Submitted by Nadine Hardin


Name in Obituary:  Elizabeth Wallisch

Names mentioned:  Wallisch, Goepfrich, Stahl, Pippal


South Bend Tribune, February 18, 1932

Mrs. Elizabeth Wallisch, age 81, of 520 Euclid ave., died as 3:30 o' clock Wednesday afternoon in her home after a six months' illness. She was born in Austria, May 15, 1850, and came here from Bryan, Texas, 26 years ago. She was married in Austria in 1874 to George Wallisch, who preceeded her in death.

She leaves two daughters, Mrs. George Geoffrich <Goepfrich> and Mrs. Susan Stahl; one step-son Frank Wallisch, all of South Bend , and one step-daughter, Mrs. Katherine Pippal of Chicago. The body will lie in state in the residence and funeral rites will take place at 9 o 'clock Saturday morning from St. Mary's Roman Catholic church. Rev. Michael Oswald, C.S.C., will read the mass and burial will be in Highland Cemetery.