Former Dewey Township Schools
La Porte County Indiana School Days - Detailed History

Page under Construction - we are seeking old photos of students and school buildings

Island - Hog Island- First school in Dewey Township is thought to be:
Hog Island School established 1858. Was located just South of St. Martin of Tours Cemetery. Miss White was the first teacher.
In 1888 John Teirney was teaching there.
A second school was later built on the same site and was used up to 1900. The building was then moved into LaCrosse across for the library
and in 1963 was the residence of Emil Werner,

Harrington School aka English Lakelocated near English Lake.
in 1888 Emma Hall was teacher. - The school may have been in use until 1893.

La Crosse School - later the "Old Annex" - razed in 1956  
1888 - Cora Willis - teacher
Old school records located by the 1963 La Crosse Centennial group showed some of the teachers and students
for around the 1893 period.
Teachers: Ida Dils, Aggie Bunnell, Sadie Chase and Emma Hall
Children on the same grouping were: Halley Greene, Jerry and Jimmy Allen, Harry Hanson, Zeald Lewis, Maggie Taylor, Grace Seegrist, Jennie Harrington, Henry Lawrence
Mary Smith, Max Trynoski, Della Inman, Rudy Podock, Alice Yeakel, Millie Witham, Thomas Booth and Christian Kirckbie.
- in existance in 1927 - 28. 1927-28; grades 1 through 12 taught (included high school grades)


Stowell School 1 mile West of LaCrosse . Closed when LaCrosse school new brick school was built in 1900.

Holiday School - Southeast part of the county across from what was known as the Duane Stoller farm in 1963.

Wilder School - located just south of LaCrosse - Section 33 of Dewey Township. - One of the teachers was Betty (Williamson) Stotler
Two room school house- in existance in 1927 - 28. 1927-28; grades 1 through 8 taught

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