La Porte County Asylum for the Poor
"County Farm Residents"
Late 1880's to 1960 
1900 to 1940 Census and Random County Directories up to 1960

Note: This was after the County Asylum was relocated and new building constructed in Scipio Township, across from the Fair Grounds on State Road 2. (Still in existence today)

COUNTY POOR FARM RESIDENTS, 1898, Scipio Township, La Porte Co
Simon Effner, old age
Thomas Behrens, young but blind due to fight he was involved in.
Dr. Redding, insane and paralyzed
Frank Hederman, veteran, application has been made to Marion Soldiers' Home for him
Michael Fox, old age
Margaret Reddinghouse, had previously been in the Old Poor Farm near Pine Lake Cemetery
Michael Borzkoka
Andrew Scharwalds
George Sweitzer
            The Graph below includes the 1900 to 1940 census of residents dwelling at the "county home".  Also included are random searches for various county directories.
            Spelling and age discrepancies abound in the old census reports. Many of these inhabitants are buried in our local cemeteries.  

Name Relation Race Sex Age Mar.status Place of birth Father Mother Census Directories & Spec. Notes
Ackley, William Inmate W M 70 S Indiana Ohio Indiana 1940 5/18/1869 to 3/7/1951 buried Rolling Prairie
Ahlschlager, Benjamin Son W M 19 S Indiana Germany Indiana 1900 s/o Supt d. 1949 ID
Ahlschlager, Lena “Carolena” Wife W F 38 F Indiana Germany Germany 1900 w/o Supt d. 1/28/1956
Ahlschlager, Emma Dau W F 14 S Indiana Germany Indiana 1900 d/o Supt
Ahlschlager, William L. Son W M 6 S Indiana Germany Indiana 1900 s/o Supt-obit 6/18/1926
Ahlschlager, Wm Head W M 43 M Germany Germany Germany 1900 Supt. Obit 10/26/1928
Albya, Samuel (Aliea) Inmate W M 59 Wd Indiana Unknown Unknown 1920 Blind – also 1931 directory
Algrim, Chris Inmate W M 63 Wd Indiana Germany Germany 1930
Aliea, Sam Inmate W M 64 Wd Indiana Holland Holland 1930 1852 to 1926
Allen, Lillie Inmate W F 56 S Ohio New York Pennsylvania 1900
Allen, Lillie Inmate W F 64 S Ohio New York Pennsylvania 1910 d. 7/24/1918 age 73
Ambrose, Joseph Inmate W M 59 S Poland

1940 Bur. 12/15/1951 Patton Cem.
Anderson, John resides at

Armentrout, Mary Inmate W F 60 Wd Indiana Indiana Indiana 1910 1852 to March 1926
Arney, Emanuel Inmate W M 78 Wd Ohio

Badkey, Herman Inmate W M 45 Wd Indiana Indiana Germany 1930 d. 6/16/1939
Dahl, Clarence Supt. W M 35 M Indiana

1940 Mgr Cty Home b/d 1904-1975
Dahl, Geneva F w/o Supt W F 35 M Indiana

1940 Matron Cty Home b/d/1905-1977
Ball, Abraham Inmate W M 86 Wd New York New York New York 1910
Banberger, Otto Inmate W M 69 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1930
Bartles, Adolph resides at

1958 directory
Battrell, Henry (Battreall) Inmate W M 74 S Indiana N. Carolina N. Carolina 1930 d. Oct 2, 1939 Pine Lake Cem
Bealarn, John resides at

1931 directory
Beatone, Anton Inmate W M 54 S Hungary Hungary Hungary 1930
Beck, Gotlieb Inmate W M 74 Wd Germany

Behren, Theodore or Behrens Inmate W M 43 S Germany Germany Germany 1910 Blind – d. 1912 – Pine Lake Cem
Beiden, John Inmate W M 71 S Germany Germany Germany 1930
Bennett, Ellis resides at

1958 to 1960 directory
Benson, Ebon resides at

1958 directory
Berger, Wm resides at

1931 directory
Birch, Lucy (Burch) Inmate W F 36 M2 Indiana US US 1910
Boch, Benedict Inmate W M 58 Wd Germany

1900 d. 7/8/1909
Boehr, Henry Inmate W M 74 Wd Illinois Germany Germany 1930
Bolerio, Andrew Inmate W M 56 S Poland

Bolino, Andrew Inmate W M 72 S Poland Poland Poland 1920 Blind/dumb
Booth, Frederick Inmate W M 56 S Indiana Indiana Canada 1940 Also 1940 directory
Borg, Christian Inmate W M 86 Wd Sweden Sweden Sweden 1920 Obit 7/26/1923 89yrs
Borowski, Adam Inmate W M 73 S Poland

