Though the INGenWeb is offered to our users free of charge, there are costs associated with providing this service. In addition to supplying valuable resources for our users, our volunteers also shoulder the costs of making the resources available to you. Many thanks to the following individuals, who have generously provided funds to keep the INGenWeb up and running!

2017 Donors

Darlene Anderson
Gene Andert
Pat Asher
Beth Bassett
Marsha Bryant
Sheri Bush
Dan Elliott
Mindee Gleason
Lena Harper
Sheila Kell
Ronda Loehmer
Terrie Minneman
John Peck
Lynn Spohr
Michael Sweeney
Karen Zach
Alan Zeller

Previous Donors

Dan Terry
Jeff Scism
Adina Dyer
Gina Richardson
Debby Beheler
Linda Churchward
Sharon Craig
Tracey Morris
Sheri Bush
Sheila L. Kell
Roberta Wunder
Jim VanDerMark
Mike Pierce
Sharon Vanden Bossche
Mindee Gleason
Carol Genung
Mike Sweeney
Cheryl Parker
Darlene Anderson
Peggy Bowen
Kimbra Smith
C. J. Whan
Patti & Eric Norton
Angel Jacobsen
Steve Shook
William Taber
Lois Johnson
Marsha Bryant
Patricia Mount