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Index of Probate Box 54

Compiled and donated by Roberta Wysong - 2018

Box File Decedent Date Filed Relatives of Decedent Administrator, Executor Other Information
  1 Hawkins, Jesse Jan 1866 Minor heirs - Ellen Hawkins (age 16), Caroline Hawkins (14) & Daniel Hawkins (12)                          Unnamed adult heirs Executor - Elias Adams        Guardian of minor heirs - Stephen Denckie (?)  
54 2 Daniel, William 20 Jan 1868 Widow - Mary Daniel Administrators - Charles W. Ware & James S. Daniel Mentioned - John Daniel
54 3 Black, John 20 Jan 1848 Widow - Nancy A. Black                 Children - William Black (age 14), Joseph Black (8) & Sarah Eliza Black (3)  Adminstrator - Nancy A. Black  
54 4 Brattain, John 12 Nov 1866 Widow - Nancy Brattain Administrator - John M. Newell Mentioned - Eli C. Brattain
54 5 Bright, Dorothy 24 Jan 1865 Not deceased - Is insane Guardian - James W. Beadle Dorothy is 44 or 45 in 1865 and is her to 1/15 of land her father owned
54 6 Brown, William 16 Jan 1866 Heirs - William Brown; Pamelia Brown widow and Willis H. Brown the only child of Samuel Brown, deceased; John Brown; Robinson Brown; Jane Brown widow & 2 unnamed children of Francis Brown, deceased; Mary Fisher; Elizabeth Sparks (husband William Sparks); Edward Brown; George Overpeck husband of Martha Overpeck, a deceased heir; Isabel Brown Executors - William Brown & Robinson Brown File contains a claim for coffin for William R's widow, dated 11 Mar 1865
54 7 Carson, John 14 May 1866 Minor son - John M. Carson (age2) and deceased daughter, Adah L. Carson Guardian of son - Huldah A. Carson  
54 8 Bright, John, Jr. 3 Jul 1862 Widow - Ann Bright                       Ann's brothers - C______ and Henry LaTourette Administrator - David G. Ephlin  
54 9 Russell, Hugh F. 27 Dec 1864 Widow - May Russell                       Six heirs - James H. Russell, Hugh F. Russell, John M. Russell, Wisby P. Russell, Jane Rarden and the heirs of William Russell Administrator - John Bright, Jr.                                         Guardian of William's heirs - Charles W. Mudd Mentioned - John and W. Russell
54 10 Davis, James 17 Sep 1867 Widow - Rilla Davis                            Heirs - James W. Davis, Lucinda M. Gadd & the heirs of Leurinda Fringer who are Josephus, Sylvester, Clary, Bell, Sarah L& Mary Fringer Executor - James W. Davis Mentioned - S. B.  John Davis
54 11 Allen Samuel 8 Mar 1867 Widow - Catharine Allen               Children - Gulielema Allen, Henry Allen & Wilson Allen Administrators - Eli Morrison & Samuel D. Coffin                                          Guardian of minor heirs - Samuel D. Coffin Mentioned - Joseph Allen, Jackson Allen & Solomon Allen
54 12 Kepner, Daniel S. 18 Sep 1866 Minor heirs & siblings - Mary M. Kepner, Robbert M. Kepner & Ellen E. Kepner Guardian of heirs - Thomas Blair  
54 13 Livengood, John P. 16 Jan 1865 Heir - Wilson M. Livengood who was 21 on 17 Oct 1866 Wilson's guardian - Absalom Sappenfield John died before Sep 1862
54 14 Manwaring, William 18 Jan 1865 Heirs - Claiborn Manwaring, Zarilda Gilkison married to James Gilkison, Robert Manwaring, H___uri Manwaring, John Manwaring, & Mary E. Maris married to Zimri Maris. Administrators - Claiborn Manwaring & later John Manwaring William died before Jan 1859
54 15 McHargue, William 5 Oct 1867 Widow - Nancy Jane McHargue     Unnamed children Administrator - Cyrenius Pruett Mentioned - James M. McHargue
54 16 Jones, George W. 6 Dec 1867 Widow - Hannah Jones Administrator - Henry C. Randolph Mentioned - Dr. N. D. Jones
