April 1, 1953

Death Ends Active Roll in Business       

Funeral Service On Saturday And Mass On Monday

William C. Schenk, 64, of 511 1⁄2 W. Second Street, who for two score years was pleasantly associated with the public as a Mt. Vernon food merchant and bank and grain milling firm employee, died at 11:45 o'clock Tuesday (31 Mar 1953) night in St. Mary's Hospital in Evansville.


A particularly severe coronary thrombosis, which he suffered last Friday morning while at work in the office of the Mt. Vernon Milling Co., was fatal.  His condition had been critical since he suffered the attack although he was conscious until the end.


In his varied business career he established a reputation for solid integrity.


An inherent love of humanity, a sparkling smile and a friendliness that was as sincere as it was evident endeared him to the community.


For six years during World War II he was chairman of the Posey County Selective Service Board.


The body is at the Short Funeral Home and will remain there until burial.  Friends are invited to call beginning Thursday evening.


A memorial service of Mt. Vernon lodge of Elks, of which Mr. Schenk had been a member for many years, at 7:30 o 'clock Friday evening in the Short chapel will precede the funeral service at 10 a.m. Saturday in the chapel with Father William C. Bastnagel, of St. Boniface Catholic Church of Evansville, a first cousin of the deceased, as the officiating priest.  Burial will be in Bellefontaine cemetery.  Because of special Holy Week services no funeral service is permitted in a Catholic Church on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.  Father Raymond B. Smith, pastor of St. Mathew's Catholic Church of Mt. Vernon, of which Mr. Schenk was a life-long member, will celebrate a Funeral Mass at St. Matthew's Church at 8:15 a.m. Monday.


Surviving are the wife, a well known Mt. Vernon teacher of piano, who is the former Florence C. Ries and whose marriage to Mr. Schenk took place Oct 9, 1919; three daughters.


Originally submitted by Betty Sellers