Bortz, Albert Inmate W M 58 S Indiana

1940 Obit 3/24/1944 age 63 yrs
Bottorff, Evelyn Cook

1947 dir. B 19. Aug. 1898 d . Aug. 1966
Bottorff, Lucille resides at

1947 dir d/o Cook
Bottorff, Patty resides at

1947 Directory d/o Cook
Bow, Mabel Inmate W F 50 Wd Indiana Ohio Ohio 1930 1931 directory
Bow, Mabel (Bowe) Inmate W F 62 S Indiana

1940 Also 1943 directory
Bowe, Mabel resides at

86 yrs

1940-1947 dir. - d. July 1965
Bowers, Margaret resides at

1956 to 1958 directory – Lived 1898 to 1975
Brand, John Inmate W M 45 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1910
Brand, Lydia Inmate W F 72 S Indiana New York New York 1930 d/o Samuel Brand
Brand, Lydia Inmate W F 81 S Indiana

1940 d. obit 9/14/1944
Brandt, Albert resides at

1958 to 1960 directory
Brandys, Salomea Inmate W F 56 wd Poland

1940 d. 1942
Brent, Lydia Inmate

1931 directory
Bringelson, August Boarder W M 27 S Indiana Sweden Sweden 1900 Farm Labor
Brown, Charles Inmate W M 54 M Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Brown, George O Inmate W M 70 S Indiana Maine Maine 1930 1931 directory
Brown, Marie Cook W F 41 M Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Brown, Ralph H s/o Cook W M 1 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Bryant, John Inmate W M 43 Wd Indiana

Bryant, Lydia Inmate W F 58 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1920
Bryant, Lydia (Sister of John,) Inmate W F 38 S Indiana

Bullard, Katie Inmate W F 73 wd At Sea Poland Poland 1920
Burdick, William Inmate W M 78 S Indiana New York Michigan 1930
Burket, Sadie Inmate W F 55 wd Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 1930 1931 directory
Bush, Joe resides at

1958 directory
Bym, Bernard resides at

1958 directory
Calbaum, John C Inmate W M 73 S Indiana

1940 Obit 8/21/1947 -79 yrs
Canfield, Chester resides at

Several yrs B 21. Jun. 1901 D -. 8/15/1982
Canfield, Chester resides at

1947 directory
Cassidy, Lena resides at

1947 directory
Cavinder, Lawrence resides at

1950's & 60's dir. - 1913-1976
Chadderdon, Jay resides at

1947 directory -62 yrs Obit 2/25/1947
Chance, James Inmate W M 83 S Ohio US US 1920
Chance, Steve Inmate W M 68 S New York US US 1920 Blind
Chellson, Dena Inmate W F 73 M Sweden Sweden Sweden 1920
Chellson, Manges Inmate W M 84 M Sweden Sweden Sweden 1920
Chentenick, Walter resides at

1947 directory
Cheske, John Inmate W M 51 S New York

1940 Directory 1940-1947
Ciliotta, John Inmate W M 56 S Italy

1940 Obit 2/13/1941 age 67 yrs
Clark, Rebecca Inmate W F 65 S New York

1900 d.10/27/1906
Clinger, William Inmate W M 68 Wd Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Clough, Elmer resides at

1950's & 60's directories
Coates, Sylvia resides at

1950's & 60's directories
Colin, Fred resides at

1947 1947 directory
Collins, Catherine Inmate W F 90 Wd Ireland

1900 d. 12/19/1909 age 90 yrs
Collins, Hardy Inmate

59 yrs

1947 directory Obit 9/21/1948
Comford, William Inmate W M 19 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930 came from Orphanage in Marion Co., & in 1940 relocated and rented
Cook, Charles resides at

1947 directory - Bur. 1/14/1957
Cooper, Charles Inmate W M 59 Wd Michigan Indiana Indiana 1930
Coulter, Silas Inmate W M 69 Wd Indiana

1900 b.1834 & d. 1909-Westville Cemetery
Cox, Charles resides at

d. 77 yrs of age

bur 1/17/1960 -Pine Lake Cem. 1950's & 60's
Cross, Harriett resides at

Cross, Hattie Inmate W F 40 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Cross, Hattie Inmate W F 51 S Indiana

1940 Directory 1940-1947
Cross, Melvin resides at

1931 directory
Croup, Richard Inmate W M 82 S Indiana

1940 Obit 3/15/1941 – 83 yrs
Dagner, Anna Inmate W F 78 Wd Germany

Deaffold, Anna Inmate W F 78 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1910
Dennison, James resides at

