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Copyright © 2021  James D. VanDerMark   - All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 

Parke County Indiana Biographies  -  V

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VANCLEAVE, Elijah L, MD was born near Waveland, Indiana September12, 1855. His father, Aaron M. VanCleave was a farmer of the representative class, owning a large tract of 250 fertile acres.  After a successful career in the agricultural line, he died November17, 1882.  The doctor's mother was Elizabeth Hallett in her maiden days and was born in Kentucky. in 1825.  She was the mother of 7 children, of whom but four are living: Thomas F, who resides at Crawfordsville; the Doctor; Henry D, a prominent attorney of Crawfordsville and William who has chosen for his vocation in life that of the farmer.  Our subject in choosing his professional career had many obstacles to overcome, but nothing daunted, he started out to accomplish his one grand desire in life.  With only a common school education and $50 of borrowed money in his pocket he made his start by entering the Normal Institute at Ladoga.  Remaining there 10 weeks, he returned to his father's home with a license in his pocket, entitling him to teach school for six months, and of this diploma he was justly proud as he was then only 10 years of age.  By teaching in the winter months and attending school during the summer for about five years he managed to acquire a good literary education, and at his own expense, without aid whatever from anyone.  During the last 10 years of the Doctor's teaching, he spent every leisure moment in studying medicine with Dr. AT Steel, of Waveland.  He entered the Ohio  Medical College at Cincinnati and after two years close study he was graduated with honors March 1, 1883.  Thus we have in Dr. VanCleave a living example of what a young man of pluck, perseverance and energy can do if he conscientiously and earnestly tries. How well this self-made citizen has succeeded in life can best be shown by his present high standing in the medical profession as a physician and surgeon.  Our subject has many friends in the town of Catlin, where he first settled to practice his profession through the earnest solicitation of the citizens of that place.  The gentleman of whom we write is of a domestic nature and is proud of his ability to overcome all obstacles that are hindrances to him in his pathway to success and happiness.  As a companion in life he chose Miss Laura Riggs to whom he was married on the 28th of August 1881 and it is to her that the Doctor owes much of his success.  Her father, one of the prominent farmers of Parke County, is yet living while her mother passed to the unknown world in June 1881 leaving 7 children: Henry; John; Frank; Chauncey and Bert, all of whom reside in Redmond, Ill; Mrs. VanCleave and Minnie, who makes her home in the Doctor's family.  Our subject and his estimable wife are the fond parents of one daughter, Ether L. born May 8, 1886.  The Doctor is a strong adherent to the principles advocated by the Democratic party, and fraternally he is connected with the Masonic order, being Master of Catlin Lodge 402.  He is Pres. of the Parke Co. Medical Association. Since the above was written, the Doctor has purchased a fine residence and removed to Rockville.  Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties (Chapman Brothers, 1893) p 697


VanLandingham, Wickliffe and Septimus -- lifelong citizens of Montezuma.  The former operated the ferry over the Wabash for many years.  The latter was engaged in mercantile business.  (Taken from the Historical Sketch of Parke Co Atlas of  IN Centennial, 1816-1916, Page117)


VANMETER, Joel , farmer, Carbon, is the son of Jacob and Ruth (WORLEY) VanMeter and was born November 26, 1825 in Fayette County, In.  His grandfather VanMeter served in the Revolution, and his father, becoming of the right age, started for the scene of conflict, but peace being proclaimed he returned home.  Jacob VanMeter was a whig, and then a republican, who was never afraid to speak his sentiments.  he served as "squire" for some years.  He died February 25, 1873, his wife having preceded him on June 12, 1863.  Both were bur. in the Isaac Brown graveyard in Madison County, IN. Both were members of the Methodist church and he was an exhorter and class leader for many years.  They died as they lived, good Christian people.  Joel passed his youth on the farm in Fayette Co.  At the age of 17 he hired out, continuing in the employ of others till 23 years old, when he was married October 23, 1848 to Louisa LAMBARD,, daughter of Clayton and Rhoda (LEE) Lambard.  She was born December12, 1828.  her parents were born and raised near Lebanon, Ohio .  Mr. and Mrs.. VanMeter had a family of 5 children: William D, born September 11, 1849; George W, October 30, 1850; Joseph N, January 20, 1853; Clayton L, January 30, 1855; Rhoda A, February 25, 1857; Jacob E, April 5, 1859; and Sarah E, February 22, 1862.  Mrs. VanMeter died August 9, 1863.  She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.  Mr. VanMeter was married next January 22, 1864 to Mrs. Mahala (CRUTCHFIELD) PRATT, born July 2, 1830 and had 4 children when said marriage took place: Mary e. Pratt, born March 28, 1852; Keziah C. Pratt, May 2, 1855; Rosila Pratt, September 13, 1857 and Dora I. Pratt, October 5, 1860.  Mr. VanMeter's second family are: Martha A, born July 17, 1865; Viola J, September. 28, 1868; Louisa J, July 14, 1871.  Mr. VanMeter served in the Rebellion in Co. A, 57th Indiana and was at the battles of Spring Hill, Franklin and Nashville and ret. in 1865.  He is a strong republican.   Mrs. VanMeter is a member of the Methodist church.  Taken from: The 1880 History of Parke County, Indiana.  J. H.  Beadle.   Chicago: H. H. Hill


