Kosciusko County, Indiana
Offices to contact for Vital Records

Marriage RecordsBirth and Death Records
Kosciusko Co Clerk's OfficeKosciusko Co Health Department
121 North Lake Street100 West Center Street
Warsaw, Indiana 46580Warsaw, Indiana 46580-2349
(574) 372-2331(574) 372-2349
Marriage Records from 1836Birth and Death Records from 1882
License: $0.05Birth: $7.00
Application: $0.05Death: $5.00 [Genealogy Death Record , 5 for $10]

In the interest of privacy and also keeping in mind the historical worth of birth and death records, genealogy reports are provided by the Kosciusko County Health Department for birth records that are over 75 years old and death records that are over 50 years old. Marriage records are not "certified" copies. Application for Marriage records did not begin in Kosciusko County until 1905, prior to that, only the marriage license is available.

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Gene Andert / Fort Wayne, IN /

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