1931 directory
Dickfer, John Inmate W M 80 S Germany Germany Germany 1920
Dickford, John Inmate W M 72 M2 Germany Germany Germany 1910
Dodge, Guy resides at

1950's b. 8/4/1894 d. 5/15/1979 – Greenwood Cem.
Dolerio, Antone Inmate W M 61 S Unknown Unknown Unknown 1910 D/D handicap
Doyle, Mary Inmate W F 65 S Ireland

1900 b. 1835 - d.6/13/1907
Dudley, Roy Inmate W M 40 S Ireland

1900 d. 11/19/1904 age 34 yrs
Eason, Otto Inmate W M 52 S Indiana

1940 1940 to 43 Directories
Eisley, Henry <sp> resides at

1931 directory
Elko, Mary Inmate W F 22 S Indiana

1940 Also 1940 directory
Elly, John P. Inmate W M 74 Wd Germany

Elsworth, Henry Inmate


1947 1870 to 1952
Everet, Joseph Inmate W M 67 S Germany

1940 Obit 12/14/1944 age 72 yrs
Fausch, Orville resides at

1950's & 60's Dir - 5/31/1895 to August, 1966 Beatty Cemetery
Fetter, Carl Inmate W M 56 S Indiana

1940 d. 5/15/1940 age 57 yrs
Field, George resides at

1943 to 1947 directory
Fisher, Frank Inmate W M 80 Wd Germany

1900 1943 to 1947 directory
Fitzsimmons, Edward Inmate W M 47 S New York Ireland Ireland 1910 Bur. 2/21/1911 -Pine Lake Cemetery
Foss, Lewis Inmate W M 74 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1910
Fossburg, Catherine (Fossberg) Inmate W F 78 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1910
Fox, Mickey Inmate W M 100 Wd Ireland

1900 d.10/8/1900
Francis, Harry G resides at

1943 directory
Frantz, Harry resides at

dob abt 1885
Ohio Germany

1947 directory
Frazier, Katie Inmate W F 82 Wd Indiana Ohio S. Carolina 1930
Fredrick, Herbert resides at

1950's & 60's Dir
Freeland, Richard resides at

1931 directory
Freeman, Jane Inmate W F 64 Wd Pennsylvania

Freeman, Jane Inmate W F 72 Wd Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 1910
Freshman, Andrew Inmate W M 62 Wd Indiana

1940 Also 1940 directory
Fuller, Edwin resides at

1943 directory
Gable, Viola resides at W F 75 Wd Ohio

1940 1931,1940 & 1943 dir.
Gaemaere, Henry resides at

1947 directory
Galbreath, Harry resides at

1956 directory
Gallert, Robert Inmate W M 80 S Indiana

1940 1940 to1947 dir
Geisler, John Inmate W M 49 S Indiana

Geisler, John (Giesler) Inmate W M 28 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930 1931 directory
Gemberling, Gertrude Cook W F 18 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Gentle, Esther Inmate W F 20 S Illinois Illinois Illinois 1920
Gentle, Peter houseman W M 59 S Italy

1940 Houseman
Gentle, Peter resides at

1940 to 1960 directories
Gleason, Viola Inmate W F 51 S Indiana

1940 Also 1940 directory
Gocioch, Stanley resides at

1956 to 1958 directory
Goemaere, Camiel resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Gort, Richard Inmate W M 57 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Graff, Louise resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Greer, Mary Inmate W F 65 S Indiana Louisiana Sweden 1930 1931 directory
Greer, Mary Inmate W F 75 S Indiana Louisiana Sweden 1940 Also 1940 directory
Gress, John Inmate W M 88 M Indiana New York New York 1920
Gress, Nellie Inmate W F 71 M Indiana Indiana Indiana 1920
Griffith, Ross resides at

1956 directory
Guick, John Inmate W M 78 S Hungary Unknown Unknown 1930
Guirek, Jacob Inmate W M 73 Wd Poland

Gutperlet, John Inmate W M 86 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1930 1931 directory
Haak, Thomas resides at

1943 to 1947 directory
Hady, John (Haddy) Inmate W M 72 S Germany Germany Germany 1910 d.9/24/1917 age 73 yrs
Hall, James Inmate W M 75 Wd Indiana US US 1920
Hamilton, Edna w/o Glenn W F 60 M Illinois

1940 Cook Cty Home
Hamilton, Glenn Farmer W M 69 M Illinois

1940 Farmer
Hanley, Thomas Inmate W M 97 S Mass

1940 Also 1940 directory
Hanson, Frank resides at

1947 directory
Hardesty, Hattie resides at

1958 to 1960 directory
Hargus, Marion resides at

1960 directory
Harness, Ethel resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Harper, Asa Inmate W M 73 S Indiana N. Carolina New York 1930 1931 directory
Harrington, Alva Inmate W M 44 S Indiana US US 1920 Blind
Harrington, Grover C resides at

