston.
Don't forget the social at Mrs. B. W. Hobson's, Friday night, March 22nd. Come and have a good time.
The ladies aid society of the Christian church will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ellis on Walnut street.
I wish to thank the many friends and neighbors who kindly rendered assistance during the recent illness of my mother and family. C. E. Everhart.
John R. Wells, of Commiskey, who is serving as a petit juror during the present term of court, was a caller at this office last Saturday, while on his way home to spend the Sabbath with his family.
Powell & Morris are congratulating themselves on the bright prospects for a prosperous building season for that firm. They now have on hand more contracts for residences and business houses than they had during all of last year. Their latest and largest contract was taken last week of Mr. Chas. Wright, of Paris Crossing. The building is a brick residence of fourteen rooms.

PENNINSTON--On Friday, March 15, 1895, at her home near the railroad bridge east of this city, Mrs. James Penniston, aged 54 years. Mrs. Penniston's maiden name was Ann Shatterly. She was born near Richmond, O., and moved to North Vernon, with her parents, in 1851, and was united in marriage to James Penniston September 10, 1863. Five children were born to them, three of whom are married--Mrs. Maggie Johnson and Mrs. Cora Beall, of Mt. Carmel, Ill., and Mrs. Maud Gould, of Ludlow, Ky. Funeral services were conducted at the M. E. church, this city, last Sabbath, Rev. Reynolds officiating.

   County Clerk Russell is sick.
   Mrs. Mary Wagner is still improving.
   Granson Osborn was in town Monday.,
   Joe Shea, of Scottsburg is attending court.
   John Egan is very sick with lung fever.
   Tom Harrington spent Sunday in Vernon.
   Geo. Hill left for Oklahoma this morning.
   Geo. Bantz, of North Vernon, was in town Friday.
   Jas. A. Hutchings spent part of Saturday in Vernon.
   W. A. Daily will make a business trip to Kansas soon.
   A. E. Leavitt made a business trip to St. Louis last week.
   Mrs. Applegate has been very sick during the past week.
   Lew Eddy, of Westport, was in Vernon part of last week.
   Columubus B. Herrod, of Scottsburg, attended court last week.
   Ralph Carney's school in Columbia township closed last week.
   Leavitt's spoke factory has shut down for an indefinite time.
   Judge Gibson, of Jeffersonville, attended court here last week.
   Vester Rich has been working in a saw-mill in Jefferson county.
   Miss Carrie Dowd is home from Marion for a week's vacation.
   Geo. Henninger is assisting in a revival meeting at Henryville.
   Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dowd visited relatives at North Vernon, Sunday.
   Miss Lottie Wilson, of Indianapolis, visited her parents here last week.
   L. C. Huckleberry returned from Indianapolis last Wednesday evening.
   Mrs. Allan Stott has been on the sick list for a week past, but is improving.
   Peter Nolty, of Cincinnati, attended the funeral of Fidel Rettig last Thursday.
   Chas. Bolser came home to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Sullivan, last week.
   Guy Weatherington and Will Johnson have gone to Indianapolis to look for work.
   John Rowan will leave in a few days for Greensburg, where he has a job in a spoke factory.
   Several of our citizens attended the funeral of Frank Spaulding, at Rush Branch, Friday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Smith Bolser, of Madison, attended the funeral of Mrs. Betsy Sullivan last Thursday.
   The case of W. A. Shuck vs. J. C. Cope has been sent to Scott county for trial on change of venue.
   I. B. Stearns, of Brewersville, was in town Monday and took his blood hounds with him.
   Mrs. Jennie Hill returned fro Indianapolis, Friday, after buying a large stock of millinery goods.
   Dr. N. Richardson has been confined to his bed for some time with stomach trouble, but is now better.
   Sheriff Bradford took John Bennett back to the asylum Monday. He escaped from there last week.
   The case of Herbert Goff vs. town of Vernon has been sent to Scott county for trial on change of venue.
   Hon. Byron K Elliott, of Indianapolis, attended court last week in the interest of the Big Four R. R.
   Mahlon Johnson has severed his connection with Leavitt's spoke factory and will move to Indianapolis soon.
   The new council has refused to allow the bill of Harman Bros. for putting down the crossing from Basnett's to Morris.
   Judge Walker, of Madison, attended court last week. He was Judge in the railroad case of Meloy vs. Big Four Railroad.
   Fidel Rettig was buried in the Vernon cemetery last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Ida Lodge No. 73 I.O.O.F. buried the remains.
   There was no school in the professor's room on Friday on account of the funeral of Prof. Convoy's brother-in-law, Frank Spaulding.
   Lafe Hand has bought five new buggies and carriages of the Parry Manufacturing Co., at Indianapolis, which he will use in his livery business.
   Trustee Thomas has his stone crusher in working order and will commence this week to crush stone for the road from the Hinchman hill toward town.
   It is rumored that J. H. Wagner & Co. have fully decided to move from Vernon and that they want to locate either in North Vernon or Terre Haute.
   The number of deaths that have been occurring in this vicinity during the past two weeks is alarming. Undertaker Jordan has had almost more than he could attend to.
   The remains of Mrs. Betsy Sullivan, of Indianapolis, formerly of Hayden, was buried at Zion last Thursday morning. Mrs. Sullivan was a sister of Lish and Amos Thomas. The remains were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tyler, Mrs. Tyler being a daughter.
                        March 18, 1895
   George Budd is very sick at this writing.
   Mrs. Anna Engle visited her father last Thursday.
   Jasper Jordan and wife visited at John Dawson's Sunday.
   Miss Mamie Meek visited Mrs. Lou Whitmore over Sunday.
   Mrs. Thomas Hastings will lead prayer meeting next Sunday night.
   George Trapp and Albert Jordan was at Vernon Saturday on business.
   Mr. Dawson's children have the whooping cough, but are better at this writing.
   Hamer Clarkson and sister, Hattie were calling on Mr. Hasting's young folks Sunday evening.
   Mrs. Lulu Winsor, who has been visiting relatives at this place, returned to her home at North Vernon Sunday.

                              March 18, 1895
   Frank Kellar is a resident of Weston.
   William Taulman will move into town in the near future.
   Philip Hargeshimer has commenced work on his new house.
   Wm. Edgare will move over into Lovett township this week.
   James Meek of Kansas has been visiting relatives here for a few days.
   Mason Spencer says he has the largest male chicken in the township and says he has wealth to back it up.

                     March 18, 1895
   Mrs. W. S. Gannon was at North Vernon on Thursday.
   Mr. Cornwith has traded his farm to a Mr. Hawk, of Ohio.
   Wm. Phillips has been on the sick list for the past week.
   Arthur Gannon attended church at North Vernon, Sunday.
   Will Ethel and wife returned to their home at Anderson last week.
   Miss Maggie Muster is at home from Indianapolis for a short visit.
   Ed. Lewis has been at work on his farm the past week, making posts.
   Miss Belle Buchanan, of Hayden, is visiting her brother, E. F. White, last week.
   Henry Kelley expects to move to Cal Eastman's farm, south of town, this week.
   Bert Amick and family, of Scipio, were guests of Sh. H. Amick and wife one day last week.
   Squire Carpenter has moved his family from the Johnson property into the G. P. Campbell property on the J. M. & I.R.R., north-west of town.
   Wm. Williams and B. Cornwith didn't start last Tuesday as they intended, on account of the disagreeable weather. They will start some time this week and will go through by rail, instead of driving through.
   Wm. Schuyler, wife and grandson, Willie, accompanied their niece, Miss Parker, home in Lovel, Ohio, for a visit. They expect to be gone four of five months. Their son, Ivan Schuyler, has moved into their property to take care of it during their absence.
   Tom Tremble and wife moved their household effects here from Franklin last week. They will live in the old home. Mrs. Tremble's parents, Dick Johnson and wife will make their home here with them. They have come to the conclusion that there are worse places than Queensville.  

         March 18, 1895
  Miss Lizzie Frank is visiting friends in Cincinnati.
  George Riggs of Greensburg, is circulating among old friends here.
  Prof. Jeffers will begin his Normal school at Paris Crossing on April 2nd.
  Tom Kay gives possession of his store to Wright & McClanahan April 1.
  Frank Leech and Gela Moray went to Bedford last week to look for work.
  Pete Wills, of Elizabethtown, was a caller at Harman Dixon's last Thursday.
  L. Perrine returned home last week from a visit with relatives in Ripley county.
  D. L. Ray has sold his property here to Milo Higgins and is moving to Paris Crossing today.

        March 18, 1895
  Mina Coryell is better.
  James Donnel is very sick. 
  E. F. Wilson is on the sick list.
  O. M. Coryell has a very sick child.
  We have a man in Marion township who says his time if worth $4 per day and has been for ten years.
  Isaac Davis was showing his smiling face here last week and talking baseball. Isaac is a hustler when there is a ball game up.
  DIED--On March 15th, of congestion, Sarah Marling, wife of Thomas Marling. The remains were interred in the Cana cemetery, Saturday, March 16th. She leaves a husband and one little girl. The family has the sympathy of all.
  The young people organized a literary society at the Upper Cana school house Saturday night. The following officers were elected: S. B. Robbins, President; W. S. Marling, Secretary; Arthur Wilson, Treasurer. They meet every Saturday night.

                          March 19, 1895
  Mr. Grinstead is quite sick.
  Morton Williams is at home on a visit.
  Mrs. Cox, of Napoleon, is visiting her mother.
  Lewis Wiley attended church at Butlerville Sunday.
  Rev. Gray the evangelist, spent Monday afternoon with J. J. Carson.
  Mr. and Mrs. Callicott and daughter, Mrs. Cox, visited at Joseph Rogers' last Sunday.
  D. Carson and family, Irvin Waldron and wife and Mrs. Wildey visited at Mr. Squire's, Sunday.
  Mrs. Sarah Wilson, who has been sick for many months, died on the night of March 13th. Funeral services were conducted at Ebenezer by Rev. Johnson.
  DIED--At his home, March 13th Frank Spaulding. He had been confined to his bed but a short time when the Master called him home. He was a soldier in the late war and was loved and respected by all who knew him. The remains were taken charge of by the G.A.R.  After a funeral sermon by Rev. Campbell the remains were interred in the cemetery at this place.

                   March 18, 1895
  Little Earl Colson is quite sick.
  Mrs. Colson is very poorly.
  Missouri Overturf is on the sick list.
  Mrs. Decker is again on the sick list.
  Annie Kennan is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Colson.
  Wm. Clerkin has been quite sick but is better at this writing.
  Mrs. Courtney was calling on Mrs. Colson one day last week.
  Wm. Colson was calling on John Overturf Monday morning.
  Mrs. Stanley was calling on Dollie Clerkin one day last week.
  Albert Johnson was calling on his brother, Eli, one day last week.
  Mr. and Mrs. Courtney were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Clerkin recently.
  Mamie Spencer has moved to her sister's, Mrs. McDowell, at Butlerville.
  Eli Johnson and John Penn made a business trip to Nebraska last Thursday.
  Thos. Spencer has moved his goods to Milan, where he will live in the future.
  Mr. and Mrs. Overturf were the recent guests of her mother, near Hopewell.
  John Overfurf and wife were calling on E. H. Johnson and wife Sunday evening.
  Emmet Carson, of Rush Branch, was a pleasant caller in this vicinity recently.
  Walter Milhous was the recent guest of the family of Frank Milhous, of Sycamore Valley.
  Mrs. Dudley spent the first of last week with her daughter, Mrs. Emma Clerkin, who was quite sick, but is much better at this writing.

                           March 18, 1895
  Mary S. Coyell, of near Sherwood, is visiting friends here.
  Mrs. Catherine Stearns, of Hartsville is visiting friends here.
  Miss Emma Stearns is visiting her grand parents at Hartsville.
  Miss Effie Robbins spent Sunday with her mother in North Vernon.
  Albion Kidd, of North Vernon, visited his grandfather here last Friday.
  Rev. C. W. Maupin failed to fill his appointment at this place yesterday.
  G.R. davis is unable to work. He slipped and sprained his back and had to remain at home.
  Joseph Richardson and family, of North Vernon, visited his parents Monday and attended the surprise.
  MARRIED--At the residence of F. M. Coryell, one mile west of this place, on Thursday, March 14th, by Esquire Henry Coryell, Mr. Mike Ferdinand and Miss Ora Stonecypher, both of Sardinia Crossing, Decatur county.
  James Richardson and wife visited friends in Bear creek Sunday and stayed over night. They arrived at home Monday just in time to find the house filled and a bountiful table spread, it being Mrs. Richardson's forty-first birthday. She was taken completely by surprise.

                        March 19, 1895
  Amon Walton is again at home with his family.
  Millard Grinstead is quite sick at this writing.
  T. F. Spencer and daughter, Mary, have gone to Milan.
  Wm. Alexander made a business trip to Cincinnati last Saturday.
  Miss Jessie Gallimore is calling on relatives in Osgood this week.
  Mrs Nate Challe spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Holton.
  Mrs. Pollard, of North Vernon, was recently visiting Mrs. Margaret Wolfe.
  J. B. Love, of Chestnut Ridge, was calling on C. D. Wilson quite recently.
  Jas. Cole, of Seymour, was a welcome caller on Butlerville people yesterday.
  Ben Ebbing succeeded in raising the new barn for B. C. Barnum last week.
  Chas. Murphy, of Seymour, was calling on his brother John, last Saturday.
  Mrs. Tillie Hole is favored with the company of her sister from North Madison.
  A. N. Engle was out looking after his farm in Barthlomew county, a few days since.
  Quite a number of soldiers attended Frank Spalding's funeral at Rush Branch Friday.
  Miss Rose Feagler, late of Camby, now of North Vernon, is the guest of Miss Nellie King.
  Mrs. Kendrick is visiting relatives near Cleaves, O. The drug store is closed in her absence.
  Rev. Jetmore preached an able sermon at the Baptist church last Sunday his subject was Religion.
  Jane Luderson, widow of the late Henry Luuderson, deceased, died last night about 12 o'clock, surviving her husband a little over a week.
  Thos. Clarkson, Sr., will soon leave for Elwood where he will assist his son-in-law, W. P. Whitcomb, in the manufacture and sale of fine flavoring extracts. Mr. Whitcomb, who has been on a visit here, started home yesterday.

                         March 18, 1895
  Miles Patrick is the owner of a fine bird dog.
  Fountain Spencer moved to his old home last week.
  David Strock has been very sick, but is better at this writing.
  Will Davis and family, of Grayford, visited at W. P. Carr's on Sunday.
  Wm. West and family will occupy the house vacated by Fount Spencer.
  Mrs. W. P. Carr was a guest of Mrs. Joe Rogers, near Grayford, on Thursday last.
  Quite a number from Oak Dale and Butlerville, attended the funeral of Mrs. H. C. Patrick on Sunday last.
  While Kennie, the little 8 year old son of E. W. Vanscoy, was playing at the barn, one day last week, a ladder fell on him injuring him severely. He is doing nicely under the doctor's care.
  DIED--At her home near Butlerville, on Friday, March 8th, 1895, at 6 o'clock a. m., of neuralgia of the heart, Mrs. Henry C. Patrick, aged 28 yrs. and 8 months. Emma Fields was born in Jefferson county Ind., Dec. 8th, 1887. She was married to Henry C. Patrick, Dec. 24th, 1889, when quite young she removed with her parents to this county and joined the M. E. church at Ebenezer, where she was faithful in attendance, whenever her health would permit. She was of a very affectionate disposition, a kind wife, a loving mother and a good neighbor, and will be sadly missed in this community. She leaves a husband, three little children, an aged mother, three brothers and one sister to mourn their loss. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Campbell, at Ebenezer, on Sunday at 2 p. m. , after which the remains were interred in the cemetery near by, followed by a host of sympathizing friends.
        Farewell Emma, we will miss thee,
             Over on the Golden Shore,
       And when at last again we greet thee,
             We will be parted never more.

In Memoriam
  Howard Richard, infant son of Albert and Nettie Wells, born Jan. 2nd, 1893, died March 8th, 1895, aged 2 yrs., 2 mos., and 6 days. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Ewing, at Commiskey church, after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Graham.
  "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."--Job. 1, 21.
  Little Howard was taken very sick with lung fever, which terminated in typhoid, and after three weeks of patient suffering, the baby spirit left its earthly dwelling and was wafted home to the Maker.
  Constant loving care and medical aid could not proclaim the little sufferer, but, as we saw the beautiful little form, with its waxen hands and face sleeping peacefully in the little white casket, and thought of the spirit child now with its Shepherd above, we would not, had we the power to recall him to this fold of pain and sorrow.

Card of Thanks
  The many kind friends who so freely bestowed their aid and loving sympathy on us during the illness, and at the death of our dear little Howard, will please accept our thanks, and feel that they ever have a father's and monther's sincere and heartfelt gratitude.
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wells

  Miss Addie Adams of Napoleon is visiting friends here.
  Mrs. J. F. Plymate, of Columbus, spent several days last week visiting friends here.
  Dan Robinson is at home after a two month's absence with his Peck's Bad Boy company.
  Will Vawter was here from Seymour Saturday morning--for about fifteen minutes only.
  John Suhr and General Feagler are taking an enumeration of Center township for congressional purposes.
  Mrs. James Tarrell, a former resident of this place but now of Seymour, is visiting the family of James McCauley.
  Harold Cope left Monday morning for New Albany where he accepted a position in the branch produce house of Goyert & Vogel.
  Mrs. James Pennington died at her home in the eastern part of the city Friday morning after an illness of several months, aged about 50 years. A husband and several children are left to mourn her death. Interment in the city cemetery Sunday.


  Mr. John Hayden of Benville, has our thanks for business favors.
  Mrs. Max Reese, of this place was last week visiting friends at Indianapolis.
  Mr. N. C. Leeds has moved his family to Deputy.
  The County Commissioners last week appointed Dr. J. M. Robinson as physician for Geneva township.
  The largest sweet potatoes we have seen this year were left at our office last week by Mr. Geo. S. Rust.
  Mr. James Peppel has removed his family to Cincinnati and is now living at 170 West Fifth Street.
  Terrence Kelly has been appointed agent at this place for the sale of Indiana coal.
  Mr. John Overmyer was at Madison several days last week holding court for Judge Allison.
  Andrews & Co. have just laid in a very large stock of Perfumeries, Notions, School supplies, and all other good in their line.
  The spotted mares belonging to Mr. David Bay were entered as a match team at the Jackson county Fair last week. They carried off the red ribbon.
  Mr. Edwards, of Washington City, attorney for Mr. Kerchner in his claim against the Government, was in town two or three days last week taking depositions.
  Terrence Kelly and Casper Gessner were last week granted license to sell liquors in a less quantity than a quart at a time.
  Prof. E. S. Miller is now in New York City, at No. 9 University Place. A letter from him will occassionally appear in the Plain Dealer.
  Jim Buxton of Jefferson county, cavorted around town on Thursday evening filled to the brim with fighting whiskey. He was taken in and cared for.
  Services were held in the Universalist Church on Sunday morning and evening by Rev. W. S. Bacon.
  An article on the death of Mrs. James Campbell, publication of which was requested by the Women's Temperance League of Geneva Township, reached us too late for insertion in this week's paper. It will appear in full next week.
  Joe Pietzuch has drawn a bueatiful design of the contemplated bridge over the Muscatatuck.
  The brick work of Henry Mayer's new business house was commenced on Monday under the supervision of Mr. J. P. Fable, contractor. The cellar work was done by Mr. Henry Verbarg, and the carpenter work will be done by Caleb Whitmore.
  Brainerd W. Smith, late conductor on the O. & M. Road, but now of Petoskey, Mich., made us a call on Wednesday, Mr. Smith is an agent for Government lands in his district, and is here for the purpose of assistant soldiers to secure farms in Emmet and Charlevoix counties., under the Homestead laws. His headquarters for a week or two yet will be at Lovett, and those interested can address him there.
  There will be a temperance meeting held in the M. E. Church, on Wednesday evening, Sept. 22. Important business will be before the meeting. Come one come all.
Try Siener's fine cigars. Don't fail.
The best medicines known are kept by M. H. Andrews & Co.
A full assortment of gents' ladies' and misses shoes at Euler's. Call and see.
John Haney sells best Heating Stoves.
Hats and Caps--the very latest styles--just received by Tripp & Jones.
Ripe apples, Oranges, Lemons, Grapes, &c. At Gautier's.
  On Friday last to Thos. H. Swift and wife--a son.
  On Wednesday, 15th inst., to Peter Siener and wife,--a daughter
  On Wednesday at Paris Crossing, to Mr. Albert Harlow and wife--twins
  HARRYMAN--WOOD---On September 7th, at Indianapolis, by Rev. H. N. King, Mr. Martin V. Harryman, of Indianapolis, to Miss Lottie A. Wood, formerly of this county.
  JAMES--HUNT---On Friday, 10th isnt., at the residence of J. L. Files, at Paris Crossing, by Rev. Wash. Malick, Mr. Samuel James to Miss Mary Hunt.
  WILSON--AMON---At the residence of the bride's father, on June 24th, 1875, by Rev. Mr. Gasper, Mr. James B. Wilson and Miss Hattie E. Amon.
  DRNNECKER--ANSON--On September 12th, 1875, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. John E. McCoy, Mr. August Dennecker of Madison, Ind., to Miss Ann L. Anson of Butlerville.
FARTHING--On Saturday night 11th inst., at Paris, at the age of 11 years, John son of Robert Farthing.
EULER--On Friday, 10th inst., at her residence at Indianapolis, aged 60 years. Mrs. Margaret Euler, mother of George and John Euler, of this place.
CAMPBELL--On Wednesday night, September 15th, at her residence near Queensville, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Jane Campbell, aged forty-six years.


