The subject of this sketch died March 28d, 1892, at her mother's home, in Green Hill, Indiana, aged 25 years and 15 days.  Interment occurred in the Davis Cemetery.  Deceased was a wife of James Davis and daughter of Amanda Watkins.  She leaves four little children, the youngest being 7 months old.

Death, silent and unseen, has entered another home, leaving heavy clouds of sorrow about the lives of its inmates and making new deep furrows on their souls.  But the sun light of hope, strengthened by a steadfast belief in man's immortality, illumes their sorrow and wins them from despair.  I think of no more beautiful words than these of Mazzine's:  "Though our hearts be heavy with sorrow, let it not be the withering dry atheistical despair which would make her sad above, but the pious, loving, consecrated grief making us better--better loving, more devoted to the truths she taught, more bound to all that she loved.  Let us do nothing that she would not approve.  Let death be the christening to a renewed earnestness, to the high, religious belief, to all the immortal hopes which nourished her angel soul."    A Friend

Source: Warren Republican, 1 April 1892, Warren County, Indiana

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