Submitted by: Dan Rich


Rev. Joseph M. Doherty, CSC

May 23, 1913 - Feb. 15, 1998


South Bend Tribune 2/26/1998


NOTRE DAME - Father Joseph M. Doherty, C.S.C., 84, died of a heart attack on Feb. 15, 1998, in Talagante, Chile. He had been recuperating from generally weak health for some months.


Fr. Doherty was born on May 23, 1913, to William and Helen Doherty in Holmsville, New Brunswick, Canada.


Upon graduation from St. John's University, St. Joseph, N.B., he entered Holy Cross Novitiate, North Dartmouth, Ma, in 1936, made first vows on Aug. 16, 1937, and final vows on Aug. 16, 1940.


He studied theology in Le Mans, France, during 1937-40; then, due to the outbreak of World War II, returned to complete his studies at Holy Cross College, Washington, D.C. He was ordained on June 12, 1941, in St. John, New Brunswick.


From 1941 to 1943 he taught at the University of Portland, then helped establish St. George's College, Santiago, Chile. He stayed at St. George's until 1949 when he became the first pastor of San Roque parish in Santiago, a post he held for 11 years. After teaching again at St. George's and assisting at Santo Domingo parish during 1960-61, he was chaplain at Holy Cross High School, River Grove, Ill., until 1963. He then returned to Chile to found and direct Hogar de San Jose, an orphanage in Talagante.


A Canadian citizen, Father Doherty was awarded the Order of Canada for his work in Chile with the homeless and poor, especially orphans. He was also made an honorary citizen of Chile and received the Bernardo O'Higgins Medal, given to residents who are not citizens of Chile, but who have rendered special service to that country.


There was a wake service on Monday, Feb. 16, and the funeral was on Tuesday, Feb. 17. Both were in the parish church in Talagante, Chile, the town where he had his home for children.


He was buried in Chile.


There will be a memorial Mass at 3:30 p.m. on Friday in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame, Ind.