1943 directory
Harrington, Ira Inmate W M 46 S Indiana US US 1920 Blind
Harrington, Ira Inmate W M 48 S Indiana Ohio Illinois 1930 1931 directory
Harrington, Mary Inmate W F 78 Wd Illinois US US 1920 Blind
Hatfield, Barney or Barny Inmate W M 78 S Indiana Ohio Indiana 1930 1931 directory
Havens, Lucy Inmate W F 26 S Indiana

1900 1931 directory
Haynes, Edwin resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Hecker, Fred Inmate W M 66 Wd Germany

Heckler, Elizabeth Inmate W F 64 Wd Switzerland Unknown Unknown 1910
Heckler, Elizabeth Inmate W F 80 Wd Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland 1930 d. 10/1930
Heckler, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Inmate W F 83 Wd Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland 1920
Heckley, Elizabeth Inmate W F 50 Wd Sweden

Hein, Adolph Inmate W M 64 S Germany Germany Germany 1920
Heinz, Adolph Inmate W M 65 S Germany Germany Germany 1930
Hensel, Harry F resides at

1943 to 1947 directory
Heyck, Lyman Inmate W M 69 Wd Indiana Wisconsin Wisconsin 1920
Hill, Frank Inmate W M 74 Wd Ireland

Himm, Otto resides at

1931 directory
Hizer, John Inmate W M 77 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1920
Hockney, Rebecca Inmate W F 90 Wd England

1900 d.5/17/1905
Hoesjen, Alexander Inmate W M 41 S Germany

Holtzlene, John Inmate W M 91 Wd Indiana Germany Germany 1930
Honrokun, Patrick Inmate W M 84 S Indiana Ireland Ireland 1920
Hudson, Isaac J Inmate W M 78 Wd New York Unknown
Huff, Louis resides at

1956 to 1960 directory
Hungary, John Inmate W M 80 S Unknown

1940 Also 1940 directory
Hunt, Dorland W Inmate W M 81 S Indiana

Huntley, Frona Inmate W F 90 S Ireland

1900 d.6/27/1901
Hutchinson, Martin Inmate W M 65 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1920
Inman, William Inmate W M 65 S Indiana Unknown Unknown 1910
Jackson, Julia Inmate W F 68 Wd Ohio US US 1930 1931 directory
Jackson, Julia Inmate W F 74 Wd Ohio US US 1920
Jackson, Mollie Mrs resides at

1960 directory
Jacobson, Christian Inmate W M 55 Wd Denmark

1940 Also 1940 directory
James, Fred Inmate W M 82 S New York Germany Germany 1930
Jankowski, Adam resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Joe, Joe Inmate W M 52 Wd Hungary Hungary Hungary 1930
Johnson, Andrew Inmate W M 60 S Sweden

Johnson, Andrew Inmate W M 70 S Sweden Sweden Sweden 1910
Johnson, Andrew Inmate W M 77 S Sweden Sweden Sweden 1920
Johnson, Mrs. John Inmate W F 67 M Ireland

Johnson, N G Inmate W M 63 Wd Sweden Sweden Sweden 1910
Johnson, Nelson G Inmate W M 73 Wd Sweden Sweden Sweden 1920
Johnston, John Inmate W M 93 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland 1920
Jones, Raymond resides at

1958 to 1960 directory
Jones, William Inmate W M 83 S Indiana Kentucky Ohio 1930 1931 directory
Kalinski, Andrew resides at

1956 to 1958 directory
Kaminski, Frank resides at

1956 directory
Kamp, Walter resides at

1956 directory
Kellogg, Muriel Housekper W F 26 D Missouri Indiana Indiana 1930
Kelsey, Annie Inmate W F 69 Wd Ohio Mass. Vermont 1910
Kelsey, Annie Inmate W F 70 Wd Ohio Ohio Ohio 1920
Kernoodle, John resides at

1947 directory
Kiff, Roy resides at

1960 directory
Kimberly, John Inmate W M 69 S Germany Germany Germany 1910
King, Joseph resides at

1958 directory
Klockmann, Henry resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Klopst, Thomas Inmate W M 87 Wd Poland Poland Poland 1920
Kluge, Edward resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Knapp, Dennis Inmate W M 40 S Indiana US US 1920
Knecht, Mary Inmate W F 81 Wd Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland 1910
Knoll, Henry Inmate W M 49 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1920 Blind/dumb
Knoll, Henry Inmate W M 58 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930 1931 directory
Knoll, Henry Inmate W M 71 S Indiana