54 17 Bright, John, Sr. 17 Sep 1864 Minor heirs - Laura Ann Harvey (age 14) & Mary Elizabeth Harvey (11)                                                         Daughter-in-law - Ann Bsright, widow of John Bright, Jr. according to Find A Grave Guardian and father of minor heirs - Lewis Harvey  
54 18 Lough, John H. 17 Jan 1865 Brothers - James, Levi, Samuel J. Thomas J., Henry H. & William Lough, all adults, and George W. Lough, a minor Administrator - Silas S. Dooley Silas S. Dooley was also administrator of Catherine Lough's estate
54 19 McMurtry, George A. 25 Jan 1868 Widow - Mary H. McMurtry (A. R. McMurtry is her guardian as she is insane) Administrators - Joseph C. Buchanan & John McMurtry.   Mentioned - William S., John S., & Alex R. McMurtrey
54 20 Patton, William 5 Feb 1867 Widow - Nancy Patton Administrator - David W. Ross  
54 21 Reeder, Elijah 17 Sep 1866 Adult siblings - Daniel Reeder, William Reeder, Phebe J. Brown, Nancy Reeder, Sarah H. Strain (?), Thomas Reeder & David Reeder    Minor half-siblings - Eliza J. Reeder (age 20), Silas H. Reeder (18), James Reeder (16), Joseph C. Reeder (11), Charles W. Reeder (8) & Margery A. Reeder (6) Guardian of minor siblings: Margery Reeder  
54 22 Riley, Henry 6 apr 1864 Widow - Elvira Riley Administrator - David G. Ephlin  
54 23 Rubottom, David 10 May 1866 Widow - Carrie M. Rubottom      Minor heir - Edward F. Rubottom Administrator - Ezekiel Rubottom Mentioned - Samuel & Geoge Rubottom
54 24 Russell, Samuel 3 Nov 1864 Widow - Mary O. Russell               Heirs - William W. Russell, Michael C. Russell, James Russell, Nancy J. Smith, Mary E. Barr & Susan B. Russell, all adults & Amelia B. Russell, a minor Administrators - Michael C. Russell & James Russell       Guardian of Amelia - Michael C. Russell  
54 25 Sandison, James H. 13 May 1865 Widow - Elizabeth Sandison    Minor heirs - Albert, Howard, David, Alexander & George Sandison Administrator - Elizabeth Sandison  
54 26 Shipman, Godfrey 16 May 1865 Widow - Elizabeth Shipman          Children - Mary Shipman (age 15), Sarah Jane Shipman (13), Louisa T. Shipman (10) & John M. Shipman (7) Administrator - William Carty  
54 27 Winchester, Ebenezer 30 Dec 1864 Widow - Ascenath now married to _______ Branson and in 1867 to Benjamin Davis                               Heir - Nancy Winchester who died between Aug and Nov 1866 and was married to William Muir. Nancy's guardian - Lucius Martin  
54 28 Woodard, William M. 21 Sep 1867 Minor daughter - Martha E. Woodard (age 12) Martha's guardian - Rachel H. Woodard  
54 29 Finnell, Benjamin E. 1 Aug 1865 Widow - Susan Maria Finnell       Minor heir - Nancy Jane Finnell (age 6 months) Administrator - Susan Maria Finnell  
54 30 Hager, Elizabeth 25 Jan 1866 Minor heir - May E. Hager May's guardian - D. H. Maxwell and later Jeremy W. Boynton  
54 31 Hutton, Joseph 3 Jun 1865 Heirs - Jane Hutton Heslar, James Hutton, John Hutton, Mary Hutton Gault (who is deceased with heirs Somisa Gault Hutton, Elizabeth Gault Frazier, Narcissa Gault Hutton, Jr., Martha Gault _______, David Gault & Samuel Gault), Asa Hutton, Narcissa Hutton, Sr., Samuel Hutton & William Hutton Administrator - William Hutton Mentioned - Thomas P. Hutton
54 32 McKey, Elias Sep 1864 Widow - Mary McKey                     Adult heirs - Elizabeth married to George W. Maris, Richard H. W. McKey, Mary S. married to Alen T. Kelly, Catherine married to Alex Stanley (?) Slauby (?) & Daniel W. McKey                                                   Minor heirs - Phineus McKey & Erasmus A. McKey Administrators - R. H. W. McKey & D. W. McKey                   Guardian for Phineus - John C. Brush  
54 33 Davis, Eli 20 Sep 1866 Minor heirs - Sanford Davis & Sarah E. Davis Guardian of heirs - Sydney B. Davis 2 page file
54 34 Robbins, Frederick F. Jan 1866   Administrator - James G. Burt (?) Outside says state vs. James G. Burt (?)
