Wadesville Christian Church
March 2006

Wadesville Christian Church

In 1948 a group of people of different denominations decided to organize a church where all could worship Christ in harmony. It was agreed to meet on January 2, 1949 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Zenthoefer next door. Rev. George Stuckey preached the first sermon. Several meetings were held in homes. A business meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Rigg. There a committee was appointed to go to see Rev. Lonnie Haas, Evansville, to get advice as to how to proceed to organize a Christian Church, Disciples of Christ. The group was confonted with several problems and they were discouraged. But they had faith. They went to Mr. Vernon and talked with Mr. Fred Wilburn, a long time pillar of the First christian Church of that city. Mr. Wilburn gave them encouragement as well as a donation.

Many meetings and prayers followed that trip. Finally the group rented an empty restaurant building that was located on Highway 66. In April 1949, Mr. William Seibert decided to sell the building to the group for $5,000.00. This took lots more prayers, unity, and hard work. The church Board of Extension in Indianapolis gave them a grant of $1,000.00 and loaned them $4,000.00. Rev. Henry Taylor of Poseyville Christian Church helped the Wadesville group organize. The twelve charter members were the following.

Laymen and ministers from Evansville churches assisted greatly in promoting this new church. Each member assumed his responsibility by teaching and calling. The Wadesville community responded well. Rev. Lester Ringham was the first appointed minister, and he served 1 1⁄2 years. The building paid for in full by March 24, 1954 and on May 9, 1954, the mortgage was burned at a special service. At this time Rev. Henry Kello was the pastor

Almost immediately the ground was broken for a new addition. The corner stone was laid on June 6, 1954. On October 3, 1954 the dedication of the new addition which cost $8,500.00 was held. The membership at this time was 59. Rev. Kello and his son, Rice, named the group

The First Christian Church - Wadesville, Indiana
Rev. Henry Kello died in June 1959.

Ir was decided by the congregation that a pastoral unity b e established between the Poseyville Christian Church and the Wadesville Christian Church, and July 1, 1959 the pastoral was formed with Rev. Ellis Cowling as pastor of both churches.

In June, 1959, the need was obvious for more parking space for the church. The property of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woolston that adjoined the church to the northeast was purchased for the sum of $6,500.00. Membershp at this time was 65.

In October, 1965, the church mortgage was paid in full and the mortgage burned. In December 1965, Rev. Cowling resigned as pastoral unity minister, and the membbership stood at 109.

From 1965 to June, 1957, Rev. L. B. Scarborough served as interim minister and the membership rose to 119. Rev. Herbert Gillen was accepted as minister in June 1967. Rev. Gillen stayed with the church until September, 1970. By this time the membership was 136.

In the following months, until February , 1979, Rev. Harris B. Erickson served as interim minister. Until December of the same year, Rev. Carl Ham served as pastor.

On August 15, 1972, Rev. Rice Kello was hired by the Pastoral Unity Committee to serve the churches at Wadesville and Poseyville. In april of 1973, the church was again remodeled. The pulpit was moved back, and new pews were added. In 1975 the basement was remodeled to make more room. Cabinets and a sink were added.

In March, 1976, Rev. Rice Kello Passed away after four years of faithful services to both churches.

It had been apparent for some time that the steady growth of the church was going to soon warrant the hiring of a full time pastor for the Wadesville Church. The church then took the necessary steps to secure a minister. On August 1, 1976, Rev. Alfred Webb and his wife, Clete J., became members of the Wadesville Christian Church, and Rev. Webb accepted the position as full time minister here.

Through the years the following persons have served their church as Sunday School Superinendents: Fay Williams, Ethel Wasem, Mollie M. Hanes, Kyle Rigg and Raymond Hanes. The church has also heeld annual Vacation Bible Schoolls. At first they had them in conjunction with the General Baptist Church, but in recent years they have held their own separate schools. For man years, Mrs. Ethem Wasem served as superintendent of the Vacation Bible School.

The church has had numerous social get to-gethers. An anual event is the Birthday Suppers that are held every January. Some of their more or less regular fund raisers have been the Chowders and County Stores usually held in September, the fall and spring Rummage Sales, bake sales, Election Day meals, and lunches served at public sales.

The expanding membership is also putting a strain on the physical church, especially in regard to Sunday School and social facitilies. At the present time the Spirit's moving in the members at Wadesville Christian Church, a new building is in th near future, and with the help of Rev. Webb, the Spiritual side of the church is growing rapidly, also.

Submitted by Mollie M. Hanes
History of Wadesville Indiana