Submitted by: John McCartney


Susannah (Crockett) Clark obit
St. Joseph Valley Register
South Bend, St. Joseph, Ind.
Thursday, 29 Aug 1872, Page 2
Death of an Early Settler
  Mrs. Susannah Clark, aged 77, died at two o'clock on Sunday morning, of chronic diarrhea, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Carpenter, on Michigan street. She had lived in the city about 24 years, was widely known, and universally esteemed and loved. The disease of which she died, had afflicted her about one year. In April last, she visited her son, Elias V. [Vickers] Clark, in Nebraska, hoping the change of locality would benefit her health. She seemed to improve for a time, but was again taken worse, and about six weeks since, her daughters here, Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs. McCartney [Louisa (Clark) McCartney, widow of James M McCartney], were telegraphed that she was dying. They answered the summons in person, and as she once more seemed better, Mrs. Carpenter remained with her and brought her back to this city, about two weeks ago. Her symptoms did not again become alarming until a few hours before here death, and to the last, she recognized and spoke with those about her. Her dying moments were without pain, and full of the ineffable peace born of the religious faith which had been her strength and comfort for 40 years.

[Susannah (Crockett) Clark b: abt 1793 in Kentucky, was the daughter of Robert and Martha (Cartmill) Crockett. She was married to Thomas Clark on 09 Nov 1815, in Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, by the Rev. Elias Vickers. Her known children are Elias Vickers Clark, Adeline Clark and Louisa Clark.]