Chattanooga, Tenn
September 21, 1864

Well, Dad and Marm:

I thought I would write you a few lines again to let you know that I am well and harty and hoping this may find you well.  You wanted me to write every week.  Well I am going to do so, although I have not got any from you to answer, but I thought I would write to you anyhow.

Well, we have not left here yet, but we will soon I expect.  I don't know whether we will or not.  We will know in 4 or 5 days about it.  If we come home we will stay about 40 days, I guess.  So I can help you some if we come, but don't make any calculations on it for you may be disappointed.

Well, Dad, I like it very well down here.  You ought to see some of our little hills, 'specially Lookout Mountain.  It is a grand sight.  I am going tomorrow to see something else pleasing to the eye if it is to be seen.

Well, Dad, leather is up high, that's true, but you can make something at shoemaking if you figger right.  Dad, who has to pay you for the farm?  If John has got to pay you, it is all right, but if Burk has to pay you will have to close the mortgage I am afraid, but make him toe up to the mark to make yourself safe on money.

Well, I shall have to close for this time.  I will write every week.  Don't write until I tell you to for we may leave soon.

I remain your son,

T. L. Larue

Good day to Dad and Marm