ANNOUNCEMENTS - Local Elections  (These appear to be political adds but I am not sure if they were paid for or done as a service to the voters)
Editor Banner--Please announce my name as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the will of the Union Voters at the primary election      HENRY CARNEY

Please announce my name as a candidate for the office of Commissioner subject to the decision of the Union voters, of Jennings County, at the primary election   JAMES WILLIAMS

We are authorized to announce the name of F. C. BROUGHER as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Jennings county at the October election, subject to the will of the Union voters at the April election

Editors--Please announce the name of AMOS R. SHEPHERD, of Montgomery township, as a candidate for the office of Treasurer. Subject to the voice of the Union Voters at the primary election. 

Editors--Please announce my name as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Jennings county, subject to the decision of the Union Voters at the Primary election.   ISAIAH L. GREEN

Editors--Please announce the name of LEVI W. TODD as a candidate for the office of Treasurer, at the October election, subject to the will of the Union Voters at the April election

We are authorized to announce the name of ALLEN STOTT as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Jennings County at the October election, subject to the will of the Union voters at the April election.

We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN WHITMORE as a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Jennings county, subject to the primary election.

We are authorized to announce the name of PATRICK D. DAUGHN as a candidate for the office of Auditor, of Jennings county, at the October election, subject to the will of the Union Voters at the April elections.

Editor Banner--Please announce my name as a candidate for the office of Auditor of Jennings county, Ind. subject to the decision of the Union Voters at the primary election in April.   RICHARD A. CONNER

We are authorized to announce the name of HENRY HINCHMAN as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Jennings County, at the October election, subject to the will of the Union voters at the April election.

We are authorized to announce the name of EMSLY HILTON as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Jennings County, subject to the voters of Jennings County.

We are authorized to announce the name of MICAEL HERBERT, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Jennings County, subject to the voters of Jennings County.

"When the Rebellion is put down, the Soldiers shall hold the offices."
OLIVER SHEPHARD, a private of Co. H, 17 Ind. Vol Infantry, who was wounded at the battle of Antietam, and had his right arm shattered by a rebel bullet at the battle of Gettysburg, now asks the patriotic people to favorably consider his claims to the office of Sheriff of Jennings County at the primary election.

We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN S. SHILLIDAY as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, of Jennings county, at the October election, subject tot he will of the Union Voters at the April election.

Editors Banner---Please announce the name of J. M. HODSHIRE as a candidate for nomination for the office of Sheriff, of Jennings county, subject to the primary election.

We are authorized to announce the name of J. H. WHITSETT, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Jennings county, at the October election, subject to the will of the Union Voters at the primary election.

Editor Banner--Please announce the name of MAXA MONCRIEF as a candidate for the nomination for the office of Sheriff, of Jennings county, subject to the primary election

We are authorized to announce the name of C. C. TRIMBLE as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Jennings county at the October election, subject to the will of the Union voters at the April election.

We are authorized to announce the name of SANFORD ELLIOTT, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Jennings County, subject to the primary election.
We are authorized to announce the name of J. W. BANKS, as an independent candidate for the office of Sheriff of Jennings County, subject to the voters at the October election.

We are authorized to announce the name of J. R. THOMPSON, as a candidate for the office of Surveyor of Jennings County, subject to the will of the Union Voters at the primary election.

We are authorized to announce the name of JOHN KING as a candidate for the office of Appriaiser of Real Estate, at the ensuing October election; subject to the will of the people at the primary election.
If I should succeed, I feel myself fully qualified to correct all errors in the description of land in the County.

We are authorized to announce the name of ALLEN W. SHORT, as a candidate for the office of Assessor of Bigger township at the October election, subject to the will of the Union Voters at the April election.

We are authorized to announce the name of TIMOTHY CRONAN as a candidate for the office of Assessor, of Vernon Township, at the October election, subject tot he will of the Union Voters at the primary election.

Editors---Please announce the name of WM. O. WHITE as a candidate for the office of Mayor, at the town election on the second Monday in March.

We are authorized to announce the name of S. W. STORY as a candidate for the office of Trustee of Vernon Township, subject to the Convention in March.


   Marshal Vawter has not resigned.
   Sol Stout gave us a Christmas call.
   Taylor Lindley is the painter.
   George Bowers gets $2,000 for his foot.
   Mell Yater was here Sunday.
   Joe Polk is postmaster at Cana.
   Jim McLaughlin was home last week.
   Fred Collins was home for Christmas, and so was Tom Rust.
   McAllisters Minstrels Friday night.
   Prof. Isley and Stark are visiting at their homes during the holiday vacation.
   Jennings County deer meat for sale at George Verbarg's meat shop.
   Miss Lillie Levy was visiting at Colombus last week.
   A brother of Mr. A. Kimmel died at Madison on Wednesday.
   Martin Rash brought us some of his bride's cake.
   Joel Wilson of Geneva township called to see on Friday.
   Rev. Allen Hill held service in the Baptist church on Sunday.
   The smiling coountenance of Jake Smith is missed at Rech's barber shop.
   Judge New has our thanks for favors in the way of public documents.
   Ed Kyle came home from Texas on Thursday.
   John B. Riggs is doing his level best to drive a brisk trade in furs and hides.
   Oscar Sears, of Indianapolis, was visiting his relatives here and near Lovett last week.
   It was reported a week or so ago, that John L. Goodnow, of Edwardsville, Ill., was dead.
   Tom Russell got three pigeons out of the four he shot at, bring on another breech-loading gun.
   Dr. John G Jones of Versailles, was married on Christmas eve to Miss Sadie Lathrop, daughter of W. R. Lathrop.
   Sardis Summerfield came home on Saturday to spend a few days with his family.
   The cloak room at the Masonic Fair was in the charge of Mr. J. R. Robinson, who performed his duties well.
   Mr. John I. Wilkins, of Geneva township, is a firm friend of ours. He has our thanks for recent financial favors.
   A little difficulty occuring at the Kelly House was settled before the Mayor on Tuesday.
   Sixty-five cents was the sum total of the collection at the temperance meeting.
   Mrs. Kitty Wilkerson and Mrs. Alice Jones were visiting at Columbus on Tuesday.
   The street crossing near Eli Lockwood's residence is being raised to a level with the sidewalk.
   Mrs. Mason talked temperance in the Methodist church on Tuesday night to a small audience. Her speech is well spoken of.
   Mrs. Kent Mason will lecture on temperance, at Vernon, on Friday evening next in the Baptist church. Admittance free.
   Adelza Malmsberry returned on Wednesday last from Iowas where he has been for nearly a year past with his brother, and is now at his home near Butlerville.
   Steady old G. P. Taylor of Zenas made us a pleasant call on Wednesday of last week, and left his name on our subscription book.
   We were glad to meet in our office on Saturday afternoon, Messrs. Obed Amick, Squire Bain and John R. Thompson, all substantial stalwarts of Geneva township.
   William Dean who was seriously injured in a saw mill at Hardensburg two weeks ago, was recently seized with lock jaw from which he died on Friday evening.
   Allie Williams, on Sunday morning stepped on a needle which broke off, leaving the eye half covered in the flesh.. The doctor pincered it out.
   Tom Clapp, of Hartsville, never goes back on the Plain Dealer. We credited his subscription account with some cash on Friday last.
   Rev. Houoser was before the Court on Monday and Tuesday, on suit of A. G. Smith, for lawyer's fees in a former case against Mr. Houser.
   Mr. William B. Prather, chief engineer of the North and South railroad, is locating the line at the crossing of Sand Creek near Butlerville.

   RASH-ZIMMERMAN, On Sunday, December 28th, 1879, by Elder John Brazelton, at the home of the brides parents, Mr. J. M. Rash and Miss Gracie Zimmerman.

DEAD--On Monday December 28, 1879 at the residence of her brother N. A. Piper in this city, of paralysis Mrs. Jane Bailey aged 63 years.

Where our County Officers are From
   Some candidates, notably from Bigger township, appear this year before the people claiming that their townships have been overlooked by the people. Concluding that this must be a question of some interest to the public we give below the facts in the matter. Here they are, beginning with the organization of the Republican Party in 1856:
TREASURER---1856, P. D. Baughn, of Campbell township; 1860, Allen Stott, of Vernon; 1864, R. D. McGammon, of Vernon; 1868, F. C. Brougher, of Sandcreek; 1872, Hiram Elliott, of Campbell; 1876, A. W. Brown, of Spencer. Each Treasurer had two terms.
AUDITOR---1856, J. M. Nelson, of Geneva; 1864, P. D. Baughn, of Campbell; 1868, R. A. Conner, of Campbell; 1872, P. C. McGannon, of Center; The first and last held two terms, the other two one term each.
CLERK--1856, Ben F. Lewis, of Montgomery, in office, elected in 1855; 1863, J. W. Summerfield, of Montgomery; 1869, Abram Wagner, of Vernon, appointed upon the death of Mr. Summerfield; 1870, J. L. Reiley, of Vernon; 1878, Daniel Bacon, of Sandcreek present incumbent.
SHERIFF--1856, S. D. Huckleberry of Campbell; 1858, S. M. Dixon, of Montgomery; 1862, George Humann of Spencer; 1864, S. M. Dixon, of Montgomery; 1868, Henry Hinchman, of Vernon; 1872, W. B. Wilson, of Geneva; 1876, Harmon Dixon, of Vernon, present incumbent.
RECORDER--1855. R. D. McCammon of Vernon, in office. 1858, John B. Conner, of Vernon; 1862, T. J. Reily, of Vernon; 1866, John S. Silver, of Campbell; 1874, Wales M. Campbell, of Marion, now in office.
   According to this list Vernon township has had nine officers, Campbell six; Montgomery, four; Spencer. two; Sandcreek, two; Marion, one; and Center, one. One of those from Vernon, Mr. Abram Wagoner, served only a brief time and probably might be struck from the list. There are four of the above of whose home there might be some doubt. S. M. Dixon was elected Sheriff from Montgomery township; P. D. Baughn, Treasurer, from Campbell township, and afterwards made their homes in Vernon from choice, and were elected to other offices from there. We however, credited them to their original townships for their second offices. J. W. Summerfield served as deputy clerk for some time before his election and of course lived in Vernon, but we think it is important under the circumstances to call him from Montgomery.  R. A. Conner went to the army from Campbell township and on his return located in Center, where he lived when nominated for Auditor, at a primary election on the first Monday in April, 1868. When nominated he removed to his farm in Campbell township where he resided six or seven months before elected. We thought it just to attach him to the township in which he resided when elected. These embrace all the offices in which there is any profit, the others being more annoyance than benefit to the officer, and accordingly we do not go over the long list which they would make. Lovett, Bigger and Columbia appear to have had no officers.

   Prosecutor Holland went down to Lexington, Scott county, on Tuesday morning to look into the cases of a number of men arrested the night  before charged with stealing property of the O. & M. R. R. Co.
   A pigeon match was shot by Pat Dickerson, Jim McCauley and Tom Russell on Saturday, in which Russell came off champion, killing 3 birds out    of 4 shot at. The others each killed 1 bird out of his 4.
   Mrs. Pollock died at her home on Christmas morning. She had attended a funeral the afternoon before and came home from it sick.
   Hi Elliott, of Nebraska, spent an hour with us on Friday. He thinks Nebraska is for Sherman. Besides his many other good qualities he always pays
his subscription promptly, and occasionally one for a neighbor.
   Messrs. Thomas Adams and George Riggs of the lower part of the county, watched the working of our big press on Wednesday.
   J. V. Milhous & Son, of the well known Sycamore Valley Nursery, Butlerville, had some printing done at this office a week or two since which pleased them immensely at least they tell us so, and they are gentlemen who do not prevaricate in the least. When you buy any nursery stock of them you get just what you want and of the best.
   Quite a pleasant time was indulged by the young folks at the ball, at Vernon, on Christmas night. Cross's band, of Seymour, furnished splendid music for the occasion. Supper was set at the American House and--Harry Smith was conceded the cake, as being the hungriest person there. Harry had been fasting for the occasion. We used to think the papers were a little hard on Harry's pie-eating qualities, but now think they drew it pretty mild.

   Paris Lodge, No. 221, F. & A. M., helda public installation December 27th, in their hall at Paris, and the following officers were installed for the ensuing year, after which they partook of a bountiful supper, and everybody present seemed to enjoy themselves finely.
B. F. Russell, W. M.
A. R. Shepherd, S. W.
Jas. McGannon, J. W.
Jas. A. Hill, Treas.
S. M. Hudson, Sec'y.
Jas. H. Wilson, S. D.
John H. Wykoff, J. D.
Robert Farthing, Tyler

                                                                                                         Scipio, Ind.
   The following members of Geneva Lodge, No. 284, F. & A. Masons were installed as officers of the ensuing year, on the 27th. 1879. John I. Bain W. M.;  James H. Newkirk, S. W.;  M. G. Butler, J. W.; Asbury S. Corya, Treaurer; Eliab M. Thompson, Secretary; Scott H. Reynolds, S. D.; W. F. Hutchings, Tyler; and for Trustees  J. M. Wynn, J. S. Vantreese and G. P. Campbell.


                                        December 30, 1879
   Our city is as usual fully represented at court this week.
   Frank B. Wynn, son of Hon. J. M. Wynn, is home on vacation from Asbury University.
   Rev. Mr. Clayton, of Michigan, preached a most excellent sermon at the Presbyterian church. Those who failed to hear him were great losers.
   Mrs. Ment Mason will lecture at the Presbyterian church tomorrow night on the great National Curse--intemperance. She is highly spoken of in a great many of the leading papers.
   Mr. John Riley, of Rock Creek, got fown in water near his home and froze his feet and legs badly, which it is feared may prove fatal.
   Mr. Taylor, of Pennsylvania, spent two or three days last week on a visit to Mr. Wilkerson's.
   Miss Molly Corya fell to-day walking along and broke her ankle. Her mother has been on the invalid list for some months, and Molly was her only help.  We sympathize with the afflicted.
   C. D. Butler went to Indianapolis this morning.

                                                  Crossing, Dec. 29, 1879
   Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hudson, of Traders Point, are visiting at this place now, Mr. Hudson has lost nothing in sixe since we last saw him.
   Mr. L. W. Hudson will move to Kansas in a couple of weeks. He will take a large part of the mill machinery with him. Mr. Hudson has long been known as one of our most enterprising citizens. May success attend him in his new home.
   Mr. Elijah Sampson, who has been sick for some time past with typhoid pneumonia, died last Saturday evening and was buried Monday afternoon by the I.O.O.F., of which he was a member. Mr. Sampson leaves a family and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.  (Elijah Sampson born  Jan. 27, 1834  died December 27, 1879 buried Cave/Dixon Cemetery-"Old" Paris.)

                                        Dec. 30, 1879
   Mr. J. C. Lee is now busily engaged attending court at Vernon.
   H. P. Hole has returned from Somerset, Ky., where he has been engaged in the lumber business for some time past. He reports that business has been successful, and that as soon as the holidays are over he will be off again for the mountains of Kentucky.
   Married, Dec. 25th, at the residence of the brides mother, by Rev. N. Johnson, Mr. Everet Bland to Miss Rebecca Woolman; all of this county.

                                  December 29th, 1879
   Quite a serious accident occurred on Christmas morning at Mr. Christopher Stotts. The ground being covered with ice, his wife being old and feeble, slipped and fell, breaking the neck of the fermur. Her age and previous unsound condition, tender her recovery very doubtful, although she seems to be doing tolerably well at present.
(Elizabeth Daily Stott, wife of Christopher Stott - born June 14, 1812  died August 29, 1880  - buried Westport Cemetery, Westport, Decatur County, Indiana.)
   Mr. Gideon Underwood was in Westport to-day on business.
   Taylor Stott is home on a month's leave of absence.


  The exodus of colored people from the south has become general. They pass through here almost every day on their was to Kansas. They are emigrating to that State from Texas by rail and by wagons and on foot. They are coming up the Mississippi in boats in constantly increasing numbers. they coming to some parts of Indiana from North Carolina, and in Virginia a general movement is anticipated. Is there no means by which the southern whites can be induced to deal honestly with the colored people, so that they can remain where they are?
  For the information of the patrons of the postoffice and that includes everybody, Mr. W.S. Prather, postmaster, has compiled for us matters in which we are interested.
  Thirteen new engines are now being built for the O. & M. R. R. Three of them are switch-engines and one will likely be put at work in the yards at this place. It is needed.
  Henry Knoll is engaged in getting out rough staves in large lots for Jones & Thompson; he ought to know all about staves having been in the coopering business for lo, these many years.
   J.B. McMillan now owns the Shields farm and fish pond northeast of town.
   The first loans of the Building Association created a little boom in real estate transfers. Good.
  George Waughtel, trustee of Geneva township, made us a call on Friday. In his township there are 11 school buildings, 13 teachers engaged, and the school term is six months and a half.
  An infant child of James Dunlap and wife died in this city on Tuesday evening of last week.
  Mrs. Patrick Hester, a worthy old lady, died at her home a few miles from this place on Sunday evening, of paralysis.
  An infant child of William Miller died in this city on Sunday.
  Miss Lillie Branham, daughter of Preston Branham, died at her home in Princton, Ind., at 1 o'clock p.m. January 19th.
   Mr. Thomas O. Johnson, to secure his sheep from the ravages of dogs, has hit upon the novel expedient of furnishing his flock with bells, one on every thrid sheep. He would like to know if any one here has tried the experiment before him, and how successful it was. Our columns are open for discussion of sheep and other stock.
   The surveyors on the line of the new railroad are at work on Fourth and other streets in this city this week.
  The old depot received another patch last week. It's like putting new wine in an old bottle.
  Horace Scott was in town for an hour on Friday morning.
  Mr. A.S.Conner, of this city, started on Monday night to St. Louis, where he will this week attend a meeting of the heirs of the Springer estate, (Mrs. Conner being one of the heirs). The estate is a large one, the city of Wilmington being located on a part of it, and the value is somewhere near eighty millions of dollars. Of course there are hundreds of heirs, as the original Springer lived in the first half of the last century, but for all that there ought to be a slice or two or three hundred thousand for Al's family.
  Hughes & Henderson have moved their stave bucker from Columbus to Dupont, where they will dress a large number of staves.
  Mr. H.C. Kutchback has purchased of F.W. Verbarg his entire stock of merchandise, and will take possession at once and proceed to business. Mr. Verbarg will from this time forward attend to his trustee business, and also to the collection of his accounts.
  The Building Association is moving right along. New shares are being taken and old holders are increasing their stock. Come into it, everybody, for your own interest and the interest of your town.
  County Treasurer A.W. Brown and his brother, W.S. Brown of Spencer township, made us a visit on Tuesday.
  George Riggs, of Montgomery township, and Thomas S. James, of Lovett township, are good men both of them, and both are candidates for the office of Sheriff.
  Alexander Langnecker, who for several weeks has been under treatment of the eminent oculist, Dr. Williams, Cincinnati, has returned home, his eyesight somewhat improved by the operation. He thinks his eyesight will be gradually restored.
   Dr. J.P. Cope, of Vernon, was visiting at Azalia last week. On his way home he made the Plain Dealer office a call.
  A slight collision of freight trains occurred on Wednesday night in which several stock dealers were scalded by steam from the engine and otherwise injured, though not seriously we believe.
  Rev. J.A. Sargent and family are visiting friends in this city.
  The trial of the case of the Indianapolis National Bank against Reiley and others of this county is set for Thursday of next week.
  John H. Wright of Sandcreek township, has been appointed deputy surveyor by county surveyor Prather.
  We are notified of another error in our list of county officers by township published recently. It is said that J.W. Summerfield belonged to Lovett township.
  Dr. J.W. Kyle is sick with erysipelas in the face.
  Jas. A Craig has purchased a traction engine, the first we believe, ever brought into this vicinity.