1940 1943 to 1947 directory
Knoll, Herman Inmate W M 39 S Indiana Germany Germany 1910
Knoll, Martin resides at

1956 directory
Koes, Amelia Inmate W F 55 Wd Unknown

1940 Also 1940 directory
Kooks, Mary Inmate W F 22 S United States Russ/Polish Russ/Polish 1910
Kops, Mary Inmate W F 30 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1920
Korbal, Clarence resides at

1940 to 1960 directories
Kowal, Joe resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Kreidler, Albert Inmate W M 51 M1 Germany Germany Germany 1910
Kreidler, Albert Inmate W M 60 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1920
Kreidler, Albert Inmate W M 71 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1930 1931 dir. d. 3/31/1937
Kreuger, Virginia resides at

1947 directory
Kruger, Arthur resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Krumkowski, Frank resides at

1956 directory
Kuhlman, William resides at

1947 directory
Kurts, Paul Inmate W M 67 Wd Germany

1940 Also 1940 directory
Lambka, Harry Inmate W M 59 S Indiana

1940 1943 to 1947 directory
Langman, Katherine resides at

1956 directory
Larson, Orla farm hand W M 27 S Indiana

Lauderback, Harold resides at

1947 directory
Learn, Henderson Inmate W M 61 S Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 1910
Leckey, David A Inmate W M 73 M Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 1930
Ledzinski, Joe Inmate W M 56 Wd New York Russia Russia 1930
Leliter, Catherine Inmate W F 68 Wd Canada

1940 w/o Geo. 1940 Directory
Lenox, Thomas Inmate W M 61 S Ohio Unknown Unknown 1910 Blind
Lewis, Henry Inmate W M 87 S England England England 1920
Lewis, Louis Inmate Neg M 69 S Alabama

1940 Also 1940 directory
Lewis, Nat Inmate W M 62 S Indiana Ohio Ohio 1930
Lindborg, Charlotte d/o Mgr W F 10 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Lindborg, Christian s/o Mgr W M 8 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Lindborg, Edith d/o Mgr W F 0 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Lindborg, Edna Wife of Mgr W F 40 M Indiana Sweden Sweden 1930
Lindborg, John s/o Mgr W M 4 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Lindborg, Martin Manager W M 39 M Indiana Sweden Sweden 1930 Mgr Asylum
Lindborg, Warren s/o Mgr W M 5 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Livingston, Frank Inmate W M 87 Wd Indiana New York New York 1930 1931 directory
Lmotecki, Wolenty Inmate W M 55 D Poland Poland Poland 1930
Lockwood, Clara Inmate W F 45 Wd Indiana Indiana Indiana 1920
Lockwood, Clara Inmate W F 60 Wd Indiana Pennsylvania Wisconsin 1930 1931 directory
Lutzinski, Marie resides at

1958 to 1960 directory
Lyons, John Inmate W M 76 Wd Sweden

1900 d. 6/3/1904
MacKean, Anna Inmate W F 59 Wd Ireland

Marchinak, Michael resides at

1943 directory
Mariska, Tena Inmate W F 105 Wd Poland

Markey, Fred resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Maroney, Margaret Inmate W F 85 Wd Ireland

Martin, Gordon Inmate W M 84 Wd Connecticut

1940 1940 to 43 Directory
Martina, Mike (Michael) Inmate W M 72 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1930 1931 directory
Masure, Fred Inmate W M 94 Wd Germany

Maulbatch, Randall resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
McCloud, Donald resides at

McGowan, William Inmate W M 72 S Ohio Ohio Ohio 1930
McGraw, Rose Inmate W F 45 S Indiana Ireland Ireland 1910
McGraw, Rose Inmate W F 55 S US US US 1920
McKinley, Innoc resides at

1956 directory
McKnight, James Inmate W M 74 Wd Canada Ireland Ireland 1930 1931 directory
McLaughlin, William Inmate W M 65 M2 Ireland Ireland Ireland 1910
McMahan, Luna resides at

1943 to 1947 directory
McMahon, John Inmate W M 59 M Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930 1931 directory
McQuiston, Donald Inmate

1960 directory
Meadows, Elizabeth Inmate W F 80 M Germany

1900 d. 6/1/1909
Meinburg, Charles Inmate W M 52 S Indiana Germany Germany 1920
Meinke, August Inmate W M 89 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1920
Meinke, Harry resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Menka, Martha Inmate W F 40 S Germany

Menka, Minnie Inmate W F 63 S Germany Germany Germany 1910
Metts, Noah Inmate W M 80 S Indiana

Meyer, Daniel “Dan” resides at

1943 to 1947 directory
Meyer, Jesse resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Miller, Carl Inmate W M 47 S Illinois

