Parke County, Indiana
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Historical Parke County Newspapers 
City   Title   Surviving Copies
Bloomingdale  Bloomington World June 24, 1893 to June 20, 1894 
24th August 1895 & 31st of August 1895
The 4th Of October 1907
Bridgeton  Bulletin  October 1893 to April 10, 1896 
Parke County News  January 30, 1891 to September 1893 
Guion  Guion News  1927 -  July Issue
Montezuma  Covered Bridge Co. News  December 1961 to April 1969 
Enterprise  September 9, 1912 to February 11, 1915 
April 1915 to November 1916 
The 20th of March 1924
Reporter  February 26, 1886 to June 20, 1890 
Wabash Valley Pictorial Press  February 27, 1951 to 1962 
Rockville  Covered Bridge Courier  October 1965 & October 1968
Saturday Eagle  The 8th of August 1883  & January 1884 to 09 December 1890
Indiana Patriot  January 17, 1871 to April 18, 1877 
Rockville Intelligencer  The 7th of January 1837  
Olive Branch  The 5th of December 1840 
Parke County Democrat  The 27th of October 1864  
Parke County Journal  May 1894 to September 1898 
Parke County News  August   1870 to   December 1870
Parke County Republican  Scattered Issues from August 19, 1858 to June 3, 1868 
Parke County Sentinel  Scattered Issues beginning in September 1977
January 2, 1978 to December 29, 1999 
All from beginning publication in January 2000 
Parke County Signal  Scattered Issues from April 15, 1882 to August 4, 1883 
Parke County Times and Progressive Country Life  From 1915 to 1920
Parke County Whig  5th of May 1848 
4th of August 1848
The 15th of November 1850
The 16th of May 1851
December 1853 to June 16, 1854 
Republican  June 24, 1868 to August 29, 1977 
Tribune    September 13, 1877 to August 3, 1895 then scattered issues to May 1896
  August 13, 1896 to August 1977 
True Republican  June 23, 1854 to August 12, 1858 
Wabash Herald  May 14, 1831 to April 14, 1832 
Rosedale  Bee  December 20, 1890 to August 5, 1893 
Clipper  February 20, 1897 to February 12, 1898 
Herald  August 12, 1893 to January 1896 
Sonnet  September 1896 to January 1897 
        * List based on Indiana State Library holdings as of 2009