Fairview Cemetery; Servia, Wabash County, Indiana Decatur Daily Democrat, Adams County, IN Thursday, July 13, 1972 Former teacher here is killed in an accident A former teacher in Decatur high school, Mrs. Orma Jene Sherman, 42, of Alameda, N.M.; was one of four persons killed in the collision of an auto and a truck at the intersection of U.S. 30 and Ind. 5, at the north edge of Larwill at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday. Mrs. Sherman, the former Orma Jene Steller, taught in the home economics department of the Decatur high school in the early 1950’s. Other victims of the crash were Mrs. Sherman’s teen-aged daughter, Kathy, and her parents, William B. Steller, 74, of Serbia, and Mrs. Susie I. Steller. Mrs. Sherman’s one-year-old son, Robert Sherman, underwent surgery last night at Parkview memorial hospital, Fort Wayne, where his condition was reported critical. Mrs. Sherman’s husband, Frank, arrived by plane from New Mexico late Wednesday night. Bodies of the accident victims were removed to the Bender funeral home at North Manchester. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Mr. and Mrs. Steller were uncle and aunt of Mrs. Merritt Alger of this city, and Mrs. Sherman, an only child, was first cousin of Mrs. Alger.