                                        Jan. 20, 1880
  Mr. H. H. Weeks came home last Saturday after a long absence in the employment of the Cincinnati Southern railroad.
  Mr. T. B. Fodra has commenced teaching a class in penmanship at the schoolhouse here.
   James Cope M. D. will deliver a lecture at the schoolhouse here on next Saturday night Jan. 24. Subject "Life" all are invited to attend.
  Mr. John Weaver is making arrangements to teach a three months term of school here after the close of the public school now in session.
  The exhibition at the Baptist church was continued three nights of last week. The net proceeds were forty dollars, which amount has been applied towards purchasing an organ for said church. The organ purchased is a sterling organ with 13 stops, and costs one hundred dollars. I suppose that very few churches in the county have as fine an organ as our Baptist friends here.
  Married, Jan. 15th, 1880, by Rev. J. E. McCoy, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Ripley, county, Mr. Chalmers McNewlan to Miss Anna Wilson.
  Died, Jan. 16th, 1880, at the residence of his parents, Mr. Clarence M. Owen, of consumption, aged 24 years.
  Mr. J. O. Tanner is going to Lafayette, Ind., to engage in business.

January 19, 1880
  George Wiley has sold his farm to Thomas Madison
  Harry Bradford talks of selling his farm and going west.
  A show at the school house last Saturday night was one of the luxuries of this place; the money taken at the door was about 40 cents. The tax-payers of this neighborhood objected in the school house being used by traveling shows, especially of the class that composed this last company.

Jan. 19, 1880
Work has commenced on the cheese factory building, and I suspect that in the near future Paris Crossing cheese will be eagerly sought after in the principle markets of the west.
  J. M. Swarthout will have an auction sale at his store, in this place, the 23d of this month. He intends to close out his entire stock and remove to Hardensburg, his former home.
  Mr. M. J. Tobias was very seriously injured last week while on his way to the city with a car load of stock. The train being run into by another train.
  The school teachers of this township held and institute at Paris last Saturday; it was well attended, notwithstanding the bad roads
  Sheriff Dixon and family spent several days at Paris and vicinity last week.
  From quite a number of Republicans interviewed in this township the preference for president is strongly in favor of Sherman, with Blain second.
  W.W. Dixon is now selling the cheapest chairs of any man in the state.
  Daily papers are now eagerly sought after to hear the news from Maine.

January 20, 1880
Mrs Storey, living near Oak Grove, died on Friday; funeral at Oak Grove church, Saturday.
  John Call, Jr., is failing fast with consumption.
   The Butler family are all better.
  Molly Corya is getting along well with broken ankle under treatment of Dr. Reynolds, her mother is no better.
  W. D. Clapp, former resident of this township, but for 35 years of Fairfield Iowa, paid his friends a flying visit, coming on Saturday and leaving Monday morning.
  Prof. Reisinger of North Vernon will sing at the Presbyterian church tonight. He wants to get up a class here.
  Our school is moving on smoothly. All seem to be pleased with the clockwork system of our very efficient teachers.
  We are moving up the bridge question. We want our streams bridged and we propose to have it done if possible.
   We will ship from here tomorrow morning 7 car loads of hogs via, North Vernon to Cincinnati; raised fed and shipped by the following gentlemen: Wm. Wright, 93, average 453 lbs.; Jno. Gregg, 38, average 397; J.M. Wyne, 50, average 373; Joseph Childers, 47, average 350; Jared Thompson and James Childers, 45, average 330; total number of hogs, 273; total average weight, 393 1/2 pounds. Come on with your hog show and beat it.
  It has been discovered that our post office is 112 rods from the depot, and in the first 12 years we have traveled nearly 11,000 miles in the mail service. Our P.M. is now officiating as mail carrier.

Jan. 20th, 1880
Mud and rain is all we can boast of here, and of that we have our share.
   J.S. Harper's neew store room is nearing completion slowly but surely.
  The ladies of the Presbyterian Missionary Society gave a musical concert late Friday evening, assisted by F.M. Spraker, M.R. and W.M. Moore. The program was a good one and well rendered.
   Elmore Agnew has turned his attention to raising fine chickens, turkeys etc.
   The temperance society has a membership of one hundred and fifty members, and is in a flourishing condition.
  Billie Smith, of Vernon, is visiting his mother and friends at this place.
  The debating mania has not struck this place yet.
  Business is not on the boom here very much owing to the condition of our roads. If ever we needed a pike from North Vernon to this place it is now.

January 19, 1880
But one mud hole in this country.
  Wheat and grass is growing.
  B.A. Nay has been quite sick but is better.
  Ben Vest will go to Paris Crossing. Success.
   John Wiggan is in poor health.
  Harry Brower is visiting friends here.
   Jas. Warren is building a residence.
  O. Gaddy is doing a clever drug business.
   Our obliging operator, Mr. Glendenning, will move into his new house today.
  Deputy now has a Library Association. The Association is governed by a constitution and by-laws.
   Who will be our next Trustee? This is the question agitating the people.
  We had the pleasure of taking by the hand last Saturday our friend P.B. Ewan, of Hardenburg.
  We have here plenty of gravel, brick and an abundance of stone, but O, the side walks. Straws show which way the wind blows.

NORTH VERNON SUN      December 21, 1876

  SAMUEL MARSH,-DIED--At his residence in Geneva townnship, Wednesday, Dec. 13, 1876, at 3 p.m., Samuel Marsh, age 64 years, 8 months and 17 days.
   He had been in failing health for some time, and from the time he was taken bad, at midnight, Sunday Nov. 19, he never again regained his consciousness or speach, except to partially recognize his family, friends and neighbors, and even then only at intervals, seeming to forget, as soon as gone from his gaze, that anyone had been there. He gradually grew worse, occasionally reviving, until relieved by death; at which time he was surrounded by all his children, seven in number; while his wife lay almost at death's door, in an adjoining room. The scene is one which calls out the deepest and most profound sympathies to those who know what it is to loose the ones who are dear to them. His disease was that of "Chronic Meningitis."
   Deceased had long been identified with the grange movement, and was at the time of his death, lecturer of Sandcreek grange, No. 117, of Elizabethtown, Bartholomew county, Ind. He was buried by that order.
   But for the fact that man was born to die, it would be difficult to reconcile ourselves to the pains and tortures which the scene of the death-bed brings to our hearts. Death is an unwelcome visitor in any and every shade of life, whether beneath the parental roof softened by the surrounding presence of sorrowing relatives and sympathizing friends, or alone in the hovel of the poor where want and poverty leans is pity and shame upon the world's cold charity- -it is all the same.
   Its noiseless approach has the same unwelcome terror for the prince in his gold tinselled hall-for the sage in his palace, the hermit in his seclusion, the philosopher in his garret, as it has for the prisoner in his lonely cell. It mandates bring us all to a common level. But it is most painful to record the death of one who stood by the cradle of our infancy and bore us up from dependency to manhood. In reflecting upon it the recollections of a life-time flit in visions before us. The drama of childhood is re-enacted and the stage of mimic plays glide in quick succession from the cradle to the grave. At last the curtain falls and the dark river of time rolls between us and life and all beyond is the great unknown.
   Thus it is our sad duty to pay the last tribute of respect to the memory of one most dear to us.
   Samuel Marsh was born in Harrison county, Ky., March 26, 1812, came to Indiana with his father, James Marsh, in 1825; settled at Azalia, Bartholomew county; moved to Rock-creek in Geneva township this county in 1836, just 40 years ago, at which place he resided until the time of his death.
   Think of it! Forty years ago Rock-creek was a howling wilderness and the lairs of wild beasts and the wigwams of the red men had scarcely given away to the onward march of civilization. Two generation of men have passed away since then. The lands that were shaded by the densest forest that shed its foliage upon American soil have been transformed from a desert to open fields and beautiful homes. It was here he began life alone and peniless. Where once stood the wigwam of the savage stands the school and church now stand. He helped to make life in Indiana bearable, by braving all the disadvantages of a home in the wilderness. He met and conquered the monarch of the forest; he drained the lowlands and made grow two blades of grass where before only one had grown. What will the present generation do to add to his work? Mr. Marsh first married Miss Susan Daugherty, who together with an infant child he has called to bury shortly afterwards.
   He then married Miss Minerva Brown, daughter of Randal Brown, of Ripley county, Ind., with whom he was permitted to live only a few short years, and she too was laid beside the first. The issue of second marriage was William J. and Jas. N. Marsh, the latter, editor of the SUN. She died when Jas. N. was but an infant, fourteen days of age, July 23, 1844.
   After that he married Elizabeth Chandler daughter of Alfred Chandler, who at that time resided two miles north of Vernon. She is the mother of five children and still survivies the deceased husband, though at the time of his death, her life was despaired of.
   Mr. Marsh was the last of his father's family. He leaves seven children mostly all grown up.
   Owing to the fact that in his youth there were no schools he received the benefits of but a meagre education; but being possessed by nature with a robust brain and indomitable will he overcame many adversities and gathered about him more than a sufficiency of this world's goods. By his generosity he at one time became the indorser for a friend and had to pay over $20,000, still he leaves one of the largest estates in our county.
   Endowed with sterling good sense and a will made of iron he never shrank from any task, however great.
   It is but fair and just to say that what he has bequeathed to his children was honestly made, and no man living, can say that Samuel Marsh ever wronged him out of a farthing; but the poor of his neighborhood will ever regret his sudden demise. Their calls for aid when the cold blasts of winter howled about their scanty homes never were unheard by him. He answered their wants and lightened their burden-and their tears to-day follow him to his grave. Such is his reward.
   After a long and eventful life covering the most interesting period of our national existance; a period that has seen empires rise and fall and kingdoms fade into nothingness; a period that has seen the successful termination of three great wars in this country, and a final settlement of all the questions growing out of them; a period that has seen the invention of Fulton wrought to its perfection, and the genius of Morse sending the lightnings of heaven from continent to continent and under both oceans; in the noon-tide of this period filled with great promise he is gathered to the fathers and sleeps the sleep that knows no waking in the old home grave at Reddington, Jackson county, Indiana.
   The cold winds may howl above his grave the poor and hungry may cry for bread, the young and gay may sing their songs of youth and joy, the haughty and powerful may tread in scorn upon the earth, blasts of war may shake nations to their center, and revolting nature defy the laws of God, but his sleep will be peace and joy forever.

PARIS CORRESPONDENCE Decenber 16th, 1876

   Mr. D. M. Hill has gone to Sharpsville, this state, to spend the winter with his son-in-law, Mr. Fish
   Mr. Solomon Deputy will start his saw mill on Coffee Creek next Monday.
   A debating Club was organized at this place Thursday night. Meeting will be held once a week. The first question for discussion will be whether women should be allowed to vote or not.
   A protracted meeting has been going on for more than two weeks but will soon be broken up unless some of the rowdies are called on by the proper authorities.
   The mother of Mr. Joseph Ayers met with quite an accident one night last week. While going home from church, she slipped and fell, dislocating her thigh.
   Charlie Hatch showed his smiling face among us for a short time last week.

NORTH VERNON SUN      Thursday, January 24, 1929

Mrs Katherine (McGannon) Koerner, resident of Meeker county since 1859, when the John and Thomas McGannon families from Vernon, Indiana, located in Litchield township near Minnebelle, passed away last Saturday, January 5, 1929, following a stroke suffered a couple of days previous.
   Mrs. Koerner was born in Vernon township, Jennings county, Indiana, February 14th 1845. Three years after the family located in Meeker county they were driven out by the Sioux uprising and lived at Anoka for a time. They returned to this county after the Indian troubles quited down and on September 3rd, 1865 she was married to August T. Koerner, who had served nearly five years in the war of the rebellion. She lived on the farm with her family most of the time till 1876 when they moved to Litchfield and she had been a resident here ever since during the whole time on the same block corner. During Mr. Kroerner's service as State Treasurer for six years they lived in St. Paul, but maintained their home here.
  Deceased had seen this section develop from a wilderness to a well settled and well improved farming county. She saw transportation progress from the oxcart to the airplane, and not long ago took and enjoyed a ride in an airplane, showing her interest in aviation. She took a lively interest in politics from the Republican standpoint. She was a loving wife, mother and friend and a devout christian and member of the Christian church. She is survived by a son Carney Koerner, and a daughter Mrs. Pauline K. Stone, wife of Attorney Ralph A. Stone of St. Paul. Four children preceeded her in death. One sister is living, Mrs. Mary Belfoy of Providence, Rhode Island. Six grand children and four great grandchildren are living.
  Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the home. Rev. R. L. Warickman officiating. Internment was in Lake Ripley Cemetery.
  Among those from out of town who attended the funeral were: S. Y. Gordon, Browns Valley; Eldo McGannon, Darvin; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Corkins, Cakate; Mr. W. H. Strong, Sidney Strong, Atwater; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Harris and Mrs. Charles Phelps, Minneapolis; --The Litchfield (Minnesota) Independent.
  Mrs. August T.(Katherine) Koerner was the daughter of late John (Jack) and Mary (Polly) Carney McGannon formerly of Freedom Church neighborhood, Jennings county, Indiana. She was also a sister of the late Capt. Carney McGannon of North Vernon, former county Auditor and owner and proprioter of North Vernon Flour Mills.

NORTH VERNON SUN      Thursday, January 28, 1925

Crawfordsville Indiana, Dec.29--Dr. Martha Hutchings Griffith, 82 years old, one of the oldest practicing women physicians in the United States, and for thirty-years a local doctor, died early Sunday at her home here. Dr. Griffith was injured in a fall a year ago from which she has never recovered.
   Dr. Griffith was an active worker in the Federation of Women's Clubs, in the suffrage movement and all women's activities. She was one of the oldest members of the Montgomery County Medical Association and had practiced medicine for forty years. She was also a member of the Christian Church, the Eastern Star and the auxillary to the G.A.R.
   Dr. Griffith's husband, the late Dr. Thomas J. Griffith, died about a year ago and was then the oldest member of the Montgomery Medical Association. Funeral services for Dr. Griffith will be held tomorrow afternoon--Indianapolis Star.
   Dr. Martha Hutchings Griffith spent her girlhood days at Vernon, and was a sister of the late James A. Hutchings who for many years was a hardware and furniture dealer in Vernon.
   Mrs. Dr. Griffith visited Vernon a few years ago coming back to attend a Home Coming and Jennings County Reunion and while on that visit the writer recalls a conversation in which she told of the inconvenience she suffered when she first attempted to study medicine. In early days she said it was considered by many people to be far out of a womans sphere to be a woman medical doctor. So when it began to be nosed about that she was studying medicine, her relatives and friends arose up in wrathy indignation thereby condemming her for what they considered an outragious undertaking. However with the consent of her father (over the objection of her mother) and through the courtesies of two well known practicing physicians of Vernon at that time, Dr. John Tipton Shields and Dr. Pabody she was enabled to secure enough of their medicine books to begin her first studies. Afterwards she attended various medical schools and became a noted physician.
   At the time of her last visit to Vernon, she, her husband and only son, were actively engaged in the practice of medicine at Crawfordsville, Ind.
   Mrs. Griffith is remembered here as being a woman of wonderful and pleasing personality and there will remain in Jennings county men and women who knew her in those early days of her life spent in Vernon and to the younger generation who met her at Home Coming time she to them, will be an inspiration and a shining light.

Lawrence Bernard More, son of Geo. and Lydia More, was born in Hayden on June 13th, 1869. He moved to North Vernon in 1889. He was married to Mary Davis in 1895 and to this union was born two children Robert and Brontz.
   He was stricken suddenly on Sept. 25th, of last year. After an operation in the Schneck hospital at Seymour on Oct. 6th he recovered sufficiently to return home. Although afflicted with carcinoma of the bowels, he decided to undergo another operation in the hopes of completely regaining his health. On Dec. 11th his wife and brother Anderson More took him to Indianapolis where another operation was performed at the Robert Long hospital on the morning of Dec. 30th. He passed away at 10:25 p.m. on Dec. 31st, 1924.
   Funeral services were held at the M.E. Church Jan. 4th, 1925, under the auspices of the Red Men of which he was a member. He was also a member of the Masonic Order at Hayden. Burial at Hayden cemetery.
   He is survived by his wife, son and daughter, one grandson, four brothers, W. L. More and Anderson More of this city, Chas. N. More of Indianapolis and Edgar More of Anderson.

The regular meeting of the Jennings County Historical Society will take place at the library on next Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the following is the tentaive program.
   Piano solo by Miss. G. Sharp.
   Reminiscenses of an early inhabitant of North Vernon, Mrs. Henrietta Elliott.
   Some Accomplishments and Future Objectives of the Jennings County Post of the American Legion--to be read by one of the Legion.
   The lack of written material on the Legendary and Traditional History of Jennings County--Cannot the Society Assist in this Matter?--Mrs. J. P. Caldwell.
   It is hoped that there will be a good attendance as plans for the good of the Society for the coming year no doubt will be discussed, the program also will present very attractive numbers.
   Each member is asked to come prepared with a bit of traditional history of the county which has not found its way as yet to the printed page or between the covers of a book. Great men may have passed through here in the early days, prehistoric relics may have been discovered, epigrams and truths relating to the history of the county may have been uttered, enterprises may have been started, and the names of the beautiful and historic places of the county may have been given as the result of some pretty or picturesque incident--all of which up to date have been unavailable, because they have not as yet found their way into record of any sort through print or manuscript which is obtainable.
   An interesting picture relating to the flag and to the Declaration of Independence, also a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to Mrs. Jefferson regarding the future of Independence Day, both of which are loaned by Mr. George Bantz of this city, will be on display for examination by the audience.
   Mrs. Isaac Palmer Caldwell, Chairman, Program Committee, Jennings County Historical Society.

JENNINGS COUNTY NEWS      September 17, 1925

Spencer Families Enjoy Social Time at Gathering
The descendants of Robert, Samuel, Moses and Jackson Spencer met Sept. 12 at the Zion Baptist church to hold their annual reunion. The day was spent in talking over the happy bygone days--and renewing old acquaintances. At noon a bountiful dinner was spread on which all did justice.
   At 1:30 the business meeting was held. S. A. Green was elected president and Mrs. Harriet Mckinney, secretary; J. H. Marsh, Charles Johnson, Joseph Bertram, William Bertram and Ed James were appointed on committee for next years program. The Reunion will be held at Tea Creek Baptist church the second Sunday in September, 1926. There were present 146 descendants residing in Jennings County and 42 from other counties and states.
   Residents of Jennings County Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Green, Jesse Green, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green and son, Master Roger Green, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Green, Mrs. Nancy Oaks, Garret Branham, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Branham and daughter, Mary Margaret Branham, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Branham, Everett Branham, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marsh, Miss Lavene Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Marsh, Edward Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Tribbett, Miss Ida Tribett, Clifford Tribbett, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tribbett, Miss Opal Tribbett, George Tribbett, Mr. and Mrs. George Trapp and son, Raymond Trapp, Webb Spencer, Miss Cora Spencer, Max Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilkerson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froh, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bertram, Mrs. Charles E. Marsh, Mrs. Helen Breeden, Miss Betty Lou Breeden, Mrs. Nannie Gannon, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gannon, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Trapp, Wendell Trapp, Miss Elizabeth Trapp, Miss Anna Corine Trapp, Harvey Trapp, Z. T. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spencer, Miss Arlene Spencer, Velmon Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Green, Mr. and Mrs. James Gohn, Zeptha Gohn, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stewart, Ernest Stewart, Frank Stewart, Forest Stewart, Miss Dorothy Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart, Miss Mary Stewart, Mrs. Lawrence Stewart, Clarence Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Warner, Miss Dorothy, Vera and Lucille Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Tolbert McKinney, Jacob Swarthout, Mr. and Mrs. James Boardman, and Ruth, Florence, Ethel Louise, James Alford, and George Francis Boardman, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Galyen and sons, Harold, Otto and Orville Galyen, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Crank, Mrs. Louisa Lattimore, Mr. and Mrs. George Layman and sons, Harold, Meridith and Leoniel Layman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woodward and son James Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Laymon, Kenneth Laymon, Charles Laymon, Laura Laymon, Dorothy Laymon, Marjorie Laymon, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barnes, Mrs. Luella Boner, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Eveleth, daughter Helen, Mary and Lois Mae Eveleth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rose, Mrs. Inez Green and Dorothy, Kenneth, Florence and Floyd Green, Mrs. Florence Green, Mrs. Clarence Kinder and Louise Kinder, Ruth Kinder, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patton, Mrs. Bertha Childs, Mrs. Harriett Sullivan.
   Out of the County Residents. Mr. and Mrs. Martain Donahue and son Robert A. Donahue, Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burks of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Banks of Seymour; Mr. and Mrs. Wilmur Spall and son Myron Spall of Scottsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson of Westport; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnson and daughter, Evelyn Johnson of Westport; Mrs. Alice Hartpence, Indianapolis; Mrs. Laura Chamberlain, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Johnson, Wesport; John Johnson, Westport; Miss Ella Owen, Westport; Miss Eliza Owen, Westport; Mrs. Jane Johnson, Seymour; Mrs. and Mrs. Edgar Kinder of Medora; Miss Ruth Kinder of Medora; Master Gilbert Kinder of Medora; Mr. and Mrs. John Trapp, Rushville; Mrs. and Mrs. Herman S. Gudgel and daughter Charlene Gudgel of Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wilkerson, Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kestner of Indianapolis; Fountain Spencer, Ogden, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Sweaney and daughter, Miss Elnora Sweaney of Seymour; Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, Cincinnati, O.