Miller, Charles Inmate W M 50 S Ireland

Miller, Frank Inmate W M 38 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1920
Miller, William Inmate W M 49 S Germany Germany Germany 1910
Morris, John Inmate W M 75 Wd England England England 1910
Morrison, Mary Inmate W F 45 S Indiana

Moryl, Walter Inmate W M 50 D Poland Poland Poland 1930 1931 directory
Mowery, Florence Inmate W F 48 Wd Indiana

1940 1943 directory
Mricer, Mike Inmate W M 82 Wd Germany

1940 Also 1940 directory
Nawrocki, Joseph Inmate W M 37 S Poland

1940 Also 1940 directory
Neat, Edward resides at

1931 directory
Neat, Robert Inmate W M 72 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930
Nichols, David resides at

1956 to 1958 directory
Norman, Deloris resides at

1956 directory
Norris, Dorthey Inmate W F 60 S Indiana

Norris, Lee Inmate W M 64 S Indiana Missouri Pennsylvania 1910
Norton, George Inmate W M 76 Wd New York New York New York 1930
Novak, Tony resides at

1943 to 1947 directory
Olson, Carl resides at

1956 to 1958 directory
Packlonski, ? Inmate W M 84 Wd Poland Poland Poland 1920
Page, Eugene Inmate W M 62 Wd Rhode Island

1940 1940 to 43 Directory
Palen, Bell Inmate W F 20 S Michigan

Parker, Alonzo resides at

1931 directory
Parker, Lorenzo Inmate W M 63 Wd Illinois Pennsylvania Germany 1930 1947 directory
Parr, William Inmate W M 85 S England England England 1910
Parrish, Theodore (Parish) Inmate W M 74 S Indiana

1940 1931 – 1940 directory
Parto, Rosino Inmate W F 81 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1910
Pelka, Andrew Inmate W M 54 S Poland

Pelka, Antony Inmate W M 87 S Poland Poland Poland 1920
Peo, Harold resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Perry, Cora resides at

1943 directory
Pertrowski, John Inmate W M 67 Wd Germany

1940 Also 1940 to 1947 directory
Peters, Herman V resides at

1958 directory
Peterson, Joseph Inmate W M 76 S Sweden Sweden Sweden 1920 Blind
Petosky, John Inmate W M 67 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1930
Petros, John resides at

1931 directory
Petzel, Alex resides at

1958 to 1960 directory
Phillips, Joseph Inmate W M 44 M Lithuania Lithuania Lithuania 1930
Pietrowski, John Inmate W M 56 Wd Indiana Unknown Unknown 1920
Plaski, Minnie Inmate W F 80 Wd Poland

Pliski or Pliskey, Steve resides at

1943 to 1947 directory
Polacheck, Robert resides at

1947 to 1960 directory
Polaski, Edward Inmate W M 38 S Poland

Porter, C A Inmate W M 90 Wd Michigan

1940 1940 to 1943 directory
Porter, Charles Inmate W M 80 Wd Michigan New York New York 1930 d. 1942
Powers, Thomas resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Przybelek, Steve Inmate W M 61 Wd Poland

Purucker, Ira Inmate W M 56 S Indiana Pennsylvania Indiana 1940 1943 to 1947 directory
Purucker, Ira resides at

1956 to 1958 directory
Rabe, Francis E Inmate W F 88 Wd Pennsylvania Pennsylvania New York 1930 1931 directory
Ramsey, Laurie D resides at

Raven, Adam Inmate W M 75 Wd Ohio Germany Germany 1930 d. 1934
Ream, Dan Inmate W M 76 Wd Ohio Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 1930
Reamer, Ambroes Inmate W F 71 M Germany

Reddy, Michael Inmate W M 79 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland 1910
Reiser, Charles Inmate W M 73 S Germany

1940 1943 directory
Rettinhouse, Margaret Inmate W F 69 Wd Indiana

Reynolds, Martha Inmate W F 38 Wd Germany

1940 Also 1940 directory
Rhinehart, William Inmate W M 67 Wd Indiana

1940 1940 to 1943 directory
Rhoades, Nancy Inmate W F 87 Wd Indiana Indiana Indiana 1930 1931 directory
Riieh, Joe resides at

1960 directory
Riley, Daniel Inmate W M 45 M Ireland

Rinehart, Chris Inmate W M 68 S Germany Germany Germany 1920
Ritter, Charles Inmate W M 73 S Germany

1940 1940 to 1943 directory
Roeper, Louis resides at

1940 directory
Roguski, Frank Inmate W M 38 M Poland

Rolfer, Louis Inmate W M 58 S Indiana

Roller, Ellen Inmate W F 68 S Indiana Virginia Ohio 1910 Blind
Rook, Charles Inmate