54 35 Evans, Calvin J. Dec 1865 Widow: Lavina O. Evans   Calvin died 1`2 Nov 1865
54 36 Howard, Tilghman A., Sr. 1844 to 1865 Widow - Maretha A. Howard           Deceased heirs - Margaret Stone, Evaline Nofsinger (married to William N. Nofsinger), Elizabeth Alexander (married to I. W. S. Alexander), Juliet Howard & Tilghman Howard, Jr.                    Other heirs - Martha Sanford married to Daniel R. Sanford, Mary E. Bryant and Frank M. Howard                                                  Heirs of deceased heirs - Mary Nofsinger only heir of Evaline Nofsinger, Elizabeth Alexander (age 11 in Nov 1863) only heir of Elizabeth Adelia Alexander  & the unnamed heirs of Margaret Stone who are deceased by Nov 1863 Executors - William N. Nofsinger & Samuel F. Maxwell  
54 37 Finney, Robert 19 Sep 1865 Minor heirs - Mary E., Joseph H. & Malinda C. Finney Guardian of heirs - Daniel W. Finney Mentioned - Elijah Finney
54 38 Fisher, Jeremiah 15 May 1866 Father - William Fisher                  Siblings - Sarah Butter (married to Jose Butter & formerly Sarah Elliott), William J. Fisher, Elisha D. Fisher, Lydia C. Bradish, Hester Young, Eliza P. Larkin, Mary A. Walters & Nancy J. Walters Administrator - William H. Nye Jeremiah died a soldier
54 39 Gamble, Milly 12 Sep 1866 Heirs - William James, Henry H. & Benjamin S. Branblett Guardian of heirs - Abraham Bramblett 1 page file
54 40 Guinn, William 26 Nov 1864 Widow - Susan or Susannah Guinn  Adult heirs - George H. Guinn, Roibert Guinn & Phebe A. Coleman                                            Minor heirs - Eliza A., John, Andrew and Daniel Guinn Administrator - Lucius Martin  
54 41 Hadley, John 13 Jan 1868 Son - Elias who has 2 daughters: Mary Ellen married to Francis M. Ory and Hannah R. Conner Executors - Elwood Hadley & Henry Durham 1 page file
54 42 Harris, Persius E. 20 Jan 1868 Widow - Mary Harris Administrator - Mary Harris 1 page file
54 43 Harris, Rufus K. 29 Sep 1865 Widow - now Minerva J. McAfee  Minor heir - Edward S. Harris (age 13) Guardian of Edward _ J. M. Nichols  
54 44 Hatchet, John G. 20 Sep1865 Minor heirs - Ichabod Hatchet (age 19), Rosanna Hatchet (13) & Kesiah Hatchet (11)                            Deceased heirs - Martha E. & Eli Hatchet Guardian of heirs - Olive Hatchet  
54 45 Holstead, John 20 Aug 1866 Minor heir - John J. Halstead John's guardian - Samuel McPheron  
54 46 Mays, Robert 8 Oct 1860 Heir - James Mays Administrator - Stephen M. John 2 page file
54 47 Wright, William E. 27 Jan 1866 Widow - now Mary A. Marshall    Minor heir - Irmis Wright Guardian of Irmis - Alexander Surbaugh 2 page file                                          Outside says Filed Jan 27, 1866, Sam Magill, Clerk
54 48 Miller, Thomas M. 13 Nov 1862 Widow - Mary J. Miller Administrator - George S. Bailor  


The file number is the position of the file in the box at the Courthouse