PALMER Laketon, Aug. 27 – Henry E. Palmer, 56, for many years a foreman at the Wabash Coating Mills, died at his home here on Monday evening after an illness of several months. Mr. Palmer had moved to Laketon from Wabash. A native of Henry County, he came to this county as a young man. Surviving are his widow; his mother, Mrs. Albert Palmer; three children, Mrs. Ivan M. Hudson, North Manchester, Mrs. J. Fred Hansopher, Louisville and Mrs. A. R. Havus, Fort Wayne; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Sherwin and Mrs. Edna Mehring of Wabash; one brother, G. L. Palmer of Wabash and six grandchildren. The body was taken to the Wertenberger-Vorels Funeral Home to await completion of funeral arrangements. Journal-Gazette, Fort Wayne, IN, August 28, 1940.