VICKREY, E.S. , farmer, Bloomingdale, was born in Guilford County, NC in 1843.  He remained at home working on a farm and attending school until he received a good common school education, and in 1866 he came to Bloomingdale, Indiana, where he served an apprenticeship at the carpenter's trade.  This was his occupation, in connection with school teaching, having taught twelve terms during the winter season and two summer schools, being hired 8 years at one place.  He was elected justice of the peace in 1873, which office he now holds.  In 1872, he married Julia A. MORRISON, a native of Parke County.  He and his wife are member of the Society of Friends, and politically, he is a republican.  Taken from: Page306 History of Parke Co IN; J. H.  Beadle, Chicago: H. H. Hill, 1880


VINZANT, Francis D., farmer, Lena, was born April 19, 1842, in Jackson Township, and is the bro. of Henry W. Vinzant, elsewhere noticed.  The parents of Mr. Vinzant are sketched with the above.  Francis was trained for the farm, which he still makes his field of labor.  He was married March 4, 1866 to Sarah  J. FUNICAN daughter of Michael and Martha (FOUTS) Funican.  They have four children: Charles E; Martha; Adaline and Francis E.  Mrs. Vinzant's father came from Ireland and her mother was born in NC.  They lived and farmed in Putnam Co nearly all their lives.  Mr. Vinzant is a Democrat, and on that ticket, in 1880, was elected school trustee.  Taken from: The 1880 History of Parke County, Indiana.  J. H.  Beadle.   Chicago: H. H. Hill


VINZANT, Henry W., farmer, Lena, is the son of Hugh and Adaline McELROY Vinzant, both natives of Ohio .  The McElroys are of Irish descent and the Vinzants are of German extraction.  Hugh Vinzant came prior to his marriage and entered 80 acres of land.  In 1839, he came with his wife to his home in Jackson Township.  Here they lived and raised a family that now are married: Namely, William W; Francis D; James M; Alex. J; Henry W; Joseph F; Stephen D; Charles A; Enice (sic) A; Matilda J; Mary J; Harriet M; Rachel A, deceased and Hugh T., deceased.  Mr. Vinzant was a Democrat.  He taught school in the early days. July 20, 1874 he died.  Henry W was born February 22, 1849 and here grew to manhood.  He was educated in the common schools and taught to farm and make his living by the sweat of his brow.  He was married June 20, 1870 to Mary F. HAMILTON, daughter of Robert and Sarah A. JONES Hamilton.  They have 4 children: Alice J; Robert S; Anna M and a babe.  Mrs. Vinzant's father was born May 10, 1820 in Virginia His father was drowned in Virginia while rafting when Robert was young.  Robert was brought by his grandfather, Archibald COOK to Indiana.  When he was 8 years of age, his mother came to IN having been married to John HYDE.  Soon afterward, Mrs. Hyde started for Mo. and in a short time after her departure from Fayette Co a Cincinnati paper stated that Jane Hyde died there at a certain time, and as the mother of Robert and Mary was never heard from it must have been she.  Robert and Mary were now bound out to Rev. William MILLER of Fayette Co.  Robert served his 11 years, but Mary becoming dissatisfied made her home with friends.  After Robert reached his majority he worked and sent his sister to the Connersville Seminary and she soon began teaching, and then married and died in West Milton, Ohio .  Robert learned the carpenter's trade, also spent 5 years in hauling logs and tending mill; since 1845 has farmed and carpentered.  In 1853 he settled on 80 acres of land in Jackson Township, and has added till he now owns 240 acres.  He married in 1850 and is the father of four children: Mary F; Isabel; Henrietta and Amanda.  Mrs. Hamilton belongs tot he Christian Church and Mr. Hamilton is a stout republican as is also his daughter, Mrs. Vinzant.  Mr. Hamilton's grandfather, Cook, served in the Revolution.  After Taken from: The 1880 History of Parke County, Indiana.  J. H.  Beadle.   Chicago: H. H. Hill