1947 directory
Ross, Flossie Inmate W F 55 S Ohio

1940 1940 to 1943 directory
Ross, Oliver resides at

1958 to 1960 directory
Rotzean, Christopher resides at

1943 directory
Rueger, Ambrose Inmate W M 79 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1910 D/D
Rummel, Hattie resides at

1956 1956 directory
Runn, Charles Inmate W M 79 M1 Sweden Sweden Sweden 1910
Runn, Mrs. Charles Inmate W F 82 M1 Sweden Sweden Sweden 1910
Sadenwater, Henry Inmate W M 76 Wd Germany

1940 1940 to 1947 directory
Salecki, William “Salacki” Inmate W M 74 Wd Poland

1940 1943 directory
Sauerland, Bertha resides at

1956 to 1960-Directory
Sauerland, Fred resides at

1956 1956 directory
Sauers, Fred resides at

Scharsinske, Herman Inmate W M 67 S Germany

Schlorf, Charles Inmate W M 42 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1910
Schlowenski, Michael Inmate W M 79 Wd Poland

Schmaski, Leo Inmate W M 65 S Poland

Schmidt, Martin resides at

Schmidt, Peter Inmate W M 39 M1 Germany Germany Germany 1910 Blind
Schmitt, Max resides at

Schof, Fred Inmate W M 79 M2 Germany Germany Germany 1910
Schrum, Julius Inmate W M 74 Wd Germany

1900 d.8/17/1907
Schuelke, Herman resides at

1956 to 1958 directory
Schultz, Ben resides at

1947 directory
Schultz, Mary Inmate W F 73 Wd Germany

Schwak, Peter resides at

1931 directory
Schwartz, George resides at

1958 directory
Seastrand, Gustof resides at

1956 directory
Semineck, Anna Inmate W F 67 Wd Indiana US US 1930
Sent, Nancy Inmate W F 52 Wd Indiana

Sent, Nancy Inmate W F 62 Wd Indiana Ohio Ohio 1910 d. 1911
Shanassey, Jerome Inmate W M 40 Wd New York

1940 Also 1940 directory
Sheldon, Ed Inmate W M 75 Wd Indiana US US 1920
Shepard, Fred Inmate W M 67 Wd New Hamp. New Hamp. New Hamp. 1930
Sherwood, William Inmate W M 74 S Ireland New York Indiana 1900
Sherwood, William Inmate W M 82 S Mass New York Indiana 1910
Shofer, Ferdinand Inmate W M 50 Wd Germany Germany Germany 1910
Short, Thomas Cook W M 56 S Kentucky

1940 cook at Cty Home also 1940 dir
Shower, Michael Inmate W M 68 S Germany

Shroder, John Inmate W M 59 S Indiana Germany Germany 1920
Shure, William F Inmate W M 79 Wd Indiana

1940 Also 1940 directory
Siebert, Edward H Inmate W M 66 Wd Indiana Germany Germany 1930 1931 directory
Sievkowski, Frank resides at

1960 directory
Sikoski, Andrew Inmate W M 76 M2 Ger/Poland Ger/Poland Ger/Poland 1910
Silverstoff, Fred Inmate W M 80 Wd Germany

Smith, Amanda resides at

1956 to 1958 directory
Smith, Belle Inmate Neg F 74 M Wisconsin

1940 Also 1940 directory
Smith, Cyroni Inmate Neg F 85 M Illinois

1940 Also 1940 directory-h/o Belle
Smith, Frank Inmate W M 70 Wd Ohio

Smith, Julius Inmate W M 79 Wd Illinois New York Pennsylvania 1930
Smith, Newton resides at

1956 to 1960 directory
Smoletski, V Inmate W M 39 M1 Russ/Pol Russ/Pol Russ/Pol 1910
Smoletski, Walenty Inmate W M 45 Wd Poland Poland Poland 1920
Snyder, Andrew Inmate W M 76 Wd Russ/Finish Russ/Finish Russ/Finish 1910
Snyder, Andrew Inmate W M 92 Wd Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland 1920
Snyder, Nicholas Inmate W M 79 Wd France France France 1910
Snyder, Nick Inmate W M 80 Wd France Father France 1920
Siskiniet Mary <sp> Inmate W F 46 S Germany

Soliday, Clarabelle resides at

1956 to 1958 directory
Sommers, William resides at

1947 to 1956 directory
Somsel, Mary Inmate W F 78 Wd Poland Poland Poland 1940 1940 to 1947 directory
Sorensen, Alex Inmate W M 55 S Illinois

