86th Regiment Indiana Volunteers - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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86th Regiment Indiana Volunteers

GAR – 86th

Source: CWS 5 Sept 1874 p 8

The fourth annual reunion of the Society of the 86th Regiment Indiana Volunteers was held at Frankfort on yesterday the 4th inst. The attendance of the rank and file of the old command was quite large and all enjoyed fully the opportunity it afforded to meet again, take each other by the hand and talk over the scenes and incidents of camp and march and field. The Society met for business at the fair grounds and elected the following officers: Pres: Gen. George F. Dick; VP Col. Jacob C. Dick; Sec: Capt ED Thomas; Corresponding Sec, Capt WH Laymon; Treas: Capt JR Carnahan, The place of the next reunion was fixed at Lebanon on the last Thursday in Sept 1875. Capt. Laymon presented the following resolutions which were unanimously adopted.

Resolved: That the Association of the 86th Regiment of Indiana Volunteers cherish the warmest debt of gratitude to the ladies of Warren County and also the ladies of Boone County for the stands of colors presented to the 86th Regiment in the field. And as a feeble testimonial of our appreciation of their kindness to us, the name of each individual donor thereof be secured by a committee to be appointed by the President of our association for that purpose, the same to be placed upon our rolls by the Sec. and that each and every one of said donors are hereby elected honorary members of our association and they are requested to unite with us in all our reunions and participate as member in all our meetings.

Resolved, that for his noble euologism upon the part taken by the 86th Regt in the assault on Mission Ridge, Capt. Riley of the 6th Ky Vol. be borne upon our rolls as a honorary member of our association and that he be permitted and requested to participate in all our business meetings upon an equal footing with other members of our association.

In accordance with the spirit of the first resolution Maj. Phillip Gemmer, Capt HM Billings and Capt. ED Thomas were appointed the committee from Warren and DH Olive, CP Rodman and Lt. Wm. Kelso were appointed as the committee from Boone.  The Corresp Sec was instructed to transmit a copy of the resolutions to Capt. Riley of the 10th Ky Regiment. The following persons were named as a local committee to make arrangements for the next reunion: Col. AO Miller; Capt. Felix Shumate; Capt. DH Oliver; Capt. CP Rodman and Capt. Ed Reynolds. The Society then adjourned to meet next year.
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