Submitted by: Dan Rich


Rev. Anthony Zubowicz CSC

About 1860 – Sept. 17, 1935


South Bend Tribune 9/17/1935

Rev. Anthony Zubowicz CSC, aged about 75, one of South Bend’s early Polish pastors, died in the community infirmary at the University of Notre Dame at 4:30 o’clock this morning. He had been ill most of the summer in St. Mary’s hospital in Chicago, and was brought to Notre Dame, scene of his first years in this country on Sept. 4.


Father Zubowicz was born in Poland and was brought to this country through the efforts of the late Rev. Valentine Czyzewski CSC, then pastor of St. Hedwig’s Roman Catholic Church. He studied at Notre Dame, took his priestly vows there and became one of the first pastors of St. Casimir’s Roman Catholic Church. He served until 1913, and when Father Czyzewski died Father Zubowicz assumed his pastorate. He was pastor of St. Hedwig’s parish until 1925 when he was transferred to an assistant pastorate in Holy Trinity Church in Chicago, which post he filled until his last illness.


The funeral will take place at 10 o’clock Friday morning in the St. Hedwig’s church and internment will be in the Community Cemetery at Notre Dame.