Thiry two members of the Barth family met in a reunion at the home of Henry Ehlers, near Correct in Ripley county, Sunday. A big dinner was a feature. Those who attended from this city were: H. E. Barth and wife, Mrs. Robert Beer, J. H. Miller and family, J. T. Roseberry and family.



   DIED, after a short illness, at his residence on Graham, Mr. Walter Carson, aged 71 years, 6 months and 6 days.
   The deceased was born in Rutherford county, June 2d, 1791. He emigrated to this place in March, 1815, and settled on the farm where he resided until his death, in the spring of 1816. The country along the beautiful Graham creek was then a wilderness where the wild beasts and the Indian roamed. But he, with a few other hardy pioneers, soon made the wilderness to blossem as the rose. He was married, February 22d, 1827, to Miss Ginsey Graham, who, with five children, and a number of grand children, still survive him, to mourn his loss. He connected himself with the "Graham Church" March 21st, 1835; and for nearly 28 years he lived a consistent christian life. He loved the ordinances of the church.
   "Be praised her heavenly ways,
   Her sweet communion, solumn vows,
   And hymns of love and praise."
   He was ever ready to help forward in any good works, and what he could to support the gospel and further the benovolant institutions of the day. His social qualities shown out conspicusly; nothing appeared to arouse him more than to have his friends partake of the hospitalities of his house, and none had need to fear of being turned empty away.
   Thus in the death of Mr. Carson, another link is broken which united us to the generation of the past. Society has lost a long, tried, and valued friend, the church, one of its strongest pillars, and his bereaved family has lost one of its sweetest bonds of Union, for he was an affectionate husband, a loving father and a safe counsellor. But his work on earth was done and his heavenly father called him home to the mansions of glory, his end was peace, "Blessed are the deat who die in the Lord" yes say the scriptures for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them.

JULY 28, 1911

Mrs. McCullough Dead
Mrs. Nettie Brazelton McCullough, wife of Robert McCullough, a prominent Bartholomew county farmer, died at the family home east of Columbus last Friday night. The deceased was well known in this city where she resided years ago. She was a sister of Mrs. L. C. Jones, Mrs. E. H. Tripp, Mrs. J. N. King and Mrs. Charles Curtis.
   The funeral was held Monday afternoon from the residence conducted by Rev. W. H. Book of the Tabernacle Christian church of Columbus. The interment was in Garland Brook cemetery and the funeral procession was ont of the longest the county has witnessed in years. The pall bearers were the deceased's eight nephews, Harry Dickey, Richard Dickey, Fred Verbarg, Arthur McCollough, Charles Morison and William McCoullough.
   The Columbus Republican of Saturday contained the following account of the good woman's illness and death.
   After an illness of about two months Mrs. Nettie Brazelton McCullough wife of Robert McCullough, died at her home east of this city shortly before Friday midnight. For several weeks she hovered between life and death and a few days ago a surgical operation was performed in the hope of prolonging life. Her weakened heart prevented her from taking an anesthetic and for that reason the operation was a much greater shock that it would ordinarily have been. She was benefited by the operation but the disease had too great a hold to be thwarted then and during the present week it was seen that death was only a short distance away. Friday it was known the end was near and sorrowing friends waited silently, hoping against hope that a turn for the better might be announced. Their hope availed not, however, and death came in the night.
   Mrs. McCullough, who was 51 years of age, was the youngest of seven daughters of Rev. and Mrs. John Brazelton, she having been born at North Vernon, Jennings county. Her father was a pioneer minister of the Christian church in Jennings, Bartholomew and neighboring counties and was a widley known man. Both he and his wife are now dead but the death of Mrs. McCullough is the first among their children. Her six surviving sisters are Mrs. Meta Reeder, of Long Beach, Cal., Mrs Jennie Hauchen, who lives in Illinois, Mrs. Josie King, Mrs. Flora Curtis, Mrs. Fannie Jones and Mrs. Anna Tripp of North Vernon.
   Mrs. McCullough married Mr. McCullough at North Vernon about twenty years ago and they went directly to the McCullough farm east of this city were all her married life was spent. One son, John was born to the union and he is about 18 years of age.
   In many ways Mrs. McCullough was a remarkable woman because she maintained the true balance of life. Her activities were centered in her home, her church and her club although her work as a church woman was not confined strictly to the organization of which she was an honored member.
   People have compared her with the famous "country contributer" whose letters to the Indianapolis News and the Ladies Home Journal have helped so many women over the hard places in life. She knew and realized the part a woman must in life and she met such needs and requirments with philosophy and sunshine. This made her an invaluable friend and counslor and as such she will be remembered in the years to come.
   Mrs. McCullough was a member of the Tabernacle Christian church. She was not a member who put on the church as a Sunday garment for she lived her religion from week end to week end. Her early training in religious matters had given her a deep reverence for everything the holy book contained and these precepts were her daily companions, helping her over the hard places and helping her to help others.
   As a member of the Monday Literary club Mrs. McCullough was surrounded by women who loved her as well as if she had been with kith and kin instead of merely friend and co-worker in a field of literary endeavor. She held everal officers in this organization and recently served as the club's president. Her witty papers, her droll poems and her discussions of problems of home and nation always rang true at the meetings of her club and the members always knew there was a treat in store for them when she was on the program. Mrs. McCullough was always proud that she was the wife of a farmer and she took a keen interest in farm life. She was actively engaged in the farmers' institute work, the work of the women at the county rair and in any effort that tended to better the condition of farmers and their homes.

  Wm. Randall of Vernon Loses His Life
Horse Scared At Big Auto
Victim Thrown On His Head and Skull Horribly Crushed, Machine Driven By Sheriff Of Decatur Co.
   William Randall an old soldier and drayman of Vernon was the victim of a runaway Wednesday morning caused by his horse becoming frightened at an automobile which passed him at a slow gate on its way to Madison carrying the sheriff of Decatur county and a patient for the hospital at that place.
   Mr. Randall, as is well known makes a trip to North Vernon every morning and Wednesday morning he was waiting in front of Fred Lockwood's restaurant in Vernon to get a bread basket to bring on his trip to this city. While sitting in the wagon the auto passed and his horse became frightened. Hundreds of other machines have passed the animan but it had never tried to run away before. This made Mr. Randall more careless than he ordinarily would have been and he was not prepared for the excitement, but before the animal got under full speed toward the culvert under the Pennsylvania railroad he was seen to be lying down in the wagon bed pulling on the lines with all his strength. The wagon struck a pole in front of Charles Smith's saloon and was damaged. The next seen of Mr. Randall was when he hit the ground near the culvert head foremost. Friends who had seen the accident, rushed to his assistance amoung whom was Dr. Hayden, who pronounced the unfortunate man's injuries as fatal. His skull was crushed and he was otherwise bruised about the head. He was taken to his home in the south part of town where he died at eleven o'clock. He was about 75 years of age and was a very fine old gentleman. He is survivied by a wife. The funeral will be held this morning (Friday) at the residence at 11 o'clock and burial in city cemetery.



Fred Noon age 20 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Noon died at his home north of town last Friday of complications growing out of grip. He had been sick since February and at the time he became ill was an unusually strong, young man. His birth anniversary was July 20 and he received over 60 post cards. He put them aside intending to look them over but the next day he died. The funeral was held from St. Mary's church this city, Sunday.

Edna Kaltenback Followell, died at her home in Indianapolis last Thursday of Bright's disease and the remains were brought here Saturday morning and the funeral held from the Presbyterian church. The remains were taken to the Vernon cemetery for interment.
   The deceased was a former Jennings county school teacher and was the daughter of Albert Kaltencack and wife of Geneva township. She was 26 years of age and besides her husband leaves a 22 months' old child. She had been ill but a few weeks.

John Sennett, age 65, died at his home near Butlerville Wednesday morning. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 10 a. m. at the M. E. church in Butlerville.


   Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beaty went to Palestine, Ill., to attend the golden wedding of his brother Thomas Beaty and wife.
   Bert Wilcox, of Bloomington, spent Saturday and Sunday here last week with Hayden friends.
   Miss Florence Wohrer is attending the chautaqua and visiting friends at New Albany.
   Miss Jean Hopping who is attending school at I.U. spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here.
   Mrs. Garf Hopkins of Bloomington is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beaty.
   Herbert Whitcomb spent several days this week at Inianapolis.
   Miss Stella Reeves has returned from Bloomington where she has been taking post graduate work.
   Frank Barneclo of Indianapolis and Joe Darringer of North Vernon are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Darringer.
   Miss Elizabeth Hopping entertained her friends Saturday evening in honor of her sister Jean.
   Frank Doty reached his 70th mile-stone last Saturday, July 22. On that evening his neighbors and relatives numbering 70 in all gathered at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Tuttle, where he makes his home. The occasion was a very pleansant one, the time having been spent in conversations, music and games. Fefreshments of ice cream, cake and punch were served. The guest of honor received a number of useful presents


   Mrs. Lynn Polp of Columbus visited Mrs. Flora Overfield, Saturday and Sunday.
   Mrs. Nick Eitel and daughter Gladys, are spending this week with relatives in Indianapolis.
   Wilbur Sigman and daughter Margurite, came home Sunday from a weeks visit at Vevay.
   Mrs. Glenna Thomas is spending this week with her cousin, Willa Elders at Greensburg.
   Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCallough of Anderson, are visiting Alfred Walt and family.
   Miss Grace Clark of Indianapolis, is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Lockwood.
   Miss Vassie Hopkins of Weston, came Sunday for a week's visit with Miss Ova Donnell.
   Mrs. Elmer Wagner was the guest of relatives in Columubus, Saturday.
   Earl Abbott returned Saturday from a weeks' visit in Columbus.
   Miss Esther Amick of Indianapolis is visiting her cousin, Miss Bertha Wilkins.
   Mr. and Mrs. Leeds entertained a few guests at dinner Sunday in honor of her grandaughter. Miss Marvelle
   Leeds 13th birth anniversary. Those present were Mrs. Kate Leeds, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hollowell and Mrs.
   Goldie Holmes and three children of Indianapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Core and children of Michigan and Mrs. Alma Petree and daughter Mildred.
   Mrs. William Hinchman and Mrs. J. M. Curtis visited Mrs. E. Riley last week on route 4.
   Mrs. Ellen O'Hara of Madison who was the guest of Mrs. John Curtis the first of the week returned home Wednesday.
   Mrs. Charles Smith and daughter Thelma, are spending several days in Indianapolis this week.
   Fred Fetter, the township trustee took the following persons to Indianapolis Wednesday to recieve treatment at the Pasture Institute. These parties were bitten last week Thursday morning by a little dog belonging to Fred Lockwood. This dog had been bitten several weeks ago by a stray dog which was supposed to be affected with rabies. Several other dogs were also bitten. Those who were bitten were Mrs. Ed. Moore and little niece, Robert Willman, Hershel Smith, Jim Jenkins, Clyde Rector, and Eliza Thurman colored.
   Vernon Wells was at Columbus Wednesday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Press Carr of Summitville are guests of their son Charles and wife.


   Wilbur Van Cleave was at Madison, Saturday.
   Vernie Richardson and sister, Ruthe, were at Dupont, Saturday.
   Mattie VanCleave and two little children visited her brother, Frank Hughes and wife at Big Creek, Saturday and Sunday.
   Emma Wright who has been very sick with typhoid fever is reported some better.
   Jean Huffman is very low of typhoid fever and Mrs. Huffman is not able to be up yet but is improving.
   The Rousey boys received word Tuesday morning of the accidental death of their sister Alice Temples' boy at Columbus. He was a breakman on a train at the time of his death.
   Mrs. Nan Sawyers is staying with Amy Wright.
   John Robbins from Rushville visited friends in this neighborhood Sunday.


   Rev. Urich of Milhousen was held over Sunday. He was formerly pastor of this place. His old parishers were glad to see him.
   Mrs. Amhurst's children of Indianapolis are here to visit her mother, Mrs. Jos. Yux.
   Joe Hill and wife, G. A. Daeger and wife, Frank Mater, Jake Lauer, Mrs. Groff, Rev. Urich and Pohl were guests of Peter M. Eder last Sunday afternoon.
   John Samulwitz and two daughters Lizzie and Regina called on Mrs. Deager last Monday night.
   Paul Matern called on his best girl Sunday night.
   Nick Schlthies called on Urban Burket last Sunday.
   Maggie Gasper and Anna Grunert called on Estella Ditlinger, Sunday afternoon.
   Mary and Sophia Huhn called on Lena and Anna Mangold last Sunday.


   Mr. and Mrs. Norton Dixon and daughter Mary Avanelle of Westfield, Ind., are guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon.
   Mr. and Mrs. Homer Peters came in their auto from Hope, Ind., Monday and are visiting at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Peters and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wright and at Mrs. Peters sister Mrs. M. B. Hudson.
   Mr. A. Tull representing the Vincennes nursery, is calling on the farmers around Old Paris this week.
   T. O. Ogden and son Gordon came home Tuesday. Mrs. and Mrs. Earnest Farthing were guests at dinner Sunday of Mrs. Bridge east of Paris.
   Mort Thomas of Madison attended the funeral of his grandfather, W. H. Thomas here last Monday.
   Wm. Dixon and wife were at Scipio, Sunday.
   Omer Lewellen and Scott Rudicel of Geneva township was here Sunday.
   Miss Lillie Howe of Greensburg was here Sunday.
   L. Hook and wife of St. Ann visited their daughter here Sunday.


   Fred Price and wife, W. M. Brogan and wife passed through our vicinity Sunday in their auto.
   I. Gurlus and wife, Stanley Barnes and wife spent Sunday at Mr. Madic.
   Emmas Low and wife and two sons Ernest Baker and wife spent Sunday at Doras Neels.
   George Baker and family spent Sunday with Bill Likes and family.
   Mrs. Maud Low's mother from Kentucky visited her the past week.
   Mrs. Jessie Pierce spent Saturday night and Sunday at Gus Crula.
   Silas Moan and family spent Sunday at Tip Barnum.
   Icem Low called at Emens Lows Sunday.


   J. Ornald has gone on a trip to Alabama.
   Baustic Watterman and wife of Indianapolis are calling on friends here a few days this week.
   The B. & O. R. R., is making a new switch and several men came to town to work on it.
   A band of Holyites from Hopewell passed through here Saturday night on their way to Butlerville to hold meeting.

   Ben Barringer of Greensburg visited his parents here last week.
   Charles Hammond and family of Missouri are here visiting relatives this week.
   Mrs. J. L. Bradford, Mrs. Geo. Helt and Miss Hannah Helt were at North Vernon, Saturday.


   Mr. Frank Treuhan of Indianapolis is here writing her brother Frank Walter and family.
   John Schulthies and family spent Sunday with Joseph Schulthies and family at Sherwood.
   Mr. and Mrs. John Staublin pleasantly entertained a large number of young folks at their home Saturday evening.
   Mrs. Oscar Beeman and children and Mrs. A. Umensetter visited friends at Sherwood one day last week.
   The following people spent Sunday with Joseph Mangold and family. Willie Schneider and sister Alice of Long Branch; Mary and Sophia Huhn of St. Ann; and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schulthies.
   George Kipper and family of Elliott visited Mat Holdreith and family Sunday.
   Rev. A. J. Urich of Milhousen visited friends here last week.
   Miss Lena Mangold left Wednesday for Indianapolis where she will join a party of young folks who will take a trip to Niagara Falls.

FEBRUARY 3, 1897

OBITUARY-WILLIAM HENRY LAWRENCE Rev. William H. Lawrence was born near New Washington, Clark County, Ind., May 17, 1821 and answered the summons of death at 10:30, Jan. 25th 1897, being 75 years, 8 months and 8 days of age. His father John Lawrence, was born in the state of Sourth Carolina in 1795, and after his marriage, located in Clark County, Ind., where his son William H. Lawrence, or Henry, as he was called, was born. In 1822 his father, located on a farm about one and one-half miles south-east of Lovett station. Henry was the second child, Jesse being the older, he had one younger brother, Benjamin and eight sisters, who were all born after he located near what is now Lovett station. In the winter of 1839 he was chosen to teach school in a small log school house, which was located on the farm now owned by Z. T. Denslow, J. P., who was one of his pupils. At the age of 19 he joined the Mount Mariah, Baptist Church, Elder Thomas Hill being pastor at that time. Elders Stott and Cox also had charge of this church for a number of years as did also Elder Swincher, all of whom have long since answered the same summons that called from earth to heaven them and him, who like they conscientiously and zealously did all he could to call men to repentance and to point out to men and women the narrow and straight path that leads to everlasting life. His brother Jesse was living near Freedom Church, south of Vernon, during the Cholera scourge in 1849 and they administered to the wants of many colored victims of that dreaded disease, laying their bodies to rest with tears and prayers when others refused to perform so hazerdous a risk. For a number of years he was the regular pastor of a number of churches in this and adjoining counties. In 1850 he was married to Luvina Lewis, daughter of Daniel Lewis and to them were born six children, two boys and four girls, five of whom survive to mourn the loss of a loving kind and indulgent father and who, except one were present to drop a tear of sorrow over the grave of one who had done so much in their behalf. His wife Luvina, dropped dead on the 4th of August 1879, under the same roof where he received his last summons. In 1880 he married Mrs. Mary J. Corya, widow of John W. Corya, having two children, George and William, at the time of her marriage to Mr. Lawrence. He gave to her children the same fatherly care as he did to his own. They as long as life lasts will keep green his memory and many kind acts toward them. No person was ever turned away without food or shelter who called upon him. In 1866 he became the owner of what was called the Jas. Harmon farm, about one mile east of the present station of Commiskey, where he has ever since resided. In 1877 through his personal means and efforts he witnessed the completion of the Commiskey Baptist Church. After his marriage with Mrs. Corya, they united with this church, where he remained a faithful member to the time of his death. For twenty-five years he has been a patient sufferer with athsma or hay-fever. While in the midst of pain he would say if it is the Lord's will I am prepared to meet my God. His last moments in life were calm and peaceful, dying without a struggle. After death his countenance shined forth as in life, the general expression that he is resting as though in sleep. In the death of Mr. Lawrence the county has lost one of her best citizens; his neighbors and aquaintances and honored, faithful and consistant friend, his children a indulgent, loving and christian father, his wife a dutiful, affectionate and kind husband, and the church a zealous advocate of the cause which has been the hope of millions who have, like he, passed over the river of life and will continue to be the steadfast hope and anchor of millions of men and women yet unborn. His life has been one that will live after him, and thousands of men and women now living, who knew him will drop a silent tear and offer up a silent prayer that their ending may be founded upon the same safe and sure foundation that was his aim and hope in life, anchor and solice when his spirit was taking its flight from the tenement of clay to take on life everlasting. Rest in peace.


