Submitted by: John McCartney


Edward Egbert obit
St. Joseph Valley Register
Thursday, 16 Dec 1875, Page 3
South Bend, Ind.

Death of a Well Known Citizen.
  The many friends of Edward Egbert, of this city, will be pained to hear of his death which occurred Thursday morning at 2:35. The deceased was the son of Judge Elisha Egbert, one of the early settlers of this place, who was highly respected by the community, and was presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for many years. In his early years he gave promise of a useful and honorable life. He was possessed of more than the ordinary talents and was highly endowed with those qualities of mind and heart that insure the respect of his fellowmen and cement more firmly the bonds of friendship. After passing through our public schools and the Northern Indiana College where the most of his education was obtained, he entered, in 1868, Asbury University, remaining one year there, and his course there was a brilliant one. He then took a course in the Law School of the Michigan University from which he graduated in 1871 with distinguished honors. He began then the practice of law in this, his home and his talents and recognized proficiency in the law gave him a position at once alike honorable and with the promise of greats success. In the literary societies of the place he took a prominent part and his efforts were always characterized by logical reasoning, good sense and clear expression. For sometime he filled the responsible position of City Attorney which he was obliged to give up in consequence of ill health. From that time to the present he has been engaged in the practice of his profession and taking some part in the local politics. On Tuesday night he was taken with congestion of the brain, and remained at the Dwight House all night. On Wednesday he was able to be removed to his mother¢s residence, his home, and notwithstanding everything was done for him that was possible, he gradually sank away until death ensued. At the time of his death he was in his 26 year, being born Nov. 29th, 1850.

[Edward Egbert was the son of Elisha Egbert and his second wife, Mary Elizabeth Davis. DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, has a Methodist heritage and was originally known as Indiana Asbury University.]