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   James D. VanDerMark   -
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Monroe County Schools

1905 Monroe County, Indiana School Census

Shared by Angel Gebhart - November 2008


Source: Monroe County Public Library, Local History Microfilm, Roll 1.


This is a sample of the information contained in this record:


There are 13 fields of information on a standardized form. They include: name of parent, name of student, student's month and year of birth, student's age, student's place of birth, student’s sex, number of district, number of congressional township, range of congressional township, number and street of residence if in a city, person having charge of student, name of the enumerator.

 The information does not appear in alphabetical order; neither is it indexed. There must be some organization, but same was not immediately apparent. Any search for an individual within this lengthy document would be time consuming.


Lentz, Charles

Lentz, Earl

Lentz, Fred

Lentz, George

Lentz, Jennie

Lentz, Letta

Lentz, Levy/Levi

Lentz, Lonia

Lentz, Myrtle

Lentz, Onie

Lentz, Opal

Lentz, Ray

Lentz, Rettie

Lentz, Susan

Lentz, Tilman

Lentz, Walter


Nalor, John

Nalor, William


Offett, May

Offett, Wray


Polley, John W.

Polley, Mary

Polley, Randolph

Polley, William


Robinson, John

Robinson, John H.


Stout, George

Stout, Thomas