Is 84 years of age; was born in 1800; came to Indiana from Bourbon county, Ky., and has lived in Jennings county so long that the mind of man runneth not to the countrary. He has never been a Democrat but has served the old Whig and Republican parties in various responsible offices with a clean record; no charges of fraud or corruption were ever hinted at even by those of opposite political views. Under the old regime, when the courts of justice were composed of a bench consisting of three judges, Mr. Elliott was one of them, and has ever since been known and hailed as "Judge." Always friendly and liberal in his views and practices toward religious societies, he has never seen fit to join any church or society Order, but has lived out and practiced their teachings much better than many who make loud professions. The Judge is active for a man of his age, and takes a lively interest in the affairs of government, in County, State and Nation. His opinions are sound and well worth considering. Judge Elliott is a man of large frame and commanding appearance, with a florid countenance, and bears a striking resembelance to Gen. B. F. Buckner, of Lexington, Ky. He has always been noted for his hospitality, one of the characteristics of the sunny south and especially of Kentuckians. He lives at Zenas.
By birth a Buckeye, has lived in Campbell township continuiously for 42 years and was nearly as many years old when he came to this State. He lives in what is known as Cherry Valley, on the north for of the Muscatatuck some three miles north of Butlerville, where he owns a good farm and is comfortably provided for. He and Mrs. Hutton who is several years younger, celebrated their golden wedding last year, and so far as appearances go will live many years longer. Mr. Hutton is a man who attends to his own affairs without disturbing or interfering with others; does not give advice unless he is asked for it. He attends the Baptist Church and votes the Republican ticket.
Is by birth a New York Yankee; came to Jennings county forty years ago, where he has lived, near Butlerville, ever since. He is just entering on his 81st year; has suffered wwith rheumatism that his naturally lithe form is bent and it is with difficulty that he walks. In commencing one of his stories Peter Parley says "If his limbs are stiff his tongue is free, and he loves to tell stories better than ever." This is true of Mr. Anson who is fond of relating events of the past. Associating with Hoosiers for forty years has not changed his original Yankee twang. He is the best representative of Brother Jonathan to be found in the country. Farming and shinglemaking have been his main occupations, is in moderate circumstances, owns 40 acres of land, votes the Republican ticket and belongs to the Baptist church.

December 3, 1884

Is the widow of Bernard Preble, who died some years ago. She has lived continuiously in Jennings county since 1818, Mrs. Preble came from Kentucky, her native state, in company with her brothers, Wilson and Asa Maddox, and settled on Campbell's branch in Campbell township, on the farm now owned by Dudley Andrews. A distillery for making corn into whiskey was at that time regarded as an honsest and honorable enterprise. The man who would have questioned the morality of distilling, vending, or drinking whisky, at that day, could only have received the contempt of these hardy old yeoman, and would have been voted a crank, if such a word was then in use. No prohibitory legislation had then been dreamed of, no knotty questions about Scott laws for the supreme courts to wrestle with, no St. John except the ones mentioned in the bible to disturb the tenor of party politics, no-but stay, what has this to do with Elizabeth Preble? Well, here on Campbell's branch where the carboniferous limestone loses its lithogical character, where chert, siliceous fossil beds, millstone grit, cora, and occasional trilobites are found once stood a distillery owned and operated by the Maddox family. Traces of the mill site are plainly visible, one hundred yards down the stream lays one of the burrs which did good service in grinding the corn in the mill. Here Miss Lizzie Maddox was wooed and won and wed by the spruce young Bernard Preble. She remembers it well if you don't. Nearly three score years and ten have passed since then and still Mrs. Preble lives a happy and contented life, with less of the infirmities of age than many who are not so old. She lives with her son S. E. Preble, on land which joins the Ripley county line. Her children and grandchildren are scatered over a large number of the western states and territories. Mrs. Preble was never a member of any church though most of her family are or were members of the Baptist church, and lived to quite old age.

December 31, 1884

The south fork of the Muscatatuck creek would appear to be favorable to longivity. It has already funished a large per cent, of the subjects of these sketches, with quite a number yet to hear from. Most of those heretofore named, who are dwellers on this classic stream, have their houses located on the higher banks, or elevation, overlooking the botton lands, where, our M. D.'s tell us, miasma from the decaying vegetable matter does not reach. Now this is not true in the case of Mr. Leahigh, as the high water which annually overflow the lower bottom lands not infrequently reach to the doorstep of his dwelling, where he has lived and prospered and raised a large family of children through infancy and childhood to manhood and womanhood, with a fair prospect, so far as one can judge from their present appearance, of reaching the same old age of their father.
   Born in 1804, Mr. Leahigh is a native of Ireland, in the province of Munster, and the county of Tipperary. Has his choice of location near the water? Tipperary county is in the basin of the Suir. Small lakes are numerous; much of the county is covered with water and wet sands, and while the total area of the county is more than four times that of Jennings, the proportion of cultivated land is not so great. About nineteen out of twenty of the population of Mr. Leahigh's native county are Catholics, of which religion Mr. L. is a communicant.
   Mr. Leahigh is a man of industrious habits. He has been inured to hard labor all his life. His farm contains many acres of valuable land, being that part which lies upon the creek. He with his immediate neighbors, R. M. Grinstead above and J. D. McNeehan below him, never fail to raise a good crop of corn, though they do occasionally lose a good deal of their crop by high water coming before they get it gathered.
   Of late years Mr. L. has been giving more attention to wheat growing, in which he has been quite successful, his sons taking the heavy labor off his hands. He enjoys meeting his friends and having social chats. The native wit, which proverbially belongs to the Irishman, is fully developed in him, and he never lets an opportunity for a good joke or witty pun to pass without using it to good effect.
   He never boasts of his own worth, but on the contrary speaks in deprecatory terms of his abilities; does not modesty bespeak merit? Mr. Leahigh is careful to keep his stock in good flesh. His horses are always fat and well groomed, and are not overworked. He never rides at a gait faster than a walk.
   Since the action of the Commissioners, requiring all stock to be kept up, Mr. L., as well as all others, especially those located on the creek, is greatlybenefited, as it saves the necessity of refencing along the creek after each high flood; but, on the other hand, it does annoy his hogs and cattle at home. His farm is small, and grass on the highway looks tempting.

January 19, 1911

Bauerley-Cornelius Bauerley, age 72 years, died at the home of his son Nicholas, on Buckeye street Saturday night. Mr. Bauerley was a native of Germany, coning to the States when quite young. For the past 55 years he has been a resident of Jennings County. The family was composed of five girls and four boys. His wife and two daughters are dead. The four boys and three girls survive. Mr. Bauerley had been quite feeble for the past three months. Funeral services were conducted Monday morning at the Catholic church by Rev. Widerin, after which the remains were laid to rest in St. Mary's cemetery.
Corya-Asbury S. Corya, age 73 years, died at Jeffersonville Hospital Wednesday afternoon, January 18th Mr. Corya conducted a general store at Hege for a number of years. Funeral services will be held at Scipio Friday morning at 10:30.

March 4, 1915

Lina J. Amick was born near Scipio, Ind., July 14, 1868. She was one of nine children of John D. and Nellie Amick and and is the first one of this family to be called away by death. The parents still live, and she leaves her husband, three sons, and four daughters. She spent a happy girlhood in and near Scipio and enjoyed life to the utmost. She taught several terms of school and on October first 1890 became the wife of John W. Corya. She first had her home at Queensville removing in four years to North Vernon, where her family resided until May of 1909, when they moved to the city of Shelbyville, Ind., Early in life she untied with the Presbyterian church at Scipio and was always an earnest, consistant member. She took an active interest in all church affairs and attended services whenever possible, and her children were carefully trained in the Christain faith. She never was so happy as when she could do something for the Master. At the time of her death, she held membership in the First Presbyterian church of Shelbyville. She belonged to the order of The Eastern Star and greatly enjoyed the pleasant association of this lodge. Mrs. Corya's health became impaired five or six years ago and last Decenber the home in Shelbyville was broken up and all but the three older children went with her to ElPaso Texas, in the hope of enabling Mrs. Corya to regain her health. An unusually cold winter for that climate was encountered and Mrs. Corya contracted a cold that settled in the bronchial tubes and brought on Odema of the throat, which was the immediate cause of her death. Until near the end Mrs. Corya was conscious and keenly alive to everything and hopeful of getting well. Her chief concern was for her children and their future welfare. When assured that they would be kept together in a new home and properly cared for, she said "That makes me happy." Sometime during the last evening of her life she told her husband and daughter Florence of seeing a party of beautifuly dressed, children and of being at what she termed a picnic, and seemed radiantly happy and joyous in describing it. Perhaps, she had really beheld Heaven's border land. At another moment she murmured to her husband: "Meet me in Heaven." When told that all her children were near her except Lester and Harold, the two oldest sons, and that they were coming to her as fast as steam would carry them, she said "I'm glad." Before they arrived however, the Angel of Death had bourne her patient, loving and tired spirit to the realms of eternal rest, and her poor frail body lay there before us with a smile upon her lips. A sweet and loving mother, wife, daughter and sister, had gone from earth to heaven, leaving as an inheritance to her children, the influence and teachings of a stainless character, and beautiful life full and overflowing with sweetness, gentleness and love. Surrounded by her loved ones and many friends she was buried at Scipio on Thursday February 18, 1915.
We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown us in the burial of our beloved daughter and sister, Mrs. Lena Corya and also those who sent such beautiful floral offerings. John D. Amick and family

   June 17, 1901

John S. Wells removed his family to Kansas last week.
   Mrs. Patrick Wade, of Madison, spent Wednesday here with relatives.
   Miss Elma Wachtel has gone to Cincinnati to spend the vacation with relatives.
   C.D. Shank was here from Louisville last week shaking hands with his many friends.
   Miss Amelia Adams left last week for Indianapolis where she will remain for some time.
   Mrs. John Euler and son Aaron and daughter are visiting relatives at Chattanooga, Tenn.
   Mrs. Tech and son Will are here from Cincinnati on a short visit with her sons Ed and Frank.
   Prof. C.N. Peak, E.B. Doll and V.C. Meloy and son Master Paul, were in Bloomington several days last week.
   G.W. Shaffer removed his family to the farm he recently purchased from Frank Little, Sr. south of town, last week.
   Mr. R.A.Hale, of Fostoria, Ohio, was here last week visiting the family of his son-in-law. Theodore Werner, north of the city. Mr. Hale lives in the gas belt of Ohio, but is much taken up with country here and says our advantages with the exception of gas, and we have good water power to take the place of that are equal to any district in Ohio, and all they need is to be developed.

The cornfields along the creek begin to look pretty "wooly". The heavy showers lately have washed hill-sides planted with corn badly in places. The wheat crop is ripening fast, and bids fair to make a good filed if the "Harrison bug" does not destroy the crop. The "Harrison bug" in an insect that came here with the present administration. It works on the heads of wheat and oats, sucking the juce from the grain, much in the manner of a protective draws the hard earned dollars from the pockets of hard working men of "happy free America."
   We made a trip over the wagon road to North Vernon last week. We found the roads nearly as bad as they were last March The supervisors had been there ahead of us, and had made their mark. They mended the mud holes there were twenty to thirty inches deep with a fresh coat of clay, and yet we boast of our county having quarries of the finest stone in the state, and inexhaustible beds of gravel on the creek bottoms. It is very strange that thirty days of dry weather will cause men to forget what they were six months learning. We think it would be better to build 1/4 mile of a good road each spring, than to have it all ripped up, and be next impassable all winter. We have two rail roads through our end of the county, but one good wagon road running north and south through our township would be worth more to the farmer than a half dozen such rail roads.
   Married, June the 17th, at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. Livingston Eddelman to Miss Rilla Coryell. We wish the newly married couple many years of happy life.

Wheat and fruit prospects good.
   Miss Effie Barnes, of North Vernon is visiting her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Gant, at this place.
   S. O'Connor Jr., has returned home after an absence of three years.
   William Wright is here from Versailles with a photo gallery and is prepared to do first-class work.
   J.C. Myers has just received a nice assortment of ladies' and gents' fine shoes.
   W.M. Daughters, formerly of this place but now of Colorado, was circulating among his many friends here last week. We were very much pleased to meet him.
   Drs. Burroughs and Hicks amputated Thomas Biddle's foot Friday, and he seems to be improving.
   Mrs. Harow moved into the Wurtz property Monday.
   Quite a number of the young people attended children's day at Fredonia Sunday.
   The members of the Antioch church decorated and cleaned the house Monday evening.
   Misses Eva and Mary Jordan visited at Butlerville Tuesday.
   The hop at Barney Eder's was well attended, and a good time had.
   William Baker made a business trip to Vernon-tax-paying we suppose. We can tell you more about it in the future.
   Aver Jordan has returned home from Moore's Hill college.
   Will Baker is having his buggy repainted.

W.L. Pennington who has been at work with a bridge gang in Virginia is spending a few days with his family here.
   G.F. Hansel was in the West End on business Saturday.
   John Ferguson, of Lovett, was in this vicinity a short time Sunday evening.
   Henry Hinchman, wife and daughter were the guests of J.S. Carson Jr. Sunday.
   Carson & Kinder shipped a car load of stock to Cincinnati Thursday.
   J.S.Carson and son attended the high school commencement at Hanover Thursday.
   Mrs. G.L. Carson returned from Washington county Saturday accompanied by her father.
   Charles Graham and family spent Sunday with their uncle, Henry Crawford.
   W.G. Carson was at North Vernon on business Friday.

Mrs. S.A. Turner has opened an ice cream parlor in the Schwake building on fifth street. Ladies especially invited.
   George F. Verbarg returned Monday from West Baden Springs greatly improved in health.
   Miss Lucy Johnson who had been visiting friends at Madison the past week returned home Monday afternoon.
   The Ladies Industrial society of the M.E. Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Hillerman Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
   Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rapp, Thursday, June 11, a son.
   William Penniston had two fingers badly mashed one day last week.
   Mrs. H.G. Young, of Chicago is the guest of Postmaster Fable and wife.
   The K. and L. of H. picnic, near Scipio, last Thursday, is reported as having been a very pleasant affair.
   E.H. Tripp was re-elected a member of the city school board at the council meeting Friday night. Mr. Tripp is a good man for the position.
   Mrs. Kate Olcott left Friday for Lexington Ky., to join her husband. From there they will go to Toledo, Ohio, to attend the Train Dispatchers convention, to which Mr. Olcott is a delegate.
   Richard Burke died at the residence of his grandfather Patrick Wells, west of town on Thursday morning. Deceased was about 17 years of age. The remains were interred in the Catholic cemetery in this city Friday.
   Bernard Miller father of the Miller brothers, died at his residence here Friday, at a ripe old age. The funeral took place Sunday morning, the remains being interred in the Catholic cemetery. Mr. Miller was one of our best citizens and leaves behind an honorable name.
   Frank Wiggam is rusticating at Deputy.
   Z.T. Dixon and wife, of Deputy, visited relatives here on Wednesday.
   Will Ditlinger is here from Anderson visiting his parents.
   Mrs. Louisa Storey is the guest of Mrs. Kennedy Brown near Reddington.
   T.B. Read has improved the appearance of his residence by building a new veranda.
   Mrs. Lizzie Combs is the guest of Madison friends.
   Died, at her home in this city on Friday June 12 of paralysis, Mrs. Electa Boner, aged 68 years. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. John Brazelton at the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Vernon cemetery.
   Jas. W. Hill and his neice, Mrs. Susie Childs, have gone to Kokomo where they will visit relatives for several weeks.
   Mrs Florence Riley is visiting relatives at Indianapolis.Died, at her home in this city on Friday June 12 of paralysis, Mrs. Electa Boner, aged 68 years. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. John Brazelton at the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment in Vernon cemetery. Mrs. Florence Riley is visiting relaives at Indianapolis.
   Misses Leva and Bertha Foster and Allie Whitcomb, of North Vernon, were recently the guests of Miss Anna Pietzuch.
   Mrs. Wayland B. Hill is visiting her parents near Butlerville.
   Miss Bertha Pearce is the guest of Miss Bertha Sullivan at Zion.

