ISSN 0895-4062

        I would like to introduce you to COX HERITAGE, published
periodically as material is gathered.  The COX surname is in my
family and I know it's in yours.

        COX related queries may be submitted FREE and no purchase is
necessary.  Submit as many queries as you wish.  I also would like to
publish your lineage and have outlined the simple instructions as
follows.  Send in your branch by completing a family group sheet, any
good form is encouraged.  Begin with your earliest known COX
ancestor, completing the family group sheet as fully as possible,
indicate which of these children you descend from.  Complete a
family group sheet showing this child as the parent and go through
the same process, completing family group sheets for each
descending generation including one for yourself.

        In addition to queries and branches, each edition will have
sections devoted to Bible, Marriage, Census or County Records, etc.
Also you may submit COX related material for review, such as
genealogies, periodicals, newsletters, etc.  When material is
reviewed, the submitter will receive a free copy of the issue of COX
HERITAGE in which the review is first published.  For the next ten
issues, a list of material reviewed will be printed.  When material is
sent in for review, please include cost and other ordering

        I have held offices in the Whitman County Genealogical Society
and belong to several other Societies in Illinois, Indiana, Oklahoma,
Virginia and North Carolina.  I've also belonged to both Germans from
Russia Societies and have compiled and published Germans from
Russia-Index of Naturalization Records in Whitman Co., WA  1860-
1942.  In the coming years, as time permits, I hope to publish
surname books for KAUFMAN and WAGNER.  Several issues of
State query book) are now available.  All known spellings are
accepted and each indexed volume has at least 25 pages.  Because of
the time involved in compiling these books, I am not able to do any
research requested by my readers.  I have now compiled "master"
indexes from issues #1-#20 and #21-#30.  This should
aid a researcher in deciding exactly which issues related surnames
appear.  Together we can make a difference in the research material
that will be available to future researchers, in addition to having
our own COX family information permanently recorded.

Each issue of COX HERITAGE is $5.00
Each COX HERITAGE INDEX #1-#20 is $15.00
Each COX HERITAGE INDEX #21-30 is $7.00.
Postage and Handling for any 1-3 booklets=$1.50
Postage and Handling for any 4-6 booklets=$2.50
Postage and Handling for any 7 or more=$3.50
WA residents add 7.5% sales tax.

        Order From:     JANET MARGOLIS DAMM
                                310 SE CAMINO
                                PULLMAN, WA  99163-2206

Circle Issues Ordered:     1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.
        "Cox Heritage Index" (combined from issues) #1-#20.
        "Cox Heritage Index" (combined from issues) #21-30.