Sixth Census of the United States, 1840
Vanderburgh County, Indiana
M704 Roll 96

Microfilm Pages
630 - 632 - 634 - 636 - 638

1840 Census - Surnames - Townships - Page Numbers - Key

These pages may not be copied or reproduced in
any form without the written consent of the author.
Transcribed and Indexed by
Evelyn PFINGSTON Dismore
PO Box 206, Gilbertsville, KY

Microfilm Page No. 630
Pigeon Township

Heads of Families                Page No.  Males       Females

PIGEON TOWNSHIP                    630
STINSON                LEWIS       630    01210011    1002001
HOUK                   CHARLES     630    000001      000000001
MCKNITT                Wm          630    00001001    1111
CURL                   JOHN A      630    2000001     01001
BARNES                 J R         630    100001      100001
HUNCHBURGER?           FRENCH      630    200001      101001
LUM/LINN               CHAS        630    1100001     000001
SIDENDER/LIDENDER?     CONRAD      630    000001      00001
FISHER                 JOSEPH      630    000011      10001
CULP                   WESLEY      630    00001       200001
PARVIN                 JAMES       630    00001       00001
MARK                   JOHN D      630    10001       00001
SULLIVAN               BETSY       630    0011        3001001
ROUSS/ROUP             JOHN        630    000001      110001
LOFTON                 SENA/LENA   630
                FREE COLORED       630                2201
STOCKWELL              THOMAS F    630    100011      0211
JONES                  JAMES G     630    0100111     11101
LOVE/LANE             DANIEL T/S/L 630    000001      21011
MORGAN                 Wm          630    110051      111001
ONYET                  JOHN        630    0001101     3200101
NEWMAN                 JOHN M      630    100001      00001
RUD/BUD/RUTH           JOHN N      630    00001       00001
HUMPHREY               NOAH        630    000001      0002
HUNNEL                 WILLIAM     630    11011       00001
HUNNEL                 JACOB       630    000101      210001
SMITH                  HANNAH      630    011         0010011
BRANHAM                MARY        630    00101       0011101
KRAUZINGER?            GERHARDT    630    00001001    00000001
FISHER                 GEORGE      630    1000021     10001
DAY                    LEWIS B     630    00000001    101001

Return to 1840 Census - Surnames - Townships - Page Numbers - Key

Microfilm Page No. 632
Pigeon Township

Heads of Families                Page No.  Males       Females
PIGEON TOWNSHIP                    632
TAILOR                 RACHEL      632    00011       000101
STEPHENS               SILAS       632    11100101    00111
CHRIST                 JAMES B     632    000001      101101
STINSON                JOHN M      632    110101      1120001
DEAN                   Wm          632    00010001    100001
LINK/SINK              JOSEPH      632    10001       000011
HOOKES/HOOKER          LEVI        632    000001      0001
ARMSTRONG              Wm          632    100001      10001
LARNER/LAMON           A H         632    110001      100101
MUHLER                 MICHAEL     632    0001001     1100001
POOLES/                M           632    000001      000001
NEIGHBOR               MARTIN      632    00021001    01
OWLE                   JOHN        632    100001      00001
COLYER                 JOHN        632    00001       100001
DEVIGAN/DANIGAN?       JACOB       632    10001       01001
FULMAN                 CHARLES     632    0000001     000001
OLENGER                JOHN        632    000001      0000001
COFFER                 WM          632    00000001    0000001
LOP                    PETER       632    10001       00001
SWIETZER/SAR----       JOHN        632    3000001     000001001
 The above name may be Laveelzer-Saveelzer-SCHWERDTFEGER?
PARVETT                ROBERT      632    1030101     121011
HAM                    Wm L/S      632    00001       200001
KIUSE/KUISE            JACOB       632    0100001     111
HOOK/HUCK/HOOKER       ADAM        632    0001        10001
MAYER                  JOHN        632    000001      100001
NIGHTINGALE            JOHN        632    11101       10001
CILOR                  JOHN        632    0010001     110001
EULER                  JOHN        632    01001       00001
NEPILE/NESSILE?        LEWIS       632    00001       00001
STINSON                J W G       632    1001        00001

Return to 1840 Census - Surnames - Townships - Page Numbers - Key

Microfilm Page No. 634
Pigeon Township

Heads of Families                Page No.  Males       Females
PIGEON TOWNSHIP                    634
PERKINS                SETH        634    210001      002001
MCLIN                  HIRAM       634    10001       10011
WOOD                   JOSEPHOIS   634    000001      0001
WALKER                 JAMES T/L   634    001(1?)01   10001
WALKER                 Wm          634    00100001    00012001
WALKER                 GEORGE M    634    000111      0002
EATON                  THOMAS      634    10001       10001
SORBBLE/SARBBER?       JOHN        634    1021301     1210001
RILEY                  PATRICK     634    221001      100001
McCLINTON              ROBO        635    00001       200001
LILLESTON/SILLERTON?   JOHN W      634    0000201     01110
HENSON                 JOHN        634    1110001     0101001
CARPENTER              WILLARD     634    001001      10002
LAMB                   JESSE T     634    10001       10001
BREED                  RUFUS       634    11001       00001
WATH/WASTH             THOMAS      634    0000001     010301
BUTLER                 SOLOMAN     634    100001      1100011
APP                    JOHN M      634    000001      20001
SHIMMEL                CHAS        634    01001       1000101
GIESLER                JACOB       634    100001      01001
HENN/HAM               HENRY       634    00001       0001
HENRICH                SEBASTIAN   634    002001      0000011
LONG                   RACHEL      634    01          01001
SANSON/LANSON          BENG        634    10(1?)1     00001
CLIGH?                 JACOB       634    0000001     0010001
KRUMER/KNIMER?         JAS         634    0001        10001
CRAIG                  JOHN        634    0001001     0000001
DUNHAM/DURHAM          JOHN M      634    0000001001  010001001
KROH                   HENRY       634    101001      311101