   MARCH 29, 1877

BUTLERVILLE ITEMS, March 27th, 1877
   Mr. J.G. Stratton has lately purchased some very fine Alderney cattle, a male and female bred directly from imported stock. The best of milk cows can now be secured by our farmers at much less cost than ever before. (The Alderney was a breed of dairy cattle originating from the British Channel Island of Alderney, though no longer found on the island. The pure breed is now extinct, though hybrids still exist. Pure-breed Alderneys were smaller, more slender boned animals than the cattle of the other Channel Islands and in some ways they were more deer-like than bovine. They were docile animals and would even follow children passively to or from pastures. Their milk was copious and produced very rich butter. Most of the pure-breed Alderney cattle were removed from the island to Guernsey in the summer of 1940, because the island was then occupied by the Germans (during World War 2) and it was difficult for the few remaining islanders to milk them. On Guernsey, the cattle were interbred with local breeds. The few pure-breed cattle remaining on Alderney were killed and eaten by the Germans in 1944. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
   Myers & Co. shipped a car load of hogs and cattle to Cincinnati yesterday, and have gone to that city themselves to add to their to add to their extensive stock of merchandise.
   A large boiler lately put in by Wm. Hutton & Co., has improved their facilities for making chairs and flour.
   Prof. T.J. O'Neal has returned home and will begin his school teaching next Monday for a term of three months. The prospects are very flattering for a large atten dance of scholars from a distance.
   Mr. Bowen C. Heath of this township, at his residence on last Saturday morning March 24th, 1877 after a short illness. His disease was typhoid pneumonia. Mr. Heath was an old citizen, a member of the M.E. Church, and was highly esteemed and respected by all who knew him. A large circle of relatives and friends is left to mourn his loss. His christian life was an example well worthy of our imitation, and should be a source of great consolation to those loved ones whose sorrows can only be mitigated by H im who "tempers the winds to the shorn lamb." The remains were interred in a fmaily burying ground on the old Neill farm.
   On March 25th, 1877, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Miletus Challie and Miss Sarah C. Jeffried. On March 26th, 1877, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John Brower of Cincinnati, and Miss Meranda Owens, of this place. Squire G.W. Cook tied the nuptial knot in both the above cases.
   On March 26, 1877, to Harrison Davis and wife--a son.
   Thomas Pool of this township, a soldier in the War of 1812, and now in his 92nd year, was able to attend the funeral of his old neighbor, Bowen C. Heath. Z
   Mark Clapp is the proudest man in Geneva Townshiip; he says its a boy and weighs nine and one-half pounds. We suggest the name, Rutherford D., or in honor of his, T.C.C. Mark don't do anything but smoke and say "my-boy, my-boy!"
   Dr. Huston and family departed last Saturday for their new home in Indianapolis.
   MARRIED: On last evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. A. Draper to Mrs. Clara Pettijon, both of Scipio, Ind. Rev. S.J. Brownson officiated in the matrimonial ceremony. Our best wishes attend them all along the path of life.
   Bain and Richerson are having their kilns relined preparatory to more extensive lime burning.
   C.G. Alexander is going to Franklin county this State; he will follow his trade, that of blacksmithing.
   Wm. Miller is making improvement in the upper end of town in the way of a new house.
   Roger Dixon, formerly a shoemaker of this place, will remove to Columbus this week. He has been at work there for some time past.
   EXTRA [We are much obliged to our correspondent "Extra" for his items this week. T.C.C. is always good, but then he can't get all the news, and we are glad to print all important matters.]
   Ed. Plain Dealer--Thinking that probably you would like to hear from ouor little burg. I write you with a promise to write again if you do not consign this to the waste basket.
   The weather has been very disagreeable for the last three or four weeks, and farmers are beginning to look doleful when speaking of the crop prospect. It does really look discouraging.
   The mercantile business in this place seems to be pretty lively, and judging from the number of stores I would think that the people could be pleased as to quantity and quality whether they were pleased with the prices or not.
   If the people of Westport and vicinity are not good it will not be the fault of the religious denominations, as Westport has scarcely been without a protracted meeting all winter. First, the Methodists held a meeting for five weeks, receiving thirty-four additions; next the Christians held a meeting for about a week, withour any visible result; then the Baptists held a meeting for which lasted two weeks, with thirteen accessions; finally the Christians commenced a second meeting which lasted ten days in which they gained five new members.
   Asa Layton, a young man well known in this neighborhood, met with quite a serious accident last Friday evening. While going home from his work he climbed over a fence and in getting down he caught his foot between two rails in such a manner that in trying to extricate it he dislocated the ankle joint and fractured the fourth metatarsal bone; the whole foot is badly strained and bruised and it will probably be a long time before he can use it without pain.
   Allen Lett and Will Yanger, or Lett's Corners, started for the "Lone Star" State a short time ago, with the intention of making that their permanent home if it proved to be as represented. Will talks of buying a farm, while Al. will follow his old business of merchandising.
   Tom Kane started for Grant county on Saturday last. He was the principal of the public school here, during the past winter. NIX.
   District School No. 4 closed on last Saturday. About 100 visitors were present to witness the exercises, and many cheeks were wet with tears at the final parting. Charlie will get the unanimous vote for next term. The Indiana Bank case tried at the last term of court is the general topic of conversation at present, and public opinion is strong in favor of the plaintiff. The setting aside of the verdict of the jury by Judge Berkshire is regarded as a very unjust distribution of justice.
   Miss Mollie McManaman of Columbia township is visiting friends here.
   We learn from Mr. John C. Parker that he is perfecting arrangements with certain railroad companies for the construction of the North and South road from North Vernon to Greensburgh, during the coming season.
   Toast No. 1, "Our Senator." Through No, 1, he was eleced by a number of colored men being defrauded of their votes at North Vernon. Let him down easy. CALYX
   Mr. Sevier Wilson and family have moved back to their farm, 2 1/2 miles east of here. Mr. Wilson's son, Charlie, will remain in the store to assist Mr. Conner.
   On last Tuesday night some rogue or rogues stole two meal sacks and filled them with corn and decamped, leaving Aquilla Robertson that much poorer than when he retired for the night. On the same night Mr. John Cain lost the most of his meat. The thieves entered the meat house by digging under it with a shovel. The shovel was left on the ground and was marked "H.W." A portion of the meat was left in the yard. It is supposed the rogues became frightened about the time they were ready to start with their prize. There are two or three men in this country who may go out foraging some night and never return home alive. These depredations are becoming quite frequent and the people are determined to put a stop to them. To those thieving rascals we would say, quit your dishonest practices and earn your bread and meat by honest toil unless you have made up your minds to take a "trip to journey."
   Mr. Benjamin Vest is now fully installed in business in our town. He appears to be an honest and obliging gentleman and we bespeak for him a liberal share of patronage.
   The people of all parties seem of the rectitude of the President and we are among them. By some he was looked upon suspiciously at first, but "truth is mighty and will prevail."
   On last Monday, Jacob Allen committed suicide. Mr. A. was perhaps 40 or 45 years of age. He leaves a wife, one son and one daughter to, well--we don't know what they'll do. Domestic trouble is said to have been the cause of the fatal act. It is reported that his family knew of his intentions but took no steps to prevent his excuting them. There were more of the details of his suicide but as the old papers pulled no punches if you want that information contact me - Sheila
   DIED,--On Wednesday, March 21st, 1870 (error 1877) Clyde, son of B.A. and E. Nay, aged about two years. He was an only child, interesting, and though young, had doubtless cheered the hearts of his parents by his innocent prattle and sweet disposition. But his life in this world has been thus early ended only that he might be transplanted to the other shore, where, father mother and friends, he will greet you as one by one you fall by the wayside and pass on to join the company of the blest. "Suffer little children to come unto Me anf forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."
   Oh how lonely we, since he has died,
   But then in heaven we'll see our Clyde;
   Yes, then we'll see him face to face,
   And clasp him in our fond embrace,
   GENEVA TOWNSHIP, March 20th
   This is decidedly gloomy weather.
   W. B. Wilson will erect a large barn on his place to-morrow.
   Wm. Burns wants to trade horses with somebody.
   The school taught by Em. Tomlinson will close about the first of May.
   It is rumored that a new brick school house is to be erected at this place the coming summer.
   Susan Bradford, died last Sunday night. She was 71 years of age, and was a consistent member of the Christian church; a large circle of relatives and friends mourn her death. John Bradford, her husband, is also dangerously ill, with but faint hopes of recovery. P.V. Nasby
   Death of Mrs. Mabel Pabody
   Mrs. Pabody died at her home in Vernon, on Thursday, March 15th, 1877. She was one of the pioneers of civilization in this section of the country, having come to Jennings county about the year 1815. She was the daughter of the Rev. Chauncey Butler, who was a Baptist minister, and her death leaves Ovid Butler as the only survivor among a large family of children who penetrated into the wilderness with their parents at that early day, and lived to see Indiana rise to a front rank among the States. Mrs. Pabody was born in Madison county, New York, just as the eighteenth century was about to give way to the nineteenth, and was 78 years of age at the time of her death. As before stated, she came here when the only boats on the Ohio river were the slow moving flatboats which carried emigrants to the West or produce to the Gylf, and long before such a thing as a locomotive was dreamed of in the Mississippi valley. In 1820 she married Dr. Ezra Pabody, with him she lived happily for more than fifty years,the golden anniversary being celebrated in October, 1870, all of her children being present. Dr. Pabody died in the spring of 1871, and since that time Mrs. Pabody has been gradually failing. Though she had been in very poor health all through the winter, it was last week thought that she might live several weeks, perhaps months. Her remains were interred in the Vernon cemetery, on Sunday. The funeral excercises were conducted by Rev. Clark Burt, of the Presbyterian Chruch,--Vernon Banner

NORTH VERNON SUN, May 18, 1906

   Cuts Heavily in Homes in South Part of County
   Nineva Kysar of Seymour, aged about seventy-five years, died of apoplexy at Sylvester Kinder's in Lovett township Monday night. Mr. Kysar was a resident of this community some years ago but for quite a while had lived at his late home. He came here Monday to enjoy a few days fishing but was stricken down as stated.
   The remains were buried at Mt. Zion Wednesday. A wife and several children of the immediate family survive him.

Dropsy caused the death of Ed Johnson of Spencer township, near the Staples Ford, Monday night. The funeral was held Wednesday morning conducted by the Masons. Deceased was seventy years of age.

Abram Walton, who lived east of Commiskey, dropped dead Tuesday morning of apoplexy. He was about seventy years old. The funeral took place Thursday from Graham church conducted by the Masons.

Mrs. Cline, an old land eighty years of age, died at her home in Montgomery township Tuesday night and was buried Thursday afternoon at Bethel Cemetery.

Andrew Haag, aged eighty-nine years, died at his home in Spencer township Tuesday evening of hemorrage of the lungs. The funeral will be Friday. Mr. Haag was a pioneer citizen of Spencer and he will be missed.


   DIED,August 9th, 1873, at the residence of her son, Samuel Marsh, near Elizabethtown, Bartholomew county, Indiana, Mrs. Elizabeth Marsh aged 86 years, 9 months and 19 days.
   The deceased was born in Bourbon County, Ky., October 21st, 1787, and spent the early years of her life among the wilds of that romantic region. The Red man had not then given up domination over the deep green forests that bedecked the hills and cast their rich velvet shades over placid rivers that was wont to "sooth the soul of the savage," or by their gentle murmerings, rock to rest the war-like spirit of Daniel Boon. It was here she learned to sing of
   "The mothers of our fatherland!
   On old Kentucky's soil,
   How shar'd they each with dauntless hand,
   War's tempest and life's toil!"
   Here in this region of unpolished grandure the early life of the deceased was past; and here to, where nothing but the book of nature and the example of pious parents were before her, she sowed the seeds of a pious and useful life. And though two generation of man have passed away since first she crossed the beautiful Ohio, yet her exemplary kindness and christian fortitude have won for her a host of friends through every vicisitude of life, and none ever regretted her acquaintance or forgot the many acts of christian charity dispensed at her door by her own hands, with the same rustic kindness which characterized her whole life.
   She was married to James Marsh, in Harrison county, Ky., March 3rd, 1811, and moved to Bartholomew county, Indiana, where the town of Azalia now stands, October 15th, 1825. Here the young settlers and future pioneers of Indiana had to encounter all the hardships of a frontier life, surrounded by a vast wilderness, swamps and missmatic districts, with nothing to break the silence of forests save the screams of the night hawk howling of wild and ferocious beasts. Thus they found but little in their new home that would compensate them for "the dear sweet home" which they had left far behind the blue waters of the Ohio. But they had come to stay; and, relying upon each other for support, they made battle with the forests, and, as it were, hewed a home out of a thicket. Year after year they fought together the battle of life, and saw the footprints of civilization circling about them--saw the monarchs of the forest receding before the axe of husbandry--saw the Red man and his twin companion, the wild beast, slowly wending the way toward the setting sun--until May 3rd, 1845, the deceased followed her husband to his final resting place in the same grave yard where her remains now lie. Since then she has been residing at the old homestead at Azalia, until about seven years ago when she moved to Elizabethtown. Occasionally she made her home with her son, Samuel Marsh.
   The deceased was the mother of seven children, all of whom she survived except the oldest son, Samuel, at whose residence she breathed her last, and who alone is left to mourn her loss. The deceased was converted and joined the Baptist church at the early age of sixteen, and when she came to Indiana she untied with the Ebenezer Baptist chruch, of which she remained a faithful and exemplary member until her death, a period of forty-seven years.
   She was, indeed, a worthy woman, honored and loved by all who knew here. Her remains were followed by a large concourse of relatives and friends to the Reddington graveyard; in Jackson county, Sunday afternoon, August 10th, where after the delivery of a discourse by Rev. Albert Ogle, of Seymour, she was laid to rest to await the summoning of the "Resurection Morn."
   She was one of the few who lived to see four score and six years--a period abounding with the richest events of history--a period that has seen a nation grow up from a feeble dpendency to a powerful independence--a period that has seen Empires rise and fall and systems and creeds melt away as the dew before the summer's sun. Surely it is enough that one should have lived through this eventful period, and at last be gathered like ripe fruit into the lap of the Redeemed. Rest for thy toil is over! Rest for thy work is done! Sleep until the Savior of the world shall call thee home! S.


   Mrs. Eva Morey, daughter of Elijah and Mary Sampson, was born May 30, 1864 at Paris, Jennings county, Indiana, and died at Greensburg, Ind. on January 31, 1895, after a lingering illness, of consumption. She was married to Henry Morey in December, 1884. For the past eight years she had been in poor health, and for the past two months had been very low, suffering greatly until death relieved her weary body from all pain. Her last hours were very peaceful and she was consious till the last, telling her family that she was not afraid, for she was going to heaven. She leaves a husband, little son of six years, mother, sister and two brothers, besides a large circle of friends. She joined the M. E. church at Paris about eleven years ago, and she was a member at the time of her death. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. L.D. Moore, at Centenary church, Greensburg, February 2nd after which the remains were laid to rest in South Park Cemetery. Myrtle Riggs

Maria L. Eastman was born February 18, 1810 in Jennings county, Indiana; was married to John S. Griffith November 9, 1837. In the year 1863 she moved with her family to Bloomington, McLean county, Ill. In 1875 she moved to Gibson City, Ill., where she lived till her death, January 29,1895. She joined the Methodist Church at the age of 10 years, and since lived a devout Christian life. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Griffith were born fourteen children, ten of whom are left to mourn the loss of a devoted mother. Her constant desire was the welfare of her children. Her husband and four children had gone before. Mrs. Griffith was the sister of Horace F. Eastman, of this county, and she is pleasantly remembered by many old settlers.

   WHITCOMB--On Friday, February 1, 1895, at his residence in this city, Mr. Isaac C. Whitcomb, aged 69 years. Burial in city cemetery Sunday afternoon.
   MANLEY--At her home near Oakdale, on Saturday, February 2, 1895, Miss Ella Manley, aged 30 years. Burial in the Catholic cemetery, this city, Monday.


   Henry Deputy was born in Jennings county, Indiana, August 10, 1829; died January 29, 1895. Mr. Deputy was married to Isabella Patrick on May 25, 1867. Five children were born to them, four of whom are still living, all unmarried and home. Mr. Deputy's death was very sudden and unexpected. He was at work all day previous to the night he was stricken down with pneumonia, which was preceded by a chill, after which he remained unconcious until his death, which orrurred in four days from the time he was taken ill.
   His wife, Isabella, was an invalid having been so for nine years. The shock resulting from her husband's death was more than she could bear, and in a few hours after he was buried she died. Mrs Isabella Deputy was born in Jennings county, Indiana, on November 24, 1850; died January 30, 1895.
   She had been a member of the Coffee Creek Baptist church for sixteen years. She had been a constant sufferer for more than nine years from dropsy and heart trouble. Still she never lost faith in her Savior and died calmly in the full triumphs of faith, insisting on those left of her family joining with some church and living a christian life.
   Funeral services were held in the Christian church at Coffee Creek, Rev. Jewett, of Kent M. E. church, officiating. The I.O.O.F., of Paris Crossing, took charge of the bodies, after which they were laid to rest, side by side, in the cemetery at that place.


RYKER--At his home in Vernon, on Friday morning, February 8, 1895, Jared H. Ryker, aged 64 years.
   Mr. Ryker was the son of Jeradus and Martisha Ryker, and was born August 23, 1830, on Ryker's Ridge, Jefferson county, Indiana. On May 12, 1852 he was married to Elizabeth Ann Dith, who departed this life Nov. 18, 1870. The result of this marriage was eight children, six of whom are still living: Francis and Charles, of Colfax, Ind., John of Mason City, Ill., Carrie (Mrs. Fowl,) and Donald of Milwaukee, Wis., and Emma of Vernon, Ind. On July 7, 1872 he was married to Emma A. Kessler, who survives him. To them were born six children: George, Harry, William, Cornea, Roy and Nellie, all of whom are living. Mr. Ryker was a member of the Masonic and Knights of Pythias Orders, and although not a member of any church, he was in friendly sympathy with them, and was benevolent and charitable toward all.


   The new telephone line between Vernon and New Marion (In Ripley County)was finished last week.
   Mr. James Renie is the new deputy under Auditor Campbell.
   Lee Butler who has been dangerously ill of typhoid fever at his home in Anderson, is some better.
   Nettie Baker is slowly improving.
   Mrs. Philip Nauer is again able to be about the home after being confined to her bed for over a month.
   W.N. Hess was home from Leesville for several days during the holidays.
   John Rowan and family, of Indianapolis, spent several days here recently with relatives.
   C.E. Boner has returned from a visit to his brother Emery at Marion.
   John Overfield returned to Tennessee Monday after spending Christmas with his family.
   Rev. G.S. Henninger and wife, of Indianapolis, spent the holidays here.
   George Jordan is clerking for Eitel Brothers.
   The following officers were elected by Mt. Ida Lodge No. 73, I.O.O.F, Wednesday night:
   Peter Willman, N.G.
   Jesse Richardson, V.G.
   T.B. Read, Sec.
   A.G. Cotton, Treas.
   C.C. Jordon, Trustee
   Grant Jordon, Rep.
   John Fetter has been confined to his bed a week by sickness.
   Harvey Encampment; No. 53, I.O.O.F., elected the following officers at its last meeting:
   Jesse Richardson, C.C.
   E. Vanscoy, F.& P.
   James Orrell, S.W.
   C.E. Boner, J.W.
   H.G. Nelson, Scribe
   A.G. Cotton, Treasurer
   C.C. Jordon, Trustee
   E.J. Welker, Rep.
   Will Flint, of Cincinnati, visited his father here over Sunday.
   Mrs. Ecklemeyer, of Covington, Ky., spent the dolidays with her brother F.F. Frecking and family.
   Ida Rebekah Lodge. No. 33, I.O.O.F will install the following officers Monday night.
   Myrtle Thomas, N.G.
   Almeda Welker, V.G.
   Anna Carney, Sec'y.
   Mrs. C.E. Boner, Treasurer.
   Henry Harman will assist Treasurer Staples for a short time.
   Mrs. Harry Ryker and child of Indianapolis visited here last week.
   John Vawter who is attending college at Champaign, Ill., spent the holidays with his mother and sisters here.
   Belle Batchelor spent the holidays with relatives in Indianapolis.
   Read & Rogers Manufacturing Co. shut down for the holidays.
   M.A. Shepherd and family, of Indianapolis, spent the holidays here.
   Henry May is visiting relatives at Fowler, Ind.
   Lew Dixon was down from Indianapolis Sunday.
   Grover Todd was down from Indianapolis Sunday.
   John Todd spent the holidays with his relatives here.
   Charles May returned to Indianapolis Sunday.
   Editor Culp was on the sick list last week.
   Vester Rich returned to Indianapolis Sunday morning.
   U.B. Hill wife and son Willie returned to Indianapolis Wednesday afternoon, spending a week with relatives here.
   Miss Jennie Hensley, of Indianapolis, spent the holidays with the family of J.H. McGuire.
   Mrs. Lou Brougher and son Minus visited relatives at Mitchell during the holidays.
   A son of J.W. Brewer from New Castle, visited him during the holidays.
   Joe Coryell, of Union Mills, Ind., spent several days here the past week.
   A.D. Hambrick, of Van Buren, was here Monday.

   Richard Sibbs, of Erie, Penn, is visiting with his mother Mrs. Wm. Stewart at this place.
   Bert Towel and wife returned to Jolliet, Ill., Saturday after spending Christmas with relatives here.
   The remains of Mrs. Alice Carson were buried at Vernon last Saturday.
   Will Glixner spent Christmas with the family of Wm. Boner.
   George Hall is spending the holidays with relatives at Indianapolis.
   Henry Burghmeyer was the guest of Otto Hess and family recently.
   Fred Young spent Sunday with friends at Hayden.
   John Kelsch visited Sam Young and family Sunday.
   John McQuaid, of Muscatatuck Bottoms, visited relatives in this vicinity Sunday.
   William Boner helped Sam Young butcher several fine hogs Monday.
   Next Sunday will be regular church day at Zion Baptist church.

   Mrs. Riley and daughter Ida spent Christmas at Columbus.
   Mr. Wilcox and family spent Christmas with Mr. West.
   Joseph Carson, of Walnut Kas., Elhanan Carson, of Indianapolis, Riley Bowen, of Sardinia and Clarence Freeman and family spent spent Christmas with Ezra Hooker.
   William Riley and family, Lon Judson and family, and Misses Myrtie and Ida Riley spent Sunday with their parents Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Riley.
   Master Myron King and little sister visited at Charley Riley's this week.
   Misses Gertrude, Mamie and Eva Sherman of Sardinia, visited relatives in this neighborhood this week.
   Newton Corn and wife, of Indianapolis, spent Christmas at Isaac Temple's.
   Mrs. Bartee entertained friends last week.
   Miss Lizzie Trapp spent Christmas with her sister Mrs. Link Hooker.
   Several from here attended the wood chopping at Elmer Neeley's.
   Frank Stearns and family visited at Ira Boicourt's one day last week.

   Henry Mundy and wife visited Hayden relatives Saturday and Sunday.
   Andy Haag visited Wm. Gilxner Tuesday. He will leave for Indianapolis soon.
   Miss Flora Bertram, who has been working at Indianapolis, is at home.
   Miss Maggie Fogel of Malcomb, Iowa, is visiting relatives here.
   Adam Hauersperger has returned from Iowa.
   Will Gilxner was at North Vernon on business Friday.
   Nick Kellar and Jasper Spencer are pressing hay at Weston.

   Miss May Palmer, of Dupont, was the guest of her cousin Mabel Ferguson Saturday and Sunday.
   Jas. Stafford, of West Virginia, visited friends in this vicinity recently.
   Frank Hosimer made a business trip to North Vernon Monday.
   The opera at this place Friday and Saturday night was well attended despite the inclement weather.
   Geo. Layman returned Wednesday from Illinois, where he has been working the past season.
   Frank Layman returned Wednesday from Illinois, where he has been working the past season.
   Boyd Vance and wife, of Elizabethtown, are visiting relatives at this place.

   Silas Baker called on George Hill last Saturday.
   Several from here attended the sale at Mrs. Mary Wortz's last Saturday.
   Died-December 19th, Mrs. Emens Low, at her home near here, after a long illness of consumption. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn their loss. The remains were taken to the Brushcreek cemetery for burial.
   Mike Cline and wife called on George Hill last Sunday.
   Wendle Cline and son were business callers at Nebraska recently.
   Joe Hill and Silas Moore were at Nebraska last Monday.
   Peter Eder took a load of hogs to Butlerville last Monday.
   Mr. Pickett and wife called on her monter near Osgood several days last week.
   George P. Hill and daughter Louisa were at North Vernon last Monday.
   Silas Baker was at North Vernon last Monday.

