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Frank Woody Letter

Sylvania, Parke County, Indiana 3rd mo. 17th 1886

   Cousin Frank A. Woody

   I received thy kind letter a few days ago was glad to hear from thee and to know that thee was still alive as word came back after thee left for California that the Indians had killed thee.  Now thee requested me to give thee an account of myself and family, in the first place, I am John Woody's son, was born in Orange Co, NC the 23rd of 2nd Mo. 1810 moved to Parke Co. Ind. in the fall of 1829.  I married the 19th of 7th mo. 1829 it now lacks about 4 months of being 57 years.  We have 10 children 5 of each sex buried 1 son and 1 daughter the rest are all married and have families.  Two of them 1 son and 1 daughter moved to Kansas a few years ago.  The others are living near me.  We have obeyed at last our of the commands be fruitful and multiply.  Our family now our children grandchildren and great grandchildren numbers 120 living 12 dead.  The children and their companions have all been converted and quite a number of the grandchildren.  My brother Thomas Woody that lived in Annapolis when thee was here died two years ago last fall.  Brother Mahlon Woody died last fall.  Cousin James Woody that is Uncle Samuel's son died the past year..... 

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