1940 Also 1940 directory
Sorenson, Alex resides at

1956 directory
Spaid, Rosetta resides at

1947 directory
Steamer, Joseph resides at

1931 directory
Steck, John Inmate W M 59 Wd Poland

1940 Also 1940 directory
Stecz, John Inmate W M 39 Wd Indiana Poland Poland 1920
Stick, John resides at

1931 directory
Stiles, Jacob Inmate W M 79 Wd Germany

Stormer, John Inmate W M 89 Wd Indiana US US 1920
Straly, Mary Inmate W F 60 S Indiana US US 1920 Blind
Stratton, Tena resides at

1947 directory
Swallow, Jack “John” Inmate W M 71 S Ohio W. Virginia Ohio 1930 1931 directory
Sweat, Rosie – Sweet Inmate W F 60 S Indiana

1940 1940 to 1947 directory
Sweet, Minerva Inmate W F 70 Wd New York US US 1910
Swikoski, Barbari Inmate W F 85 Wd Poland Poland Poland 1910
Systma, Lillian resides at

1956 directory
Thompson, Walter resides at

1958 directory
Timm, Harry resides at

1947 directory
Tourney, Eugene resides at

1956 directory
Tozolski, Antone Inmate W M 65 S Poland Poland Poland 1910
Ulson, Carl resides at

1960 directory
Van Akin, Mary Inmate W F 60 Wd Pennsylvania New York
Vanhelen, Rose Inmate W F 45 S Indiana Michigan Indiana 1910
Vanhelen, Rose Inmate W F
S Indiana US US 1920
Vanhelm, Rosa Inmate W F 34 S Indiana

VanHoughten, Homer Inmate W M 61 S Indiana

1940 1940 to 1947 directory
Vlock, Andrew resides at

1958 directory
Vodette, Joseph resides at

1947 directory
Volk Adam Inmate W M 72 Wd Germany

Wagner, Louis resides at

1958 to 1960 directory
Walczyk, John resides at

1956 directory
Walls, Anna Inmate W F 63 Wd Germany

Walls, Anna Inmate W F 90 Wd Ireland Ireland Ireland 1910
Warner, Charles resides at

1947 directory
Warner, Fred resides at

1947 to 1960 directory
Warnock, Emil resides at

1958 directory
Warnock, John resides at

1956 directory
Wedow, Herman Inmate W M 77 S Germany

Weinken, Rudolph resides at

1960 directory
Wekel, Clarence Oscar Inmate W M 51 S Indiana

1940 Also 1940 directory
Werner, Charles Relation

1958 to 1960 directory
Wesberg, Catherine Inmate W F 69 Wd Germany

1900 Also see Fossberg
Westenfelder, Carrie resides at

1947 directory
Wester, Sam resides at

1947 directory
White, Orinda Inmate W F 82 S Indiana

1940 1931 to 1947 directory
White, Orinda resides at

1956 directory
Wilcox, Mary resides at

1943 directory
Wilcox, Silas resides at

1931 directory
Williams, Albert resides at

1958 to 1960
Williams, James resides at

1958 to 1960
Wilson, John Inmate W M 54 S Michigan Virginia Indiana 1910
Wilson, John Inmate W M 74 S Michigan Michigan Michigan 1930 1931 directory
Wilson, John Inmate W M 78 S Indiana Indiana Indiana 1920
Wiora, Walter resides at

1958 to 1960-Directory
Wolf, Earl resides at

1960 directory
Womack, Jasper resides at

1960 directory
Woodcox, Frank Gardner W M 68 M Ohio

Woodcox, Mary Houseworker W F 60 M Indiana

1940 housekeeper
Wygle, William Inmate W M 70 S Canada

1940 1940 to 1943 directory
Young, Jack resides at

1931, 1947 directory
Zaremba, Martin resides at

1956 to 1958 directory
Zavemki, Martin resides at

1947 directory
Zuraski, Thos resides at

1947 directory
Zurowski, Thomas resides at

1956 directory
Zygmuntowski, George Inmate W M 58 S Poland

1940 1940 to 1947 directory

Referred to as County Farm or County Asylum in most census reports
COUNTY POOR FARM RESIDENTS, 27 June, 1900, Scipio Township, La Porte Co.
COUNTY POOR FARM RESIDENTS, 26 April, 1910, Scipio Township, La Porte Co. , pps 232 A & B
COUNTY POOR FARM RESIDENTS, 19 January, 1920, Scipio Township, La Porte Co. , pps 244 A & B
COUNTY POOR FARM RESIDENTS, 16, April,  1930, Scipio Township, La Porte Co. pps 74 A & B
COUNTY POOR FARM RESIDENTS, 23, April,  1940, Scipio Township, La Porte Co. pps 331 A & B & 332 A
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