   Clarence Holsclaw and family, of Shelbyville, are visiting Mr. Craig.
   Henry Wykoff and son, of Anderson, and Ben Wykoff and son's, of Bedford, are spending the holidays with their father.
   Ellison Dixon has been very sick the past week but is much better and will return to Indianapolis Monday.
   Bert Rickets and family spent several days with Mr. Smith.
   Miss Bessie Abbott has returned to her home after several weeks visit with her sister.
   Miss Mabel Ayres is spending the holidays at Jeffersonville.
   Mrs. Nellie Runyan has taken a relapse and is dangerously ill.
   Miss Anna Hudson still remains quite sick.
   Mrs. Stella Leach, of Ohio, is visiting relatives during the holidays.
   Orville Deputy is again at home.
   The entertainment at Paris was quite a success and all seemed to enjoy themselves especially the children. Much of the honor of the success is due Miss Martha Wright and Ethel Zintmyer for their untiring efforts.
   Joe Brumblay has broken up his batchlor quarters and surprised his friends by bringing home a bride on last Wednesday evening. The lucky young lady was Miss Cora Goldsborogh of Hope, Ind. We wish them a happy prosperous life.

   H.H. Jeffers and wife, of Elizabethtown, spent Sunday with J. E. Amick and wife.
   Joseph Coryell and Miss Annette Batchelor, of Vernon, visited friends here Sunday.
   Clifford Whitcomb, of Greensburg, is spending his vacation here with relatives and friends.
   Mr. Canfield and wife entertained his father and mother, Mr. Spicknel, Misses Miram Spicknel,a nd Mayme Ward, last week.
   Mrs. Bertie Fogle is visiting friends at Crothersville.
   Alah Green was at North Vernon, Saturday.
   Roy Draper wife and little son, of Columbus, visited A.B. Kiefer and family, and W.F. Hutchings and family, last week.
   Miss Blanche Tilford will be hostess for the Bachelor Maid's party, Friday evening.
   Miss Flora Heaton, of Hayden, visited her sister, Mrs. Cyrus Amick last week.
   Nr. Charlie Hart and sisters, Misses Nettie and Carrie of Clark county, visited E.N. Covert and family last week.
   Charles T. Butler and sister, Florence, spent Tuesday with relatives at Seymour.
   Lee Clapp gave a party to the young folks, Friday evening.
   Daniel Spear and family of Grammer, spent Christmas day with C.N. Clapp and wife.
   C.D. Butler, and children Marguerite and Gordon, spent Saturday with North Vernon friends.
   Harry Brown, of Columbus, spent several days the first of the week with Newton Brown and wife.
   Ross Richardson returned to Indianapolis Saturday evening.
   Mrs. D.A. Hutchings and son, Will were shopping at Columbus one day last week.
   K.F. Clapp expects to leave for Central America in a short time.
   J.F. Amick attended Teacher's Association at Indianapolis, this week.

   Dr. McKay was at Indianapolis on business recently.
   Fred White,and family, of Indianapolis, is visiting Morris Ehite and family near here.
   Willie Udell, of Indianapolis, is the guest of his grandparents near here.
   Master Glenn Vernon visited his father, at Madison, several days recently.
   Ab Robbins was at Greensburg several days last week.
   Mrs. D. McKay and little daughter Lizzie were shopping in North Vernon one day last week.
   Patsie RObbins was shopping in North Vernon recently.
   Mr. Vernon, of Madison, visited his sister, Mrs. D. McKay here recently.
   Frank Stearns and family are visiting at North Vernon.
   Mrs. Frank Kimsey and sister, Mabel Buchanan, went Saturday to join Mrs. Kimseys husband, at Manilla, where they will make their future home.
   Thomas and J.P. O'Mara, are attending State Teachers Association, at Indianapolis.
   Born--To Frank Kimsey and wife, of Manilla, formerly of this place, Dec. 19-a son.
   Wm. Cornwith, of Ohio, was calling on old friends here recently.
   Wm. Kimsey is on the sick list.
   The people of this vicinity were shocked to hear of the death of Rome Bowman, who lately moved from this place to Tampico. His family have the sympathy of the whole community.

   Esq. Wetzel has returned from a business trip to Cincinnati.
   Lester Rogers and wife will return to their studies at Chicago in a few days.
   Thomas Myrick was buried at Tea Creek, Christmas day. He leaves a wife and family besides some sisters, and brothers to mourn his loss.
   Mrs. Phebe Gruber, daughter of Charles Hess and wife, died Saturday night. The remains were laid to rest at Mt. Zion Monday. She leaves friends, father, mother, brothers, sisters a husband and child to mourn her death.

   Mrs. Martha Webb is reported quite poorly.
   Rev. Nicholson filled his regular appointment at Bear Creek Saturday and Sunday.
   John Lilly, wife and baby, of Jasper county, came down to spend the holidays with relatives.
   Harvey Herring attended a show at Olivet Sunday afternoon.
   Miss Jennie Lilly and gentleman friend of Sherwood, attended services at Bear Creek Sunday night.
   Mike Herring and family were at North Vernon Wednesday buying Christmas presents.
   J.H. Scaffer and wife, treated the Sunday school at Mr. Olivet, to candy Sunday.
   Ottis Beesley spent Christmas eve with Norah Nobs relatives.
   Ines Manion is entertaining her friend, Miss Dora Smith, of Seymour, during the holidays.
   Miss Mamie Stephenson, of North Vernon, is spending the holidays with relatives along the Line.
   George Bennett and daughter, Gladis, visited at Lett Herring's Sunday.
   Mort Baird and Henry Jenkins were at North Vernon Wednesday.

   Judson West gave a Christmas dinner. Those who were present were their father and mother, D. Clark, from Sardinia, E.R. West and family, and W.S. Wilcox and family.
   Mrs. Sensbank is visiting her mother and relatives in Cincinnati.
   Misses Maude and Edna Hooker are visiting relatives at Indianapolis and Milroy, this week.
   Walter Millhouse, who is visiting his sister, Miss Grace West, is reported better.
   Misses Mame, Gertie and Even Sherman, from near Sardinia, are visiting relatives in this locality this week.
   Willie West, who is attending school in Anderson, is home during the holidays.
   Ira Boicourt and family spent Christmas in North Vernon.
   Miss Essie Werner, Miss Cooper and little Lizzie Cooper, spent Christmas in Corydon, Ky.
   Mrs. Bertha Petree and son, are visiting relaives in this locality.
   Miss Annie Wilcox is visiting relatives in Sardinia this week.
   Adam Petree called on S. Wilcox and family Saturday night.
   Fred Denham and brother Charles, from near Sardinia, called on their aunt, Mrs. Wilcox, Saturday.
   Miss Lulu Carson is visiting relatives at Indianapolis.
   Mrs. Erby Hooker had relatives from Indianapolis and Sardinia Christmas, for dinner.
   Newton Corn and daughter, from Indianapolis, spent Christmas with their parents, Isaac Temple and wife.

   Robt. Forsyth is spending the holidays with his parents.
   Mrs. Maggie Mantle and daughter Annie are visiting relatives in Ohio.
   Miss Sadie Maupin is with her mother at Dupont during the holidays.
   Miss Edith Forsyth is visiting her parents here.
   Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ross are at Seymour for a few days.
   Mrs. Enos Cope is at Indianapolis with her daughter, Mrs. Will Davis.
   Chas. Ross, of the U.S. Navy, is spending his furlough with his parents. He gave a very interesting talk to the G.A.R. Post last Saturday.
   Miss Belle Condon is at home from Cincinnati.
   Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koontz, of Kosciusko County are here on a visit.
   Miss Hattie Parker of St. Louis, is spending a few days here her sister, Mrs. Meta Kendrick.
   Roy Boyd is at home from Indianapolis.
   Rev. Phillip Corya is with his brother Dr. W.D. Corya for a short visit.

   Miss Anna Krenning left for Cincinnati last Wednesday for a two weeks visit with her sisters, Mrs. Nellie McLaughlin and Miss Minnie Krenning.
   Miss Etta Lurton is visiting relatives in Cincinnati.
   Mel Wells and family, of North Vernon, spent Christmas with the former's parents, J.R. Wells and wife.
   Miss Etta Lurton is visiting relatives in Cincinnati.
   Mel Wells and family, of North Veron, spent Christmas with the former's parents, J.R. Wells and wife.
   Matthew Wells and wife, of Indianapollis, returned last Saturday night after a few days visit with friends and relatives here.
   Miss Maggie Wilkerson is staying with Mrs. Minerva Spear.
   Phillip Jolly moved his family last week to T.J. Staples' farm in Spencer township.
   Ed Austin, of Ripley County, is visiting his uncle, H.T. Austin and family.
   Miss Maggie Wilkerson is staying with Mrs. Minerva Spear.
   Ed Austin, of Ripley County, is visiting his uncle, H.T. Austin and family.
   Miss Damsel Abbott, of Big Branch, is visiting her uncle, Elmer Shepherd and family.
   Phillip Jolly moved his family last week to T.J. Staples' farm in Spencer township.
   Ed Austin, of Ripley County, is visting his uncle, H.T. Austin and family.
   Miss Damsel Abbott, of Big Branch, is visiting her uncle, Elmer Shepherd and family.
   Abel Dunham and wife and J.M. Davis attended the Masonic festival at Paris Crossing Saturday night.
   Mrs. Maggie Deputy and son George, of Indianapolis, are spending the holidays with her parents, Geo. Tate and wife.
   The Sunday School was reorganized last Sunday morning, the following officers being elected: Supt. T.J. Burtch; Asst,Supt. I.H. Cover; Sec. and Treas., Harmon Blazdell; Asst. Sec. and Treas., Murty Wilkerson.

   Mrs. Lizzie Spencer and daughter, Mrs Emma Sweany, of Indianapolis, spent Saturday with relatives near here.
   James Myrick was at North Vernon recently.
   Mrs. Fewell returned to her home Monday after attending her brother's funeral and spending a few days with relatives near here.
   There will be a wood-chooping for Mrs. Ersula Derringer Saturday, Jan. 10. Everybody came and bring your saw and axe.
   Mrs. Cora Williams entertained relatives Sunday, it being her 22 birthday.
   Samuel Carpenter, who has been staying at Queensville, is home visiting relatives and friends.
   Miss Altie Hosimer spent Sunday evening with Miss Cordie Williams.
   Mrs. Birdie Meek, of Indianapolis, in here spending a few days with relatives.
   Ora Carpenter and wife were the guests of Jasper Spencer and family, near Big Branch, Sunday.
   M.A. Williams spent Sunday over the creek.
   Several from here attended the furneral of Mrs. Phoeba Gruber, at Mt. Zion, Monday.

   E.B.O. Lamb had another feast Christmas. He tanked up on turkey, oysters and-has'nt been seen or heard of since.
   George Fewell and wife, of Warren county, spent Christmas with his mother and brother near here.
   Mrs. Call and daughter Francis are spending the holidays at Anderson with friends relatives.
   B.J. Johnson and family and Pearl Morris spent Christmas at R.F. Custer's near Dupont.
   Miss Inez Lamb went to Ohio to spend the holidays.
   L.F. Giddings and J.C. Groves are having their corn shredded.
   Mrs. Addie Johnson and children returned home Monday from her father's where she has been at the bedside of her bother James, who has been very sick with congestion of the stomach and bowels.
   Miss Shirley Morris, of New Marion, came here Monday to visit for a few days.
   Robt. Sullivan and family spent Christmas at L.F. Giddings.
   Misses Naoma Johnson and Pearl Norris and two gentleman friends, Carl McGonnon and Charlie Call spent Sunday at New Marion with Isiah Morris and family.
   C.T. Custer was in our burg Monday evening and attended the hop at W.S. Tatem's.
   Nick Hoffman, of Logansport, is home on a visit.
   Alice Daring spent a few days last week with home folks.
   The following officers were elected by Pleasant Valley Lodge I.O.O.F.: H.A. Mix, N.G., Elmer Bundy, V.G., B.F. Hand, Treasurer, C.P. Cole, Recording Sec'y, B.J. Johnson, Financial Sec'y
   Isiah Morris and family passed through here Tuesday on their way to Dupont to visit relatives.

   U.H. Miles and wife, of North Vernon, were the guests of the Misses Whelan last Friday.
   Andy McClure and wife spent Sunday with his brother Harvey McClure.
   Miss Etta Balliff will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. John Trapp.
   Will Gray and wife spent last Thursday with Harvey McClure and wife.
   Henry Crawford was hauling hay Saturday from Andy McClure.
   Earl and Wilbur McClure, of North Vernon, spent Sunday at Sunny Side farm, and treated all to oysters. Come down again Earl.
   Harvey McClure and wife spent Christmas day with his brother Andy and family.
   The Misses Whelan were the guests of Andy McClure and wife Christmas day. The feast was cracker jack.
   Frank Clarkson called at the Diamond Peach farm Satruday.

   Edgar J. Dixon, eldest son of J.M. and Vira Dixon, died at St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind., December 20th, 1902, aged 33years 4 months and 10 days. He was born in Jennings County, near Paris, on the 5th day of August 1869. He bagan his career as a teacher in the public schools of Jennings County. This calling he followed continuously for a period of eight years, after which he engaged in business in Indianapolis where he has since lived. His life exemplified the virtures of unselfishness, charity and love. He fulfilled every obligation that fell to his lot and made his personality so felt in every community in which he lived, that his friends were legion and their friendship of lasting quality. Words are inadequate to express the true worth of his character. His life, itself, stands as the greatest tribute which can be paid to him. It was at 9:45 of the morning, when, from the moments of an active, busy life of thrity-three years, the last of his had come, and quietly placing his hand in those of the loving mother, his spirit departed to the great unknown. His death was at an hour of the morning that spoke tenderly to the mourning ones and bade their hopes be fervent and their faith strong, for the angels on high cast over all the great comfort that comes from a life of delicate and sensitive nobleness of character. Funeral services were conducted at the Paris M.E. church by the pastor, Rev. F.C. Ward, assisted by the K. of P. Lodge of Commiskey.

   Henry Albert Herring, son of William and Rachel Herring, was born March 1st, 1855, and departed this life December 14, 1902, having lived 47 years, 9 months, and 12 days. He was the 8th of a family of twelve children. He leaves three brothers, three sisters and a host of relatives who mourn their loss. Being afflicted as he was he devoted himself in early life to books, preparing himself for teaching which he followed as a profession for nineteen years. He was ever ready to assist the young of his acquintance to acquire an education for which they were always thankful to him. He was very much devoted to whatever he was engaged in. For the last three years he had served as Deputy Auditor of his county, and had been contracted to fill the same position for the next four years. He untied with the Baptist church at Bear Chreek in early life and lived a consistant member, always holding up for the cause of the master. His life being so well known we deem it needless to say more. Rev. P.O. Duncan, of North Vernon, preached the funeral sermon at the Bear Creek church to a large and sympathetic audience.


Forgery and Suicide!
   The Way of the Transgressor is Exceedingly Hard.
   On last Sunday evening about 7 o'clock considerable excitement was created by the announcement J.S. Michaels, son-in-law of Chester Clark, had committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart. The circumstances leading to the act were about as follows: About the 20th of November last Michaels obtained $100 from Gibson & McDonald, of Seymour, on a note to which was forged the signature of his wife's uncle John Oathoudt, a wealthy farmer of this commuity. A few days ago the firm learned from some source that the note was not genuine, and on last Sunday a warrant for his arrest was sworn out before Squire Devore. The warrant was placed in the hands of Constable James Tyler, who, with a posse of men, went in pursuit of the fugitive, finding him in the woods just east of Mr. Oathoudt's residence, he having been at Mr. Oathoudt's vainly endeavoring to procure that gentleman's intercession in his behalf. As the constable and his men approached Michaels, they heard the report of a pistol, and soon came upon his prostrated form with a bullet hole through his heart, and a 32 calibre revolver lying by his side where it had been dropped after the fatal shot had been fired. The body was taken charge of by the Constable and removed to the house of the deceased and the Coroner summoned, at the inquest that night the following letter was taken from his pocket, which it is supposed he wrote while in the woods.
   "Six Mile, Ind., Jan. 4th, 1885.
   To whom it May Concern:
   Before to-morrow's sun shall set the hand that now pens these lines shall forever be stilled in death. I can not be called by the people and loving friends, a fugitive from justice. I sincerely regret that I must depart this life under such embarrassing circumstances as are now extant. I have laid the matter before friends, in its real character, while to others I have withheld a part, thinking perhaps that it would be best. In this I believe I have erred in judgement. I have applied to friends for assistance, and in this sad hour I find that a friend in truth is hard to find. To those who I have applied to for assistance, I now thank you for the last time for the many charitable acts of kindness you have extended in times past. You can never do me but one more favor and that is to extend charity to my loving and devoted wife, whose sorrowing heart is bowed down in grief and sorrow. If you could not listen to her heartrending cries and entreaties when I lived, please console her when I am no more. And now, darling Ella, a few written words to you for the last time. My sorrow stricken heart is bleeding for you. I long to embrace you and recieve a loving and farewell kiss from your precious lips before departing this life, but it seems as though fate is against me, and I must leave you forever. I am alone at this moment under the canopy of the heavens. I pray God in his infinite mercy to comfort you in this hour of bereavement. I have wronged no man our of a cent purposely, and if the hand of assistance was near I could exonerate myself, but the combined will of man and popular opinion crushes me to the earth. To my aged father and mother, I will say you have always taught me the ways that God would have me go, and I ask the people to extend the hand of charity to you in your affliction and sore bereavement, and not cast reflections upon you for the sad career of my life. Darling Ella, I love you dearly and have tried to be faithful to you. Our happiness is now closed on the earth but I hope to meet you in Heaven. Look to Christ for assistance and press on to a better life. I sincerely hope that my enemies and those who are appressing me to-day will be as well contented with my life given up as though I were to go through the heartrending scenes of an earthly court, and now to one and all I will say a long farewell. I hope to meet good people all in Heaven. J. S. Michaels
   P.S. My desires are that Bro. Northcott preach my funeral, and his text as follows:
   'As ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.'
   Verily, verily, man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands to mourn.
   I desire to have my body wrapped in a plain winding sheet. Friends and neighbors, look upon my lifeless body as one who meant no harm, but meant every act of his life for the best, though at times I have made sad mistakes in my judgement. I abhor no one. I adjure no one. I depart this life extending a heart of sympathy to humanity everywhere. Farewell, farewell! J.S.M."
Mr Michaels was a man about 30 years of age. He has been an active worker in the M.E. church since he came to this place, which was about the first of last February. He was married to Miss Ella Clark in May last under very romantic circumstances. His tragic death has created a profound sensation ans should be a lesson to those having a tendency to imitate their neighbors' signature. His funeral was preached at the M.E. church to-day at 11 o'clock by Rev. T.W. Northcott after which his remains were interred in the Six Mile Cemetery. Dexter, January 6th, 1886

Marriage licenses issued last week:
   Nathan A. Crippen to Florence E. Skinner; Albert A. Wells to Clara A. Richards; Nichols Depper to Mary C. Williams; Michael Miller to Lena Kipper; James M. Keith to Miriam Owen; Albert D. Hinchman to Emma B. Lee; Ernest Willman to Adra A. Jordan.
   J.W. Hill is on the sick list.
   John Staudt, of Seymour, was visiting friends here over Sunday.
   1885 commenced here about thusly:
   Rev. T.W. Northcot and wife, John C. Busby and wife, and J.W. Campbell and wife, all of North Vernon, took dinner at Will S. Campbell's.
   Dudley Wells returned to his home in Rush County.
   Misses Lizzie Carson and Lizzie Tweedy went some place--can't tell where they all go to--one man went to North Vernon and traded eggs for oranges.
   Will S. Shepherd and wife spent the holidays at Columbus.
   Israel Walton, of Tipton, was here on business.
   Wm. Pillmer has returned home from Sullivan county.
   Miss Adams, of North Vernon, visited her sister, Mrs. Chas Ross, last week.
   Charley Trapp bought a car load of corn at Seymour a few days ago.
   D.M. Roseberry and Charley Trapp shipped a car load of stock to Cincinnati yesterday.
   Wilbur Balliff stayed away from home all night last Saturday night.
   D.M. Lattimore, of Crothersville visited here last Saturday.
   Mrs. Mollie Lattimore is in very poor health. January 6th, 1885
   Albert Earheart has taken Isaac Stools place as miller at Paris Crossing.
   George Riggs and family visited at Brewersville, Westport and Greensburg during the holidays.
   Miss Ida McClanahan treated her scholars at this place to a fine lot of candy and nuts on Christmas day.
   "Oat" Troutman, of Oakland City, is visiting at Dr. Hanna's.
   Oscar Hudson has gone over to Hardenburg to live with S.M. Hudson.
   Henry Zeinor,(Zener) an old resident of this vicinity, sold his farm to a man in Ohio. (He moved to St. Clair County, Missouri)
   Miss Jennie Knox has been sick for the past week but is some better at this time.
   Sam Tibbets was visiting relatives and friends here during the holidays but returned last week to Minnesota where he is engaged in business.
   January 5th, 1885 RIGHT ARM
   Married, on Thursday, January 1st, 1885 by Rev. C.W. Tinsley, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. Albert D. Hinchman to Miss Emma B. Lee.
   DIED On Nov. 20, 1884, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J.H. Stribling, Delphos, Kansas, Harmon F. Stiening in his 80th year. Deceased was a native of Germany. Come to this country in 1834. In 1841 he settled in Columbia township this county, where he resided many years. For some years he has resided in Decatur county and at the time of his death was visiting relatives in Kansas.