Return to 1840 Census - Surnames - Townships - Page Numbers - Key

Microfilm Page No. 636
Pigeon Township

Heads of Families                Page No.  Males       Females
PIGEON TOWNSHIP                    636
WALKER                 Wm M        636    0221001     003001
JONES                  M P         636    0101101     110011
BOWLES                 JOSHUA      636    00112001    00120001
SATTERLEE              VARNER      636    0112        111001
EVANS                  C C         636    210001
               FREE COLORED        636    01
HUTCHENSON             A P         636    110001      220001
SORCE?/SORG            Wm          636    01000101    0000001
HENSON/HUSON/HUDSON    JOHN        636    100001      10001
WOODRIFF               MATTHEW     636    000010001   00001
SUMMERS/LUMMER         HENRY       636    000101      0111
STEWART                LUTHER      636    00001       1000001
STOCKWELL              JOHN M      636    001011      1001
CASTLAND               JOHN        636    011001      010001
FOSTER                 Wm          636    10001       10001
HARVEY                 EDWARD      636    100001
SHERWOOD               MARCUS      636    10011       001021
AMONY                  G W         636    100111      10011
CLARK                  AMOS        636    0001001     0020101
LYON                   GEO F       636    000001      00001
HOLMAN                 D H         636    100001      01001
SCATES                 JOSEPH      636    0000001     202001
             FREE COLORED          636    1
MOSS/MUSS              CHRISTOPH   636    00000001    000001
BULLOCK                BOYD        636    000001      001001
SCHNELL                REUBEN      636    100211      00011
ORR                    SAMUEL      636    10001       10011
RAGEN                  WILKS       636    0010001     0200001

Return to 1840 Census - Surnames - Townships - Page Numbers - Key

Microfilm Page No. 638
Pigeon Township

Heads of Families                Page No.  Males       Females
PIGEON TOWNSHIP                    638
JENKINS                RICHARD     638    0000001     000101(1?)
WOOD                   LAKE        638    010001001   11101001
WHITE                  BARTON      638    100002      021001
HALLETT                BENJ        638    00001001    0000001
JOINER                 NANCY       638
                     FREE COLORED  638    310000      3201
NEAL                   ELIZABETH   638    00201       0002001
BLACKBURN              HARVEY      638    20101       10001
OLMSTEAD               JAMES H Sr  638    001100001   01001001
NEGLEY                 DAVID       638    01002001    0112001
                   FREE COLORED    638                01
MCDOWELL               JAMES H     638    110001      21101
WOODWORTH              HORRA?      638    3000201     010101
MILLER                 JACOB       638    10101       00001
WALKER                 MARY        638    1011        01102001
SMITH                  THOMAS      638    00110001    00000001
BATES                  Wm          638    00101       000001
BATES                  GEORGE      638    00002       0001
KIRKPATRICK            JAMES R     638    12110001    1000101
PERRY                  JOHN        638    200001      121001
SMITH                  ROBERT      638    010001      22001
JONES                  JOSHUA      638    201         01111
LOOMIS                 ALBERT      638    300001      00001
BENKER?                WILLIAM     638    00001       02002
OLMSTEAD               Wm  (2)     638    000001      12001
GOLDSMITH              D F         638    1200100101  1021
HOPKINS                LORENZO     638    010001      10001
HAMPTON                WILLIAM     638    01111001    00121
WEAVER                 JOSEPH      638    000001      2000111
NEWHOUSE               JOHN        638    00001       00101
SHELL                  EMANUEL     638    002011      0001101
PERRY                  JOHN (2)    638    00001       00001
PECK                   ISAAC       638    110001      11001

Return to 1840 Census - Surnames - Townships - Page Numbers - Key


  Left Column  = Males
  Right Column = Females

 Column     Whites          Free Colored
   1        Under 5           Under 10
   2      5 & Under 10     10 & Under 24
   3     10 & Under 15     24 & Under 36
   4     15 & Under 20     36 & Under 55
   5     20 & Under 30     55 & Under 100
   6     30 & Under 40       OVER 100
   7     40 & Under 50
   8     50 & Under 60
   9     60 & Under 70
  10     70 & Under 80
  11     80 & Under 90
  12     90 & Under 100
  13       OVER 100


000001  00001
indicates one white male between the ages 30 & Under 40
and one white female between the ages 20 & Under 30

FREE COLORED   0           01
indicates zero free colored males
and one free colored female between the ages 10 & Under 24

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Vanderburgh County INGenWeb
Tri-State Genealogical Society

John G. West - Evansville, IN
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This page was last updated on 22 SEP 2007

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