
Cemetery Art  (4)

Pike County,



This article appeared in the Family Chronicle • March/April 2007. A special Thanks

to the Magazine,  Halvor Morrshead  the Editor & Publisher and the Author

Kathleen Shanahan Maca for allowing its use on the Pike County Web Page.

Acronyms that may be found on Tombstones

AOF = American Order of Foresters

BPOE = Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks

DAC = Daughters of American Colonists

DAN = Daughters of the Nile (Womens Aux of the Shriners)

DAR   (NSDAR) = Daughters of the American Revolution

DUV = Daughters of Union Vetserans of the Civil War

F & Am or FAM = Free and Accepted Masons

F of A = Foresters of America

FAA = Free and Accepted Americans

FCB = Knights of pythias (Frendship, Charity, Benevolence)

FOE = Fraternal Order of Eagles

FOF = Fraternal of Firefighters

FOP = Fraternal of Police

GAR = Grand Army of the Republic

IOF = Independent Order of Foresters

IKOP = Independent Order of Knights of Pythais

IOOF = Independent Order of Odd Fellows

KC or K of C = Knights of Columbus

LGAR = Ladies of thr Grand Army of the Republic

MWA = Modern Woodsmen of America

Nsdra = National Society Daughters of  American Revolution

NIWA = National Indian War Veterans

OES = Order of Eastern Star

ORM = Order of Red Men

POSA = Patriotic Order of the Sons of Amaerica

RAM = Royal Arch Masons

SCV = Sons of Confederate Veterans

SUVCW = Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

SV = Sons of Veterans

UCV = United Confederate Veterans

UDC = United daughters of the Confederacy

USWV = United spanish War Veterans

VFW = Veterans of Foreign ward

WOW = Woodsmen of the World