NORTH VERNON SUN, February 6, 1930

   The remains of Geo. A. Daeger, age 81 years, were laid to rest today (Thursday) in the little cemetery adjoining the St. Ann church, of which he has always been a devout member. Pontifical High Mass was said at 10 O'clock by the Most Rev. Archbishop Daeger of Sante Fe, New Mexico, a son of the deceased; Rev. Vigil Daeger of Oldenburg, Ind., also a son of the deceased.Master of Ceremonies; the Rev. Pohl of Rockport, a former pastor of the St. Ann church, was Deacon, and Rev. Schenk, recently moved from St. Ann to St. Leon, sub-deacon; Deacons of honor were Rev. Urich of Morris, and a former pastor of the little church at St. Ann, and Rev. Sprigler of North Vernon.
   Rev. Urich preaced the funeral sermon paying tribute to the man known for his numerous attributes. The ceremonies thruout were very touching, the singing of the noted student choir of ten voices from Oldenburg led by and directed by Father John Welsh was especially fitting.
   Over twenty-five priests from various parts of the country were here for the services, three of whom had at some time or another served the St. Ann parish as its pastor.
   Mr. Daeger was a remarkable man in many ways. His health even at his advanced age was good until a week before his death when after a paralytic stroke suffered on the 27th of January, he gradually grew weaker until Sunday, when he breathed his last. He was a great factor in the building up of the little settlement in which he made his home. Two of his sons entered the priesthood, one gaining the title of Archbishop of Santa Fe and another the pastor of the Oldenburg congregation.
   Besides the two just mentioned there are surviving Casper Daeger of Canada, Jacob of Illinois, William of Chanpaign, Ill., Joseph of Milwaukee, Wis., John of Chicago, Ill., Leo and Fred of Indianapolis, Herman of Cincinnati, Albert and Miss Clara of St. Ann and one sister Mrs. Anna Decher of Cincinnati.

MRS MINERVA MORIN Mrs. Minerva Morin, 71 years of age died at her home in the Tea Creek neighborhood Thursday morning January 30th.
   Funeral services were held by Rev. Swarthout at the Tea Creek Baptist church and burial in the Tea Creek cmemetery. She is survived by the husband and two sons, Arthur and James Morin, and two daughters, Mrs. Ed Utsinger and Mrs. George Vance.


BUTLERVILLE Feb. 21, 1899
   The G.A.R. will give a festival at McIlroy's Hall on the nights of Feb. 22 and 23. All invited.
   E.J. Hutton and G.P.M. Brougher have a telephone line between their residences.
   Grant Baughn of Shelbyville, is visiting his father-here who is very sick.
   Roy Boyd has gone to Newton county to clerk on a farm.
   Mrs. Ella Price has bought a 30-acre farm of Albert and Robert Engle.
   Anna D. Davis has bought a house of J.W. Silver, located on East Main Cross.
   J.F. Fewell, of Peru, called on his sister, Mollie Silver, last Sunday.
   There was a quiet wedding in our village last Tuesday evening, the contracting parties being Albert McDowell and Miss Belle Parker. Rev. Campbell officiating. We extend congratulations.
   D.W. Beadle, of Syracuse N.Y., is here looking after his real estate.
   Frank Price is moving to his recently purchased farm, south of town.
   Ruth little daughter of C. F. Hole, fell into a fireplace last week, receiving very severe burns.
   Eben Ryan was wounded last week by a sawlog rolling over his foot, but he is improving.

BIG BRANCH Feb. 20, 1899
   George Gerth and sister Lizzie, spent Thursday evening with Will and Lula Glixner.
   Mrs. Giles Spaulding visited at John Glixner's Thursday.
   Vivian Spaulding and Ethel Sulivan were at home over Sunday.
   Tull Sulivan and wife visited their daughter, Mrs. Ed Baty at Hayden.
   John James and wife and Anna Simon called on friends and relatives at Hayden Saturday.
   Forrest Lattimore and Miss Grace Evans, of North Vernon, were quietly married Tuesday evening. May peace and happiness be theirs.
   Father Thie, os Four Corners filled his appointment at Scipio Sunday.
   Herman Wandersee attended the funeral of his father-in-law, Mr. Schrader, at Indianapolis last week.
   Peter Bertram and brother Will, visited North Vernon Sunday.
   Will and Lula Glixner spent Sunday with friends at Hayden.
   Mike Gerth and family visited his son Martin, Sunday.

HEGE Feb. 21, 1899
   Tom Brown and wife were visiting sick friends at Elizabethtown over Sunday.
   Married, at the residence of Rev. Rose, Miss Lola Waughtel of this place to John Helt of Helt's Mill.
   Sam Ferrenburg and Frank Campbell were callers in Jackson county last week.
   John Ferrenburg was at North Vernon Friday.
   The infant child of Lafe Carson is very ill.
   John McGarry and family were at Columbus last week.
   Arch Wilbur and family were guests of J.A. Hoppus Sunday.
   Chas. Waughtel and wife were callers at Columbus last week.
   Frank Wilds was at Elizabethtown on Thursday.
   Miss Josie Herron is staying at Lafe Carson's.
   Charley Campbell, of Jackson county, was in this vicinity this week.
   A.S. Corya's huckster wagon did not go out this week.

ROCK CREEK Feb. 18, 1889
   Mrs. Lin Perry is very ill.
   Milt White now occupies his new residence.
   Born to Sanford Helt and wife, a boy.
   Wm. Allee and Wm. Morris made a business trip to Milhousen last week.
   Della Baker's eyes are no better.
   Mr. White is on the sick list.

   The death angel has again visited one of our homes and taken from it a loving mother. Mrs. Anna Smith departed this Friday evening at 8 o'clock, and her spirit took its flight to the heavenly home where sorrow or grief never enters. She was the daughter of Mrs. Ruth Russell, who is still living at the age of eighty-four years, and was also a twin sister of Josephine Russell, of Grayford. She was born in Morgan County, Ind., Dec. 28,1846 and died at the age of 52 years, 1 month and 9 days. From Morgan county she moved with her parents to Bartholomew county in 1847; lived there then moved to Jennings county in 1850. She united with the Freedom Baptist Church at the age of 15 years and always led a consistant christian life. She was a kind loving mother ever willing to fulfill all motherly duties. She was a good, kind neighbor and was always ready to lend a helping hand in time of affliction or trouble and will be greatly missed in the neighborhood. She leaves a husband, son, two daughters, three grandchildren and a host of friends and relatives to mourn their loss. But weep not for her, she is not dead but gone before. Their loss is heaven's gain. For blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Funeral services were conducted at Freedom church Sunday, after which the remains were tenderly laid to rest in the church yard near by to await the resurrection morn. H.W.

Mrs. Nancy P. Carpenter was born in Dearborn county, Indiana, April 19. 1846, and died Feb. 10, 1899. Funeral services occurred at the Pleasant View church, Rev. Schoonover conducted the funeral sermon, after which the remains were interred in Bear Creek cemetery, Feb. 12th. When very young she came to this county with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Little. On Sept. 17, 1864. she was married to Samuel B. Carpenter and afterward moved to Illinois. After a year they moved back to this county, where they have lived ever since. To them were born nine children, eight of whom are still living, five sons and three daughters. She was a member of the Christian church, was a good christian woman always filled her place in church as long as she was able. she had been ailing for fifteen years, consumption being the cause of her death, but she bore it bravely and said "God knows best;" that when he was ready she was ready to go. When death summoned her to leave this earthly realm she closed her eyes and passed peacefully and quietly to her eternal rest. She was a loving wife and mother and will be greatly missed by her relatives and friends.

Little Ruth Margurite Hewitt, daughter of H.B. and Lillie L. Hewitt, was born Sept. 26, 1895, died Feb. 11, 1899, aged 3 years 4 months and 16 days, after an illness of two weeks. Little Ruth was a sweet and lovable child. Her sickness was violent from the beginning until the end came and Christ relieved the patient little sufferer. She never complained or seemed to worry, but bore her pain with a fortitude surprising to see. she was the only daughter. A kind little sister and playmate. She will be missed, oh so sadly in her home left so desolate by her departure but we are consoled by the precious thought that "there is no death," what seems so is transition.
   This life of mortal breath
   Is but a suburb of the life elysian
   Whose portal we call death
   She is not dead, the child of our affection, but gone unto that haven where she no long needs our poor protection, leaving the prints of little feet to mark the way from earth to Heaven. Ah, what an anchor to be cast for those left behind, to guide them onto Him, the sinless teacher, who came for us to die. Funeral services were conducted at the Queensville Christian church on Monday, Feb. 13th, by Rev. Lott Randolph after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery near by.

Samuel Pitts was born in Licking county, Ohio, April 1, 1840. He was married to Louisa Freeman, Aug. 18, 1864; to them were born one son, Osmond, who survives, the wife having passed away July 11, 1873. He was the second of a family of ten children, only two of whom are living, a brother John A. Pitts living in Cincinnati, and a sister, Mrs. Callie Brenner, living in Stuben county, Ind. He came to this State with his son in 1886, and has since made this county his home, first at Commiskey and the past few years near Hayden. He was a member of the Christian Union Church, having united in the year 1874. He was taken ill with pneumonia Feb. 11, 1899, and after one short week death ended his sufferings and he passed away on the evening of Feb. 18, 1899, aged 58 years 10 months and 22 days. The funeral services were held on the afternoon of Fed. 20th at the Hayden Baptist church, the ceremonies being conducted by Rev. J. M. Swarthout, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery south of the town of Hayden.


Four Prominent Citizens Take Long Joy Ride
   Joseph Roseberry accompanied by Ed Tech, Clifford Eckstein and Peter Wahl drove to Bedford Saturday in one of North Vernon Garage's new Chevrolets arriving there about noon.
   They report seeing Chas Butler, one time editor and owner of the Sun; Mr. Frank Tech, proprietor of a clothing store, and others well known to our people.
   The boys decided to cut loose and for once be regular cut-ups but Mr. Tech refused to be a part to, before or after the fact, and returned home on the B. and O. while the remaining three started for Indianapolis in the car.
   Arriving there we understand Cliff and Joe took in all the burlesque shows while Pete contented himself with visiting all the barber shops in the city.
   The boys returned to this city whole or in part at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, all reporting a good time.


   Echos From The Fathers
   by Needmore Blade
   Robert Elliott was born in good old "Kaintuk," more than four score years ago, and emigrated to Indiana more than sixty years ago, and settled at Zenas in the eastern part of Jennings county. Raised in a sparsely settled country he did not have the opportunity of much "book larning," but nature blessed him with a bright intellect, sound judgement, and strong executive ability. Mr. Elliott saw this country in its infancy, and watched it develope to its present state of perfection. In early life Mr. Elliott was an uncompromising Whig and when the Republican party was organized he was one of its constituant members, and has been one of its diligent workers ever since.
   In the decade between 1840 and 1850, Mr. Elliott was one of the Probate Judges for six years, and filled the office with dignity and propriety.
   In 1852 he was high Sheriff of Jennings county-I don't know how many years.
   Robert Elliott is the father of our late ex-Treasurer, Hiram Elliott. He is now living near Zenas on his farm, in his own quiet, modest, comfortable home, and in peace and retirement, in the evening of life, but is deeply interested in the welfare and especially in the success of the Republican party.
   Mr. Elliott has always been a very industrious man and he still takes pleasure in hating lazyness. He is one of our oldest pioneers and best citizens,and is a thorough going man.



   Lewis Carson is home on a visit from Washington County where he has been engaged in teaching singing school. He has two large classes and will organize another one soon.
   Frank Barker, of Vernon, called on friends in this vicinity last week.
   A large number of our citizens are suffering with bad colds, or la grippe as it may be called; but no serious cases yet. The school district No. 2 has been reduced to about half by sickness.
   A brother of Rev. A.J. Lay has called to see him.
   The singing school at No. 2 will soon close for the second term.
   On account of our bad roads our merchant, Wm. H. Shepherd passed down the road with 4 horses to his huckster wagon last Friday. He is a clever merchant and the community at large would do well to patronize him.
   Last Thursday evening quite a number of the friends of Dannie Carson met to celebrate his 21st birthday anniversary. An excellent supper was prepared which helped to add to the enjoyment of the evening; supper being over the singing class gave some excellent music with Walter and Lewis Carson as leaders. Dannie has lived to be a man and has went through thick and thin. He has been troubled with his spinal cord for a number of years; is the smallest man in Jennings county, perhaps in the state, his weight being 48 pounds; is an intelligent man and a friend to all who know him; he seemed to enjoy the evening social very much. He likes for his friends to all call and see him. To meet at such a social is a blessing we greatly enjoy. Hoosier - February 4, 1890


    Mort Barnes and family, of Weston, visited his father-in-law, John Bare, of this place, last Saturday evening.
    Regular services were held last Saturday and Sunday at Tea Creek, conducted by Rev. Seburn.
    John Kieper and wife, of St. Ann, passed through here on their way to North Vernon one day last week.
    Our supervisor of roads, Oliver Davis, attempted last week to better the condition of a mudhole which has been the source of a great deal of trouble to the traveling public of this vicinity.
    Wm. Short and John Bare transacted business in Lovett one day last week.
    While he was chopping wood last Saturday John Bare had his knee severely injured.
    Lew Biedert was a business caller in our neighborhood one day last week.
    Mrs. R. Johnson visited her sister Mrs. Graves, at North Vernon, one day last week.
    Florence Myrtle Bare was born Feb. 16, 1901, and died March 23, 1903, aged 2 years and 24 days. Walter Bare was born Nov. 5, 1902, and died March 11, 1903, aged 4 months and 6 days. These were the children of David Bare, of Iowa, and grandchildren of John Bare and wife, of this place. On Friday, March 13, two little white velvet caskets containing all that was mortal of the two little ones were put in one grave.
    A pretty wedding occurred at the home of John Bare and wife, of this place, last Sunday, April 20, the contacting parties being Mr. Ben Strickland, of North Vernon, and Miss Sarah Bare, of this place. They will make their home in North Vernon.


The following is a list of eight sisters well known to many of the readers of the Banner. They were called together recently to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. George Rust. During their sojourn they were weighed at the store of Mr. Amos Thomas with the following results:
Martha Wilson..........107
Mary Torbet............124
Damsel James...........125
Penelope Sharp.........176
Jane Stott.............182
Alice Fish.............196
Ellen McCammon.........199
Susan BonDurant........200
The sisters being weighed here are the daughters of Thomas & Eleanor McGannon.


Brewersville Letter
    This is a winter of varieties.
    Rev. Herschburg, of Westport, gave us two sermons this week. His texts were in Revelations, something unusual. Come again brother.
    James Morganson, of Sardinia, presented his lively appearance among us Sunday.
    Aunt Kitty Underwood who has been reported sick, died last Monday night. She had been a resident of this county for many years. She leaves a large number of friends, for she was a true friend to all, and all loved her.
    On last Saturday morning our people were witness to a sad scene, a man frozen to death. Frank Hartwell and his son were at Westport and started home, but on the way the son left the father who was too drunk to proceed farther, and later he was found dead beside the railroad track, his faithful dog by his side. This happened Friday night during the storm.
    Daniel Brewer is among us again.
Feb. 19            Felix.


Brewersville    March 6, 1893
    The roads are impassable in places.
    Calvin Holmes of Letts Corner was in this place Friday.
    Albion Kidd, of your city, is making a visit at this place.
    Wm. Mathews and family visited at this place yesterday.
    Wm. Adams has moved into his property at this place.
    Cabinet photo's $2 per doz. at White's, Crutchfield's stand, North Vernon.
    Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson went to Greensburg on business last Tuesday.
    The sick reported last week are all improving, except George McGuire, who is still very low.
    County Superintendent McGuire was here last Friday, to settle a little difficulty in the school.
    Mrs. Vawter and her son Clyde, are staying with her daughter, Mrs. Byram, of this place for a few days.
    Rev. McDuffy failed to fill his appointment at this place yesterday on account of sickness in his family.
    Miss Mary Amsden was taken very suddenly with heart trouble Thursday night, but is better at this writing.
    DIED-At the residence of his son, Amos, Monday, March 6, Mr. Ephraim Littell, after a long and continued illness.
    The friends of the widow of J.H. Stearns made a wood chopping for her last Friday and cut a fine pile of wood.
    Sanford Judd and family arrived at this place from Kansas last Saturday, on their way East. They stopped to visit Mrs. Judd's sister, Mrs. William McGuire, and brother, William Morgan.
    On last Thursday our little villiage was shocked by the death of Mr. Horace Lockwood, of this place. Although in feeble health, Mr. Lockwood was going about his work and fell dead with heart disease. Mr. Lockwood bought property at this place and moved here about a year ago. He was a pensioner in the late war and had formerly lived in Vernon, where his remains were taken for interment.
    The remains of Horace Lockwood, an old citizen of this place who died suddenly of heart disease at Brewersville, were brought here Friday evening and deposited at the residence of Peter Hengstler. Arrangements were made to bury on Saturday but owing to some conditions of the body which seemed to warrant the belief that life might not be extinct, the burial was postponed until Sunday morning, by which time there was no question that he was really dead. Funeral services were conducted at the M.E. Church at half past 10 o'clock, after which the remains were interred in the Vernon cemetery. Uncle Horace was well known to our people, and his family have the sympathy of all in their affliction.
    Mr. F.W. Verbarg handed us a copy of the Oklahoma State Capitol published at Guthrie, Oklahoma, which contained an interesting account of a former resident of this county, as follows;     "Hon. Mort L. Stanley representative of the 7th district in Canadian county, was born in Jennings County, Indiana in 1859, and he is now in his 34th year. He passed through the vicisitudes of infancy and boyhood in the Hoosier state, receiving a fair education and residing there until his attention was directed to Oklahoma as the land of future promise. In the spring of 1889 he enlisted for "Oklahoma or Bust" and the 22nd of April found him in the beautiful valley of the Canadian holding down a valuable claim four miles from El Reno. About the same time he engaged in the implement and livery business at that place and became interested in the town site. He is a very useful and enterprising citizen and prominent in every movement that has for its object the building up of El Reno. He was also selected as a member of the committee to proceed to Washington D.C., and urge the passage of the bill opening the Cheyenne and Arapaho lands to settlement. Last fall he was nominated and elected as a Republican from the 7th district-beating the Democratic record of 150 majority, and winning the race. In the organization of the present house he broke the deadlock which had continued up to the 150th ballot. He did this by breaking away from the Republican line and casting his vote for the opposition candidate for speaker. Mr. Stanley is an active, intelligent and energetic man, and a useful and efficient representative. He is Chairman of the committee on Asylums and Public Charities-one of the most important committees in the legislature. He is also on the Committee on Printing, Penitentiary and Reformatory Institutions, and County and Township Organization. He is rarely ever absent at roll call, and the record will show that there is no more industrious member of the Legislature than the Hon. M.L. Stanley of Canadian County.

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