CHADWICK girls - near death - Putnam

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CHADWICK girls - near death

Source: Greencastle Herald 13 Dec 1921 p 1

Struck by a fast east bound Vandalia passenger train at the Vandalia crossing in Fillmore, Helen Chadwick, age 16 and her sister, Thelma, age 12, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chadwick who live seven miles east of Greencastle, both pupils in the Fillmore schools were badly injured at near 5 o’clock Monday afternoon. The horse driven by the young women was killed and the buggy wrecked. The older girl suffered a severe scalp wound on the back of her head, many bad bruises and from shock, while the younger girl suffered a similar scalp wound on the back of her head, a broken right arm and bruises and from shock. Helen Chadwick attends Fillmore HS while her sister is in 7th grade of the public schools. After school Monday they started to drive home in a closed buggy. The girls drove directly onto the track in front of the fast east bound passenger train. The engine struck the horse squarely killing it and throwing the buggy and the girls to the side of the track. They were picked up by witnesses to the accident and carried to the office of Dr. Crouch where they were given medical and surgical aid. They were kept at the home of Dr. Crouch until Tuesday morning when they were taken to their home. Each is doing nicely and no permanent injuries are exacted as the result of their accident. Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick live on the old Charley Kelley farm, 7 miles east of Greencastle on the Washington Street pike.

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