Parke County, Indiana Library - Rockville
 Parke County, Indiana
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Copyright © 2023  James D. VanDerMark   - All Rights Reserved  -  Remember to quote your source. 

Rockville Public Library

Rockville Public Library

106 N. Market St.

Rockville, IN 47872

Phone: (765)-569-5544

Cindy Hein, Director  - Lynn Lee, Assistant  - Zack McCain, IT/Library Assistant

Library holdings include:

  • Census - 1820-1880 and 1900-1920 for Parke County with 1820-70 Indexed as well as 1900 and 1920; 1850 Mortality

  • Marriages -- 1829-1979 Index to the Marriages found in the Clerk's Office

  • Cemetery -- All-name county index to legible stones (of 134 Platted Cemeteries)

  • Military -- Revolutionary through WWI

  • Land -- Original Land Entries Index; Standard Atlas Map of Parke County (1908)

  • Birth/Death -- 1882-1990 Index to Death Records found in the Birth/Death Office in the Courthouse

  • Will -- 1833-1893 Abstracts

  • Newspapers -- Dec 1853---up-to-date -- very few years indexed (1905,6,7,8 and 1929 only) Parke Place (a Parke County oriented historical paper in the 1970's) -- bound and indexed. 

  • Obituaries Indexed: 1925 to 2006

  • Funeral Home -- Miscellaneous Records

  • National Register of Historical Places -- for Parke County

  • School -- 8th grade graduation records for all of county

  • Tax List -- 1851; 1899 Civic Directory via assessed taxes

  • Casket -- 1899 Casket Registry

  • Quaker -- Bloomfield Monthly Meeting and Rush Creek Monthly Meeting Records

  • DAR -- Patriot Indexes

  • Histories--
    Story of Bridgeton
    History of New Discovery
    History of Nyesville
    Extinct Villages of Penn Township
    History of Vigo and Parke Counties (1880 Beckwith)
    History of Parke and Vermillion Counties (1913 Bowen)
    Bloomingdale's Women's Souvenir (1908 Lamb)
    Portrait and Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke and Fountain Counties (1893 Chapman)
    Our Heritage (1976 Norris)
    Prairie Farmers' Directory of Fountain, Parke and Vermillion Counties (1920)
    A Century of Progress (1855-1955)
    Parke County, Indiana Centennial Memorial (1916 Strouse)
    Extinct Villages of Penn Township
    1989 Parke County Family and Friends

  • Apprentice Records - 1833-1899

  • Guardian -- Bonds 1832-1858

  • Divorces -- Before 1850

  • Family Histories -- include: Adams (4); Akers; Albright; Alderton; Alexander; Amos; Atherton; Bain; Balch; Ballett; Barnes; Barr; Barron; Bartley; Batty; Baxter; Beeson; Belt (2); Berry; Bird; Black; Blake; Bowman; Brackney; Bradfield; Branson (3); Britton; Browning; Buchanan; Burson; Byerly (2); Cabbage; Caldwell; Callis; Campbell; Canaday; Carroll; Carter (2); Carver (2); Cates; Chapman (2); Chastain; Chezem; Church; Clodfelter (3); Coffin; Coleman; Collings (5); Congdon; Cook; Cox (2); Crabb (2); Craig; Cronk; Cronkite; Crooks (2); Culver; Danks; Davies (3); Davis; DeBaum; Denison; Derr; DeVerter; Dicks; Dickson; Dixon (2); Dooley (2); Dowdell; Dunham; Duhamel; Durie; East; Edgarton; Edgecomb; Elder; Elenich; Elliott; Ensley; Ernst; Evans (2); Ewbank; Faris; Fautleroy; Ferguson (3); Fogelman; Forbes; Ford; Fortner; French; Fuller; Garland; Garrigus (2); Ghormley; Gill; Givens (2); Graham; Green; Grimes (2); Grinley; Grubb; Guinn; Hadley; Hall; Hamby; Hamilton; Hanner; Harbison; Harney (2); Harrison; Hartman; Harvey; Hayworth; Hedger; Helt; Hill; Hixson; Hobbs; Hoggatt; Holland; Howell; Hubbard; Hughes; Hunt; Hutton; Ingalls; Innis; Jungman (Youngman); Jessup; Johnson (2); Johnston; Jones; Karr; Keller; Kelsey; Kerr (4); Labadie; Lane; Lang; Lauterbach; Lawson; Leake; Lee (2); Leonard; Lewman; Lindley (3); Logan; Lollis; Lorton; Lough; Loy; McAfee; McCampbell; McCord; McCorkle; McCoy (2); McDowell; McFadden; McFaddin; McHargue; McNeil; Madden (2); Mankin; Mann ; Maris; Marlow (2); Marshall; Martin (5); Mater; Mather; Means; Millemon; Miller (4); Mills; Mitchell (2); Moon (2); Moore (3); Morgan; Morris (2); Moser; Mottern; Mull; Myers (2); Need; Nevins (2); Newlin; Nicholson; Nugent; Oakley; Osborn; Overpeck; Owen; Palmer (2); Pearce; Pearson; Pelton; Phelger; Pickard (3); Pickett (2); Pithoud; Powell; Pruitt; Pryor; Rainey (2); Rainwater; Richardson; Rigdon (2); Ridgway; Rockwell (2); Rogers (2); Rohm; Rooks; Rose (3); Rosenstiel; Ross; Rush; Russell (2); Sager; Sales; Sanford; Sankey; Schideler; Seaman; Seybold; Shields; Shonkwiller; Silbey; Simmons; Skeel; Smith (3); Smock; Sneath; Snell; Snidow; Snoddy; Spencer (2); Stafford; Strain; Steinbach; Stever; Stewart; Stites; Stokes; Sutherland; Sutherlin; Swaim (2); Swan; Tapp; Tate; Teague (2); Thompson (2); Timberman; Tolin; Towell; Treat; Trousdale; Truitt; VanHook (2); VanHuss; Waldschmidt; Waltz; Ward; Waters; Walker; White; Wilkins; Wilson; Wimmer (2); Wolverton; Woodward; Wray; Wyss; Wright; Yates; Youmans; Zook.