HENRY C. WATKINS, in his younger days a farmer, died Sunday night at 9:30 o'clock at his home in Battle Ground. Death was caused by leakage of the heart. He had been ill for six months. Mr. WATKINS was 69 years old and was born in Maryland, coming to Indiana when he was 17 years of age. For a number of years he was engaged in farming near Green Hill. He was a member of the U.B. church at Battle Ground. A widow, ten children, and one sister, Mrs. GEORGE LAMB, of Battle Ground, survive

Source: Lafayette Daily Courier, January 8, 1918, Lafayette, Indiana

(another that is pretty much the same, just a bit different information)

After an illness of six months Henry C. Watkins, a retired farmer, died at his home at Battle Ground, of leakage of the heart.  Mr. Watkins was 69 years of ages: was born in Maryland, and came to Indiana when he was seventeen years of age.  For a number of years he was engaged in farming near Green Hill but moved from that place to Battle Ground several years ago.  He had been a member of the U.B. church for a number of  years.

He is survived by his widow, ten children, and a sister, Mrs. George Lamb [Josephine], of Battle Ground.

Submitted by Adina Watkins Dyer, great-granddaughter.

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