Bedford Star
Saturday, May 8, 1875

Eighty-five persons took dinner at the Judah House on show day----Two of the women traveling with the show visited the saloons and drank just like men----The street parade of the show was the grandest sight of the kind ever witnessed in Bedfod----The saw mill is running with half a crew----Several drunks the past week----Jane GEORGE died last week from paralysis----$2,400 is the amount said to have been taken in by the show company. Now we don't want to hear any thing more about hard times and scarcity of money----M. A. MALOTT went ot Indianapolis on Monday last to act as juryman in the U. S. Court----The town of Bloomington has 779 school children----It took forty-two cars to bring the show to Bedford and haul it away----Mrs. Mag LYONS, of Terre Haute, is recuperating in Bedford----The woolen factory will undergo repairs next week, and commence running the week following----J. W. NEWLAND and wife, and Mrs. William DUNCAN are off on a trip to North Carolina, to be absent some weeks----William IRWIN is visiting friends in Iowa, while William HAMM attends to the business in the Recorder's office----One hundred persons were baptized by immersion at Owensburg on last Sunday, and united themselves to the Baptist church. About half a dozen churches united in the ceremonies----"I ought to have something around me," said a young lady to a student, the other night, as she sat shivering on the steps with him." "I think so," replied the young man, as his arm gently encircled her waist----The show gave but one exhibition in Bedford----The Independent tells about a "ludicrous" side show at the window of the ladies' sleeping car of the show; it's impolite to be peeping into ladies' sleeping apartments, Thomas; and it's adding insult to injury to use the word "ludicrous" in connection with the sight you saw----Business has been fearfully dull in Bedford the past week, show day excepted----John KNIGHT and Frank SHAEFFER collided Tuesday night about women, and Frank came Among others who were in attendance at the American Medical Association at Louisville from this vicinity the past week were Dr. J. W. and Ben NEWLAND, RARIDEN, GARDNER and LAFORCE----John EAST and James COOKERLY, of Bloomington, were in Bedford the first of the week----About five hundred dollars were paid into Horace RICHARDSON's hands on account of tobacco and whisky license the week previous to the first of May----The Good Templar organization in this place is in a flourishing condition, and new members are being added weekly----Vincent HUFF is not dead, as was stated last week----The internal revenue collections in this division of the 3d district for the month of April amounts to $1,460.64. The division consists of the counties of Monroe and Lawrence----Thomas V. THORNTON, who has for some time held a position in an Evansville bank, has returned to Bedford and associated himself with J. W. PALMER in the clothing business----A young man living near Guthrie had his pocket cup open at the show and near forty dollars extracted----A barrel of whisky shaped like a man put in the night on the steps of the north door of the court-house----N. L. HALL is almost daily receiving orders for dressed stone, in consequence of which he finds it necessary to almost weekly increase his force of workman----Almost another shooting scrape in Bedford on Tuesday last----It is predicted that flour, bacon and all kinds of provisions will be unusually high the coming summer, while wages will be low. If this be the case, we would like to know how laboring men and the poorer class of mechanics are going to live. Wages are now so low and work so scarce that if a poor man buys a calico dress for his wife it bankrupts him for a month' but then if the poorer classes could get their wages as they earn them they would fare better, and the term rascal not be applied to them quite so often----NOGGLE, the young man who was so dangerously injured by a fellow workman at the sand pit last week is still lying in a critical condition at his home in Salem----It is an admitted fact by all strangers visiting Bedford, that it has the most beautiful dwellings and handsomely adorned front yards of any town of its size in the State----Mr. R. H. CARLTON is at present engaged in making profiles and estimates for that portion of the B. & B. railroad already surveyed between here and Ownesburg----It is a little over twenty-two years since the first train of cars ran into Bedford----And now comes the story that Rev. J. M. MATHES was at one tme Chief of the Delaware Indians--made so on account of his having out-run a former chief in a fair and square foot-race----Daniel GUTHRIE, of Tunnelton, one of the oldest citizens of this county, died last week.

Typed and donated by Diana Flynn.