Honor Guard at Sauktown Cemetery

October 26th 2002

On October 26th, 2002 Jack Jones Jr. cremains were laid to rest by family and friends. What made this a very commemorative occasion
was the salute given to him and his family by the American Legion Honor Guard, Post 83 of La Porte and Civil War Reenactment Group
in attendance was the 30th Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, from Fort Wayne, Indiana.

We were asked to attend this ceremony by both the "living historians" (30th Regiment Regiment enactment group) and the family.
To pay respect to this veteran and the veterans that have gone before him, we present these pictures of the old meeting the new in a Military Salute and Honor.
When I complemented the gentlemen from the re-enactment group, one just replied with moistened eyes "We take care of our own". And that is exactly what they did.

A note from Roger Ford email BrigadeAdj@comcast.net

I would like to thank you for the very nice article and pictures on the web site in regards to the Jack Jones service.
However, I would request that there be a correction in the caption. The Civil War Reenactment Group in attendance was the 30th Regiment, Indiana Volunteers.
We are from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mr. Jones was an honorary member of our unit because he had an ancestor that served in the original 30th during the Civil War.
I was one of the two officers from the 30th that attended the memorial service.

We were there to honor our friend and comrade. Both of us are prior service vets ourselves and could only do the honorable thing and pay tribute to our fallen
"brother in arms"   That is why we reenact. We prefer to be called "living historians". We do this unusual hobby to pay tribute to those that paid the ultimate
sacrifice so that we can enjoy the freedoms of our beloved country.

God bless you and your efforts. The preservation of our sacred resting places is so very important to the maintenance of our counties true history.
It is kept on the headstone of those that have gone before us.

Respectfully submitted;
Roger Ford, President,
First Lieutenant 30th Infantry Indiana Volunteers

The Old Meets the New
Members of American Legion Honor Guard
meet Indian 30th Civil War Enactment Honor Guard

The men prepare their rifles for
twenty one gun salute.

Members salute their fallen comrade


John and Mary Cuson
Sauktown Association President and his wife

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